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Photos by Lennart Ootes

Nepomniachtchi, Ian (3089) – Carlsen, Magnus (3324)
Speed Chess Championship 2023 ( [02-28] 2023.09.13
B02 Alekhine’s defence, Brooklyn defence

1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Ng8 3.d4 d6 4.Nf3 c6 5.Nc3 Bg4 6.Be2 Nd7 7.exd6 exd6 8.O-O Ngf6 9.h3 Bxf3 10.Bxf3 d5 11.Re1+ Be7 12.Bf4 Nf8 13.Qd3 Ne6 14.Be5 O-O 15.Ne2 Bd6 16.Ng3 Bxe5 17.dxe5 Nd7 18.Nf5 g6 19.Nh6+ Kg7 20.Ng4 h5 21.Ne3 Nxe5 22.Nf5+ Kf6 23.Rxe5 Kxe5 24.Re1+ Kf6 25.Nd4 Re8 26.Qc3 Qb6 27.Rxe6+ fxe6 28.Qe3 e5

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%1$ Comments253

    My man giving his opponents a head start
    Just luke a bmw driver 😂

    When I play 2…, Nf8 it's a blunder when magnesium plays it it's brilliant.

    Next lvl, Magnus has been moved his focusing point from general opening to handicap. Thus, he’s likely to be the only person which knows every variation of these kind. Truly art.

    bro didn’t embarrass Ian enough at the world championships I guess

    He quote says 'good funt' instead of 'good fun'.

    It's crazy that Carlsen has already won a game where he undeveloped the Knight.

    Completely new game @ just move 5. 😮

    Chess moves have soooo many probabilities !

    Magnus can play any move he want and can win.. even if his first move after 3 move from opponent

    This is why faster time format is the best to show the true power of players since on classical every players have the same benefits to memorize engines lines which is boring, Magnus understanding on chess is just way above the other players that even he beat ian (twice wc contender) effortlessly.. damn crazy level of chess

    Jedini igrač koji može pobijediti magnusa je Antonio Radić, u brzopoteznom šahu on može pobijediti magnusa

    The infamous Brooklyn Variation of the Alekhine Defense. I play this too sometimes in Blitz and Rapid.

    "Your Majesty, I am going to move you to E5 in order to take the castle."
    "What?! You're moving me to the front lines?"
    "You're going to be bait."
    "B-but you can't do that! I'm the king! This is blasphemy! This is madness!"
    "This is chess."

    LOL I said King to G5. I was tricked into thinking I got it right.

    Best game ever of Magnus Carlsen 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    Aaa, yeah… "Gambit sandomierski" is what Magnus played

    if you act like everyone expects, you will never gain any advantage

    Everyone can beat Magnus but cannot overpower him.
    You can beat him once and he will beat you multiple time.
    He's just on another generation . He just came too early.

    Knight back reminds me of Game of Death (1978) where Kareem Abdul Jabbar just throws his hands to fake out Bruce Lee and show that he's afraid.

    Magnus might be the finest overall chess player of all-time .

    Wow, that's a crazy pause-the-video move, especially for a bullet game. If I found that move after an hour of thinking I would be proud of myself.

    Magnus is like experimenting an opening when face Ian and Ian himself know when he is facing Magnus is a big odd to him.

    "thrown out of chess school" lol, I would have failed my chess school. 🙂

    It’s like Magnus tries to find exciting openings in order to keep things fresh and keep having fun playing chess because things definitely get stale if you keep using the same openings/moves.

    Okay, openings officially don't matter if you're Magnus in bullet.

    Nepo gives up quicker than….. _________________________

    Wins in 28 moves w/ giving away 2 moves, nice.

    I believe ex world champion Tigran Petrosian first played Ng8 in the Alekine. I've played it myself online with some success.

    Magnus is so much better intuitively that he prefers going out of theory, giving up an advantage the first 3-5 moves, simply to be devastation positionally the next 15-20 movies. Of course this only works in short time control were his opponents can't spend an hour capitalizing on his bad start.

    It reminds me of when Fischer played those online games against Short – playing ridiculous openings, just to make his inevitable victory interesting.

    Kf6 is the kind of move you only see at 800 and 2800, truly something else.

    That really is something, winning as Black from 3 tempi down against Nepo, who did not blunder. Sometimes it almost looks like chess is just not a sufficiently challenging game for Magnus. All clichés aside, he really is that good.

    Magnus gives you an idea of what Fisher would have been with a computer to help him with prep and analysis. Utterly mindboggling.

    But the queen was in danger for the coming discovery so he placed in the place.

    this counts as the real world championship games in my mind. none of this matchfixing ding stuff.

    Magnus' Queen move only once but won the game!

    gives his opponent 3 free moves and still wins….just boggles my mind

    Classical chess is for dumbbells who failed gym class

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