How to INSTANTLY Get Better at Chess in 24 hours

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This is chess advice for beginners to instantly improve at chess today. Increase your Elo, win more games, have fun. Subscribe if you enjoyed this.

%1$ Comments256

    one tip that really helps me when i play chess is that i decrease the size of the board if im playing on pc or i will usually use my phone, it helps me to see the board better and focus on each piece

    2100 elo here. only analyse the games where you win and leave the games where you got destroyed untouched in the depths of your game archive.

    For some reason I play like utter crap until at least like 4:00 p.m. lol

    I win when I,m full or energy and active and not scared of my parents

    Bathing with cold water helps me with focus, and also classical music works every time.

    Ask and receive great one. Working on getting my rating (if I had one) higher than my 120+ IQ Yes I’m smart. Now on to the stupid. I had to decide not to be stupid and blunder. Blundering has become hatful to me it makes me sick. So not wanting to be sick I play attention, focused attention. It’s just that easy, pay fornicating attention. Thank you.

    Also, music for when y’all play:Vivaldi Winter metal version

    Tip makes me a bit better at finding decent moves:practice math… no really, for some reason it works, just be good at it and done it gives you like +25 elo

    Me, an 1800-1900 elo on rapid, my advice is to simply review every single game you play, no matter if you lose or if it lasted 10 moves.

    Just played a game won by checkmate thought i made no or less blunders than my opponent i was completely wrong 😅

    sitting posture is good for my focus

    The music one really is true, since i started listening to la campanella from paganini/Lizst everytime i play, im playing way better and can even spot blunders easier, it even starts playing automatically on my head every time i start playing chess.

    1 tips that made me beat magnus 1-subscribe and like chess page 1

    Dont watch tv or talk to anyone whn u playing

    Playing bots at different ELOs. At the moment I’m playing between the 700 and the 1000 bots. I’ve noticed that I’ll get used to higher level plays that sometimes lower plays get by me. Plus I think it also lets you understand and mess around with openings without the feelbad of losing ELO.

    After going for a run and taking a shower. I feel more focused when playing chess. Anybody else?

    My bonus advice:
    start sometimes asking yourself a simple question: “How can I lose in this position?”, especially when you think you're winning. Sounds easier than it actually is

    (however, my rating fluctuates between high 1400 and low 1500, so, as you understand, I also have a lot to learn, to put it mildly)

    I guess it is finally time for me to start thinking about the Roman Empire everyday. After all, I am the Emperor now

    1. Wipe your sweat with a slice of cheese
    2. Eat half of it
    3. Now you won’t think about food in the middle of a match
    4. Wipe your opponent’s tears with the other half
    5. Eat it
    6. Now you’re fully nourished from the shame of your conquered enemies

    bro seriously your videos are so good to watch at least for me this is a very good video style

    One strategy that helps me a lot is I always try to exchange any enemy piece on my side of the board, or any enemy piece which gets very active position…if you're able to do that the chances of enemy building an attack gets reduced a lot

    I have severe ADHD, outside of my medication I learned a few ways to improve my focus.

    1. Treat every obstacle as a personal challenge to be overcome, with the goal being to demonstrate your own worth to yourself.

    2. Envision what you want to achieve within your life, who do you want to be? Is the thing currently distracting you worth the cost of not being the person you know you can be?

    3. Gameify the things you don't want to do. You have no problem with grinding in video games for a goal (you're watching a video on chess, don't lie to yourself). Why should the mundane tasks that actually improve your life be any different? Treat knocking out chores, obligations, work, and exercise as leveling yourself up. Maybe that sounds cringe but it's how I jumped through three companies in two years and almost doubled my income.

    4. Lose your ego. Have a sense of self worth of course but do not allow your ego and pride to prevent you from taking risks. Fear of looking foolish will prevent you some temporary embarrassment maybe, but it will lock you into mediocrity. No great person went through their life without making many mistakes. A mistake is only a tragedy if you don't learn from it.

