I’m done.
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"I am high on life"
“In this position, he sacrificed the ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!!!!!”
Must be fake addidas for proper slav impression. My friend used to have Abbides sweat pants..
Top tier stare
Yeah awesome blacks opening with that knight bird tower showing high level which I know in its own situations it's at least 2800❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊
23:35 Get out of here!
No , this one is on the loop 😏😌
Semi-Slav = The light-squared Bishop is inside the pawn chain
Slav = The light-squared Bishop is outside the pawn chain
Dude, I just want to know how you got so good at public speaking. I swear you talk so naturally and without mistakes or filler words
Pls fix your mic settings, everytime you pause while speaking the white noise goes back n forth
this feeling, when you about 2100 and like to play semi-slav 🙂
You're done, Levy.
Holy cow! 🐮 This game was crazy! Could have tryed to find moves like Bc5 and Ne5 for hours and wouldnt find them. What a beautiful game.
What we are told as low elo schmucks that we are: avoid forks at all cost.
I disliked my own comment.
Armenia #1 per capita in chess. (Not counting the 60k population countries.) Smartest people in the world per capita.
Day 2 of requesting guess the elo back
In my experience, Go players may prefer winning a game and may develop ego based rivalries, but don't exhibit the dominance behaviors that look like the urge to sodomy-by-proxy. I say this having a foot in both worlds. Both games, that is.
Levy: A move I can't even begin to explain
Also Levy: explains the move in detail
Its the slav with the Adidas but Not the lada
"24 hours then goodbye" followed by "I'm done" I am starting to get a little concerned.
Is Levi really Jewish?
I am waiting for levy to say get out of here and then I leave (love from India)
You idiots never fail to be woefully unfunny.
Bc5 is one of the most disgusting moves I’ve ever seen, how do you even consider that move
I saw brilliant move #2 (Bc6) but im ngl I had no clue where to go after, I just guessed what a GM would play😂😂
As Russian viewer, I want to say, that speech about Slav defence sounds funny and strange a little)
Levy never fails to remind that we(he) not at their level and never will be.
Levy never fails to be done
This has to be at least the 20th video titled I’m done. It should be a series.