I Tried The Worst Chess Openings


0:00 Intro
2:45 Game 1 – awful
8:58 Game 2 – GENIUS
17:40 Game 3 – horrible

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%1$ Comments500

    this was the best episode of how to lose at chess so far

    i paused the video immediately when i saw the haircut

    Saw the thumbnail. I doubt I'm gonna sleep today.

    This Opening weakens the king's position and pawn structure, neglects central control, hinders piece development, and leaves you vulnerable to counterattacks. It offers very less strategic options and lacks hindering your understanding and mastery of chess principles.

    Notice he didn't play Jerome gambit. Because its the STRONGEST opening. Jerome= unlimited and forbidden power. Used only by few players that know its secrets.

    Borussia Dortmund is a german club my dude! 😆

    сбор фанатов Омариева объявляю открытым

    The next video should be openings that LOOK stupid but actually are ok. Like the Cow…

    The Duras gambit is where you start a civil war to try and become chancellor right?

    Awww he cut it. I was really hoping he would show up to one of these videos with corn rows.

    The comments are 50% openings and 50% hair. Levy sure has a brand. "And he sacrificed…THE FOLICLES!"

    i thought the first guy is gonna end up losing, his pfp is dortmund so he gotta bottle something

    Interesting fact: there is this guy ChessMaster who made horrible things with grob to gotham

    Not the title i was voting for. Disliked!!1!11!11!!!1!1

    I was really hoping for the Magnus Carlson gambit

    You should play the question master superhero bot

    Good stuff Levy. Makes me think I should start playing gambits again.

    That was really bad, do it again with your subscribes

    Y u aint do the magnus king and queen walk and switch lol

    you finally cut you're hair Gotham finally your not so ugly,,,

    Chess with a dash of Zen. Doesn't get much better than this.

    I played against chatgpt recently and it tried to spawn in a knight and I said it wasn’t legal then it corrected itself by spawning in a Queen, and it kept switching back and forth between the two moves so I just let it spawn in the knight

    I'm really impressed! Openings I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot Pawn and you nailed it.

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