    5. Don't habitually listen to depressing or angry music even if it's your preference. People drastically underestimate how powerful the effect of music is on your mental/emotional health. If you constantly listen to sad music your mind WILL find things to be sad about, paralyzing you. If you constantly listen to angry music your mind WILL find things to be angry about, making you bitter and resentful. It honestly amazes me how little thought people give to what kind of music they indulge in. In moderation depressing/angry music is fine, but monitor your exposure.

    6. Eat clean and exercise, anyone who views body and mind as two separate entities is a fool. Your brain is a part of your body and if the rest of your body withers, your mind will too. Your mind needs high quality fats, proteins, plenty of water, and the depression repelling effects of physical exertion to function properly. Additionally the pain tolerance you will develop through exercise will translate to better self discipline and handling unpleasant situations and tasks.

    7. Don't compare yourself to others. You came into this world alone, you will leave it alone. The only person you truly know is yourself, they are your greatest friend and rival. If you waste time comparing yourself to others you will only see their best aspects and blind yourself to your own achievements. Don't rob yourself of the gratification of a job well done. How's a 500 elo player going to appreciate reaching 600 if he's constantly lamenting that he isn't Magnus Carlsen?

    8. Don't allow others to dictate your emotional state to you. Your emotional state will determine most of your decisions. If you allow someone else to make you angry, distracted, envious, anxious, etc, etc. You are literally surrendering control of your own future to them. We cannot choose the things that happen to us in life, but what we can choose is how we react to them. You are your own master, never give that up.

    EDIT: Sorry, everyone else seems to have given chess specific advice. I just find most of these principles have improved my chess play by about 500 elo over the past few months.

    To be honest, the music stuff didn't work for me (I actually won one game, but it felt like luck)
    Maybe because I'm not really a fan of classical music.
    For me, normal music(maybe rap, or slow jams) helps me play better.
    The classical one actually felt like a distraction.
    Nice video tho

    I used these strategies and I got 9 wins in a row

    Bruh, your hilarious style just earned you a subscriber. I'd love to see more. Maybe you can do one on the French Defense?

    Play chess at 1am I got I got +100 (I was almost 1500)

    I do 2min puzzles before a game session so my brain is ready to calcul

    @ChessPage1 please teach Sicilian would be really helpful

    Can u pls upload vid for sicilian ur vids are really helpful bcuz of u i learned Ruy lopez and i won tons of game with that

    Can you please teach Sicilian

    If your girlfriend wants to drive up to New Jersey from Tennessee and live in her car outside your house while you try and convince your wife to let her stay, just don't.

    I did the first 5 steps, stopped the video after the water splash and played my first brilliant move!

    Thanks chesspage1
    Due to your tips I earned +100 elo

    It's weird but when I feel sick my focus improves. Like when I catch a cold or something

    I don't usually comment but I really want to thank what you're doing. Before watching your videos I was stuck at 800 Elo, after learning these openings from your videos: the London System (boring opening that I tried to learn before but I hated), Caro Kann Defense and King's indian opening, my elo reached 1100+. Rating aside, you made me love a game that I already liked very much but kind of struggled with. You helped me learn different openings and made them fun, before I just played e4 and d4 and I played the openings very poorly but was just better in the middle-game/end-game then my opponents. Can you please make a video about the Sicilian Defense. I tried learning it from other YouTubers but it's just way too complex really. You're the only person I know that can simplify the Sicilian Defense.

    Drink Water before you play, it’s a miracle drink to improve your thinking and focus

    Play 2-3 games a day, but analyze them well.
    play 2 openings for white and black, and practice them. Better 1000 times 1 kick than 1 time 1000 kicks…

    I went super focus, like a king that i am. so focus that you could see abs forming on my eyes. 5 moves later got tunneled vision and lose the game.

    Conclusion: I might be just stupid

    Piano music really does help when playing games, i also only play at home not outside or on the bus since you can focus a lot better

    I am always looking for knight forks, my dad and I call the Knights “Sir Forksalot” 😂

    Having a background sound really helps me even if it a marvel movie

    After I subscribed to this channel my Elo increase

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