How Many Forks Do You See?? || Esipenko vs Keymer || FIDE Grand Swiss (2023)
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Photos by Lennart Ootes
Esipenko, Andrey (2683) – Keymer, Vincent (2717)
FIDE Grand Swiss 2023 ( [8] 2023.11.02
A13 English, Neo-Catalan
1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.Bg2 d4 5.O-O Nc6 6.e3 e5 7.exd4 e4 8.d5 exf3 9.Qxf3 Ne5 10.Re1 Qe7 11.Qd1 Bg4 12.f3 Bxf3 13.Qa4+ Kd8 14.d4 Bxg2 15.Rxe5 Qd7 16.Qxd7+ Nxd7 17.Kxg2 Nxe5 18.dxe5 f6 19.e6 c6 20.Bf4 cxd5 21.cxd5 Rc8 22.Nc3 Bb4 23.Ne4 Rc4 24.Kf3 Rd4 25.a3 Rd3+ 26.Kg2 Ba5 27.Nd6 Ke7 28.Nf5+ Kd8 29.Nd6 Ke7 30.Nf5+ Kd8 31.d6 g5 32.Be3 Re8 33.e7+ Kd7 34.Bxa7 Rxd6 35.Nxd6 Kxd6 36.b4 Bc7 37.Bc5+ Kc6 38.Rc1 Kd5 39.Bd4 Rxe7 40.Bxf6 Rf7 41.Rc5+ Ke4 42.Bxg5 Bb6 43.Rb5 Bd4 44.Bd8 Rd7 45.Bb6 Be5 46.Kh3 h5 47.Rc5 Rd3 48.Bc7 Bd4 49.Rxh5 Rc3 50.Bd6 Rxa3 51.Bc5 Be5 52.Rh7 b5 53.Rb7 Kf3 54.Rxb5 Ra1 55.Ra5
The 2023 FIDE Grand Swiss is taking place from October 25-November 11 on the Isle of Man, UK. The 11-round Swiss tournament will determine two places in the 2024 Candidates Tournament that decides Ding Liren’s next challenger. The total prize fund is $460,000, with $80,000 for 1st place.
The time control of 100 minutes for 40 moves, followed by 50 minutes for the next 20 moves, followed by 15 minutes for the rest of the game, with a 30-second increment from move 1. Official website:
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ivan s game still not fun enough for wiewers??
Very good battle!
this game perfectly illustrates how engines ruined chess; the opening stage is just ridiculous; this is not how humans play chess
What a game…..
What a game…..
I cannot see Esipenko's flag.
I cannot see Esipenko's flag.
12:07 Keymer’s last idea was hoping for …Bxg3 hxg3 Rg1#. Resourceful until the last moment.
12:07 Keymer’s last idea was hoping for …Bxg3 hxg3 Rg1#. Resourceful until the last moment.
3 forks, salad fork, dinner fork, and oyster fork. Everybody eats.😅
3 forks, salad fork, dinner fork, and oyster fork. Everybody eats.😅
#suggestion please cover vaishali's game yesterday . She is within touching distance of 2500 making her a GM .
2:30 why didn't Vincent move his c6 knight to b8 and save the extra piece that he has.
Moving the knight to e5 means it can be pinned by the rook and Esipenko can win it back.
Or am I missing something?
2:30 why didn't Vincent move his c6 knight to b8 and save the extra piece that he has.
Moving the knight to e5 means it can be pinned by the rook and Esipenko can win it back.
Or am I missing something?
When watching this game I remembered what both Magnus and Hikaru said with different words and different times. If the position is getting more and more complicated, you are running out of options, and always have to play the perfect move, you will probably make a suboptimal move. You have to know when the position becomes too complicated, get out of control, to not burn time, you have to know when to simplify the game.
I see 8
My Friday just got better. An improvement was successfully enjoyed.
I’m always glad when you include photos
There will be some new entries in the next Candidates? Looking the standing in thr first 6 position only Fabiano is an " habitué "🙂
Wonder if he was still in prep at move 15🤔
Keymar vs Korobov round 7 was a great attacking game in the other direction this time
So Vincent played against the engine for the first 15 moves. It's a miracle that he didn't end up losing out of the opening. Phenomenal preps by Esipenko!
Pray for the children of Gaza.
Hikaru's wife lost to Wesley So's girlfriend, who thanked him as her secret second in the 2023 USCC closing ceremony speech.
But Atousa almost beat Carissa Yip!
It wasn't a clean victory. Carissa was losing most of the game. Atousa just blundered in the end.
Please consider reviewing this game and in particular spreading the rumour that Carissa Yip is dating Wesley So based on Carissa's X header – it's a photo of just Carissa & Wesley (& Leinier & Melik).
move 54 for black is an 8-move equality puzzle
it's so sharp
[Variant "From Position"]
[FEN "1Q5k/3r1rn1/p3N3/Pp1p2P1/1q2p3/1B2R2P/5P2/6K1 b"]
1… Kh7 2. g6+ Kxg6 3. Rg3+ Kf6 4. Nxg7 Rxg7 5. Qf4+ Ke6 6. Qh6+ Kf5 7. Rxg7 Rxg7+ 8. Qxg7 Qxb3
😂😂😂 agag ends game n style 😢🤔😜
#suggestion Vaishali vs Sophie Milliet
In addition to lifting a rook to a great square it is also beneficial to lift a knight to a position to fork the opponent. This is called a forklift.
Now they are not young chess players! Time don't wait🫤🫤🫤
Lol I don't even see the fork in my plate when I eat spagetti 🙂
1st so pin me
These guys are the future along with Pragg, Alireza, and the like
Andrey knows everything in Cathalon
300234000 forks if im counting correctly, sorry for late comment took me a day to count
nice vid agad, all the best
you really have to think b4 you move
If b4 always wins the game. Then the ultimate opening must be…. b4 🤔 Or?
Please show a Vaishali game… She's playing very nice chess
Who else refreshes the page 70 times to avoid the stupid ads?
I forgot there is espienko
I always love to watch Keymer games, love his play style. It's a pity he lost this time, but he's still very young and I hope he'll one day become world champion.
"That's how chess works. Ah, most of the time." Classic.
I do like the pictures
the position at 5:35 is one of the coolest ive ever seen. White with nothing developed, a fianchetto'd king and a massive center but down the exchange, against black with everything on the starting square except the king stepping over one square
Or MAYBE Esipenko had vibrating device in his *ss😂 too
I enjoy the idea of “upgrading” to a pig
Andrey had a forking good time it seems.
Benjamin Gledura vs Nodirbek Abdusattorov, Round 9. Such a complicated, tactical battlefield.
Also, Vaishali vs Sophie Milliet from yesterday was amazing!
It's forking hell!