How to INSTANTLY Get Better at Chess in 24 hours

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This is chess advice for beginners to instantly improve at chess today. Increase your Elo, win more games, have fun. Subscribe if you enjoyed this.

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    i usually drink expired milk and eat a moldy slice of bread before bed. This isn't an elo tip, im just losing it.

    If we can sleep 8 hours a day I can help us focus better

    I increase my elo 1100 to 1530 in just 2 days
    (My I'd – Nayan-pal)
    By focusing, tactics, less blundering, wait for opponents for blundering and choose 2 opening ( each Black and white ) in which are you best .

    Make a vid on Jobava London if you can, ITS A LEGENDARY OPENING.

    For studies daily read 2 questions of 2 subject total 4 questions 1 day it will help to increase the memory and in 1week you will memory 28

    A pre-focus ritual helps me to active focus mode more reliably. Make it something you can always do when you want to focus. For me, I start playing my music, then I close my eyes and take three deep breaths. Then it’s focus time

    As someone with ADD, something that really helped me out to concentrate was check my back posture and body position frequently. Also you can stop everything you're doing and just focus on your breathing, like an express meditation exercise.

    If im struggling at winning, i just watch two lower elo rated platers play and somehow it makes me better afterwards.

    If you're usually playing fast 10m games and you struggle (especially with time) – play some bullet 1m games, sure you will lose probably a lot, but then you'll start to play on your instincts or repeat patterns a lot (and memorize them)… then switch back to 10m games and enjoy the "bullet time" 😉

    · Drink tea
    · Don't play before going to bed
    · Play 3 games max/day
    · Listen to ambient music (ej. Brian Eno)

    I'm pretty sure point 3 is false. The type of music doesn't matter in fact. Studies tend to show that when you listen to music *you like*, you will tend to enjoy more the task you are doing. If you enjoy a task, you can do it longer and more focused. For the without lyrics thing, I don't know.

    This sounds counterintuitive but play less chess and play longer games. I find that when I play less chess I actually become more engaged and thus actually helps me spot great moves!.

    There are also people who sac on f7 or f2 without particular reason thinking that they will win but end up resigning after that

    I really like most of your videos, but this one was basically "tips on how to be slightly better say any task". It gave very little actionable advice outside of "don't fuck it up" , which you gave in your last video.

    I don’t know if it’s just me , but for me what always helps to focus and relax is drink tea. It helps me calm down and it makes me more aware of situations because i think a lot more.

    Playing a game where your important matter is on stake.

    I actually really do splash water in my face in the midle of a game. 😅

    The music tip is actually really great

    My piece of evidence dont listen to him

    Go to the bathroom before you start the game, ensuring that nature won't call at the wrong time.

    Ok he's def a real one i won 19 times in a row after hearing ur advice of not to blunder, went fron 1169 to 1300

    I get to chess mode solving some puzzles, then i play games.

    Go to the bathroom before you start the game, ensuring that nature won't call at the wrong time.

    What helped me improve is a tips for the "look for better move" :
    0. when you find a good move or attack with a piece always look if there is something better to do, you alreday told it in another video but i ave got tips to help you do it
    1. If the move is to capture a piece after a trade, look if you can capture with another piece, for exemple there is ofter pawn trade in the middle of the board and you can take back with your bishop knigt or even queen, well take the time to look at what is best. is the square bette for the bishop of knight ? does it attack something else after taking back ? or does taking back with the wrong piece unprotect something else ?
    2. Symetric move, if you move a piece to attack something, there is always another way to do it, a knight can do the L from the other side, a bishop can go left right or right left, a tower as well.
    When attacking something always check if the symetric move do more thing than the attack you saw first

    Sorry for bad english, hope it can help find better move

    I only play 5 min. Games no increments…
    And about 25 games a day …
    How can playing less benefit ?
    That makes ZERO sense

    If I'm climbing rank seriously in any game, what I do is force myself to take a break after every single loss. If I win I can keep going and keep playing, but if I lose I must get up and go do a chore or stretch or exercise or something for at least 10 minutes.

    This does two things:

    #1: It makes it literally impossible for you to tilt and lose game after game after game in quick succession. Even if you're irritated from the first loss, that irritation will naturally die down over time as you go and do something else during your break. I find that when I return to the game I'm in a much better mindset than when I left it.

    #2: Extra motivation to win due to extra consequences. Nobody likes to lose, but there's always next game, right? Well not so fast. If you're forcing yourself to take breaks after every loss, it means you get to play less because you're spending the time on other things. You don't want to do those things, you want to play Chess. But now if you lose, you have to do other things. You'd be surprised how much subconscious motivation this will give you to fight through difficulties and scrap out wins because you don't want to have to get up and take a break.

    These two aspects really help me dial in my focus when I'm playing ranked, because I feel like more is on the line.

    P.S. Lastly, never underestimate your opponent, in any game. Recognize that you are a complete fool if you're lulled into playing badly because you saw someone's low rating, or shitty opening, and then you took them lightly. You must pretend that every opponent is a great challenge and you must play your best to beat them. This will help your focus as well.

    I forgot caro can was thing and always abandoned game on black and only played queens gambit.

    Once I removed night move and he actualy made blunder what I didn't abuse Beacuse of premove

    Yeah focus is big thing. I went +100eli when I stopped playing while poopin

    Something that helps me focus is remembering that I am capable of playing better than I normally do, so I remind myself to slow down and analyze at a pace that is comfortable. When I do that, suddenly I’m not blundering anymore, and I find my flow state.

    Drink some coffee in the morning before you play, and also DO NOT eat anything before the session

    Breakfast is a social construct

    I like to improve my rating but when I play longer games I can't play more than one,in second game I will loose.I had even defeated players rated 500 elo more than me in over the board tournament.

    play unrated games before to warm up, only play a rated game once you're on a winning streak on unrated

    Keep the enemy pieces outside my half of the board. So make a trade if they are in my half of the board don't trade if I'm in their half of the board and don't trade bishops for knights if your intention is late game battles.

    This video help a lot! Now, even if i loose in the middle game, i dont quit… other blunder too.

    My tip is to close your eyes and focus on your breathing 5 or 10 time after you play. I notice that all i think after my moves is "did i do something wrong? " best case i didn't and i lost time in wrong thinking. Wrost case i did and i get emotional.
    Closing your eyes and breath disconnect you from the past that you can't change and let you focus on the futur

    For me i play online in the dark, it helps to get rid of distractions, i also do puzzle rush before playing games

    Best piece of advice
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    You rock
    I've shot up about 100-200 ELO since I started watching your vids, and that might not be much but it's noticeable

    I get more wins when I play on the laptop instead of the cellphone

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