How MANY brilliant moves in Chess ???

How many brilliant moves could there possibly be in one single game???
Farming brilliant moves in a stalemate…

Music- Mozart

%1$ Comments156

    bro has more brilliants in 1 game than me in mz whole life💀💀💀

    It possible to win, fork to king and rook, if he take it a steelmate and if he move king, you eat roooook!!

    Malisimo el nivel de la partida, muchas impresiciones pero al menos hizo algo curioso

    3:29 his mistake was that, instead of advancing the pawn, he could have checkmate with e8 rook

    My Elo is like 2186.But I play like a 2000 as that's what my NM friend says

    Bro, he lost mate in 1 💀 on 3:28 white could move Re8++

    2:21. You missed a backrank mate
    Queen to c8 check
    If black plays Rook to d8
    Queen takes rook at d8 check
    Then black will play queen to f8
    Then Queen takes queen and checkmate

    If black plays queen to f8 when given check with the queen
    Then Queen takes queen and it is checkmate

    1600 i can win one bot 2100 but whit takebacks

    Black rook: I wanna die, kill me, pls
    White king: STFU, get outta here
    Black rook: No, I wanna die
    White king: …


    White moves tower to e8 and the queen would have no more moves.

    White was completely and idiot in the endgame..he missed many forced cgeck mates..if he can sacrifice bishop so early he shkuld have seeen the mate


    lol i got my first brilliant a couple days ago (400 in rapid, hit 900 puzzles yesterday)

    edit: it was castling kingside because if the enemy queen took my knight that was undefended, the rook would’ve moved one square and pinned the queen to king. i think brilliants are based on elo tho cause every GM would see that

    Так это движок просто ебнулся, вот и все

    600Elo -кровь из глаз. Я молчу о самой игре, но так бездарно зевнуть ладью, а потом еще и не заматовать короля противника. Выглядит, как подставной матч

    On 1:34 white rook can take the black rook and the black queen cant capture it as it is protecting g7 and if the queen takes white rook then we have mate in 3

    W, ima try to do the exact same thing

    Draw by perpetual check not repitition

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