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Photos by Lennart Ootes

Abdusattorov, Nodirbek (2716) – Erigaisi Arjun (2712)
Qatar Masters (chess24.com) [9] 2023.10.20
D31 Queen’s Gambit Declined, semi-Slav, Marshall gambit

1.c4 e6 2.Nc3 d5 3.d4 c6 4.e4 dxe4 5.Nxe4 Bb4+ 6.Bd2 Qxd4 7.Bxb4 Qxe4+ 8.Be2 Na6 9.Bd6 Qxg2 10.Bf3 Qg5 11.Ne2 Ne7 12.Ng3 e5 13.Qb3 O-O 14.h4 Qf6 15.Ne4 Qe6 16.O-O-O Re8 17.Rhg1 Nf5 18.Bh5 Nd4 19.Qd3 g6 20.f4 c5 21.fxe5 Nb4 22.Qf1 Qf5 23.Rxd4 cxd4 24.Nf6+ Kh8 25.Bxb4 Rxe5 26.Bd1 Be6 27.Bd6 Bxc4 28.Ng4 Qxf1 29.Bxe5+ Kg8 30.Rxf1 Bxf1 31.Nf6+ Kg7 32.Kd2 Bg2 33.b4 h6 34.Bb3 Kf8 35.Bxd4 Ke7 36.Ke3 b6 37.Ng4 Bh3 38.Kf4 g5+ 39.hxg5 hxg5+ 40.Kg3 Bxg4 41.Kxg4 Rd8 42.Ba1 Rd3 43.Kxg5 a5 44.bxa5 bxa5 45.Bc4 Rd2 46.Kf4 a4 47.Bc3 Rh2 48.Kf5 Rh4 49.Bf6+

00:00 Hello Everyone!

Magnus Carlsen and Hikaru Nakamura top the field for the Qatar Masters, a 9-round Swiss tournament taking place from 11–20 October 2023 in Lusail, Qatar. The prize fund is $110,000.

Players receive 90 minutes for 40 moves, followed by 30 minutes to the end of the game, plus a 30-second increment starting from move one. Official website:

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%1$ Comments96

    What a sad ugly blunder… Really heartbreaking as the title says

    Love Agadmator but this video he talks too fast and confusing me

    Don't really see that as heart break, since black was on the backfoot for the whole game and down so much on the clock. Heartbreak would be if Nordibek lost after dominating Arjun with such great prep and being up so much time and in such a complicated position.

    This was just expected result overall based on the rest of the game, since I'm guessing Arjun was really low on time when he made such a basic blunder(if not then he deserved to lose even more). Did he make time control or was this a blunder on move 40 etc due to time trouble?

    Nordibek is very strong mentality it seems based on what I've seen of him play. He can keep calm and collected, even against the top 10 or even Carlsen. The man will definitely be a superGM for a long time to come, maybe even future WC. He is still young.

    Either way great game and great prep from Nordibek. Arjun also did reasonably well to defend against such prep and last for so long in such complicated position with ever decreasing time. But in the end the expected result happened due to one being better prepared and better nerves(since no one need to calculate anything over such a blunder, let alone a super GM), low on time and blundered which is just normal result for chess.

    Sr I love Agad but he really does confuse me in this one. Usually I don't mind his strange use of 'however' but coupled with the mixed-up variations, the storytelling was really off in this one. At some point I didn't even know who was supposed to push for a win'. I just have to call this out, hopefully Agad won't take it to heart

    Always blunder in important match

    Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service

    This looks like some great Rustam prep. Fabi was such an idiot to let him go.

    It’s not a heartbreak Nordirnek played beautiful game and he deserves the win

    No Nakamura games so far. I'd he playing badly? 🤔

    That has to be one of the most out of pocket donation names.

    That’s a move I would make at the end there

    I don't see what's so heartbreaking about this. Everyone knows what Nodirbek is capable of (arguably even the stronger player here), he obviously had superior prep in this game and 100% deserved to win. Arjun was burning time trying to come up with moves over the board. It's not like Arjun had a winning position for the majority of the game only to blunder it at the last moment to an "underdog". I'd go so far to say it would be heartbreaking if NODIRBEK lost the game. Also, everyone knows a half point lead isn't very much of a lead. You can't even say he was already winning the tournament. With the number of players in 2nd place at that point his "lead" was by no means secure.

    Agad is sooo cool he can even show the same variation twice))

    Terrible blunder not expected at this level. He should go back to compete below 1500elo he might have a chance there

    Biz o‘zbeklar yakkalik sport turlarida juda kuchlimiz. Mana 3yildan beri shaxmatda ham dunyo bo‘ylab eng yaxshi natijalarni o‘zbek grossmeysterlari ko‘rsatishyapti.
    Xuddi Gukesh olimpiadada otni qoldirib ketganidek Arjun ham ruxni qoldirib ketdi!

    Arjun Erigesi is the dumpest player in India…look at the way he lost this match…whenever he is leading in any tournament, he will throw his lead with this kind of worst play 😢…for me Pragg is the best player in India as he always deliver in pressure situation…even India's no.1 Gukesh will break under pressure but not Pragg…

    just here to hear antonio say "ur mom's smothered mate"

    The ads breaking up the video are a mess. I hope its not going to be the new normal

    Nice to see the drummer from Red Hot Chili Peppers donating $10.11 to the great Agadmator! 😏

    I recall the last olympiad when Abdusatarov defeated Gukesh who had 7 out of 7, in a game where he was lost.
    He is the bkack beast of young indian players 😣😥😄

    I don't know what happened, but now there are many ad stops during the videos … this is pretty annoying and im not sure if you turned it on Agadmator, but if you can turn it off again it would be great! Its oretty disruptive to the move flow when an ad pops up in a chess game!

    Wow the sound is completely distorted. This guy always screws something up la amazing he is still alive.

    Just memorise a maze of obscure computer lines, dump them on the hapless opponent to figure out over the board and clean up as he finally collapses at the last hurdles blundering rook, game and match.

    Given than nodirbek brought crazy prep and was better for most of the game but Arjun still defended it was sad to see him blunde r

    sad to see after managing to withstand such a tough game.

    Talks too much hence a lot of mistakes in analysing.

    nice game ,nice comeback from Arjun and a pity that he blundered …

    Hey Agadmator. Long time subscriber and lurker, but I’m not a fan of the ads in the middle of the videos. It ruins the flow for me.

    love you agadmator but your new mic is clipping and hurts

    Not sure why but a LOT of audio distortion.
    But otherwise love your videos!

    I know Agad likes to be fast/first with his uploads but this was a bit all over the place.

    Festina lente.

    If a knight is a tricky bastard, what would you call the bishop pair? A sadistic demon child?

    nodirbek is having a wonderful 2 years of comeul unlike alireza hes lost alot but still manages to somehow remain at the tippy top would love to see him become a world championship contender in a few years

    What a shame, it is the first time I've seen a video of yours bombarded by ever disgusting YouTube ads.

    some audio clipping here. Would recommend to ask @podcastage about an audio setup

    I am glad a 2700 can and does make the same mistakes I do

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