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Kramnik really fighting hard to stay relevant
Hi I only want to say I Love your Videos and your book
Free speech
Hmmm, Gotham has won a chess game ever, interesting
Seeing lasavik is the same age as me made me doubt my whole chess career
once a cheat, always a cheat
Why not inviting both sides?
nahhhh my comment just got deleted. HAHAHAHAHA Agadmator is way better then… nahhhh HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Levy can't handle a simple opinion, while he's living around it, nahhh the duality of Levy…
Merry xmas Gothaaaam !
The thing that kramnik ignores is that freedom of expression doesnt mean freedom of consequences of said expression. Sure u can say something but unless u are guaranteed to be right, u need to accept that u may face the consequences if ur not. and we dont know if he's right or wrong cuz we cant right not but he's the one making the unsupported claims whether they are true or not.
I just take all this and apply it to hikaru v Nieman. Hikaru has no qualms defaming a 19 year old baselessly. Often using statistical analysis videos from questionably credentialed sources. However, krammnik levies the same criticism with the same level of evidence and now all of the sudden we're appealing to hikaru's purity. Where's the same pike we wanted to put hans on.
didnt alireza play top level 3:0 blitz at 12?
Merry Christmas Levy!
Крамник никого не обвинял он просто предоставил статистику
If your able to review games can you review mine [White "Blazinmomma14"]
[Black "michix12"]
[WhiteElo "1065.6603194202733"]
[BlackElo "962.6470313303636"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Termination "checkmate"]
[Date "2023.12.25"]
[Time "15:09:32"]
[Mode "Ranked"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq – 0 1"]
1. e4 h5 2. Ng1f3 Rh8h6 3. d4 Rh6e6 4. Nb1c3 d5 5. Nf3g5 Re6g6 6. exd5 Rg6xg5 7. Bc1xg5 Qd8d6 8. Qd1xh5 g6 9. Qh5h8 e6 10. Qh8xg8 exd5 11. Nc3b5 Qd6e7 12. Bg5xe7 Ke8xe7 13. Nb5xc7 a5 14. Nc7xd5 Ke7e8 15. Nd5c7 Ke8e7 16. Bf1c4 Bf8h6 17. Qg8f8 Ke7xf8 18. Nc7xa8 Nb8c6 19. c3 Bc8e6 20. Bc4xe6 fxe6 21. Na8b6 e5 22. d5 Kf8e7 23. dxc6 bxc6 24. Nb6c4 e4 25. Nc4xa5 e3 26. f3 Ke7d6 27. Ke1e2 Bh6f4 28. g3 Bf4g5 29. Rh1d1 Kd6c5 30. b4 Kc5b5 31. a4 Kb5a6 32. Rd1d6 Ka6a7 33. Rd6xg6 Bg5d8 34. Na5xc6 Ka7b6 35. Nc6xd8 Kb6c7 36. Ra1d1 Kc7c8 37. Rg6g7 Kc8b8 38. Nd8c6 Kb8c8 39. Rd1d8
I got your book for Christmas and I couldn't be happier Levy
The sad thing about this is that dialogue is pretty much impossible. Kramniks argument about probability is incoherent, and he sees pointing that out as a character attack.
He finds the not readily intuitive rules of statistics absurd and childish, and a clear sign of incompetence. But this theory underlines practically the whole scientific method, much of our technology and modern world view. The theory was formulated (if I remember correctly) around the middle ages and is older than calculus. He comes off as a child arguing against the teacher in math class.
People find probability unintuitive. We tend to underestimate the odds of long streaks in a wider set.
For example, when asked to fake a result of 100 coin flips, most people end up producing an extremely unlikely outcome. Because NOT flipping the same side 7+ times in a row in such a set is extremely unlikely.
And that human bias is the cornerstone of Kramniks argument. When we try to correct for the difference between these specific seven flips and seven flips in general, our intuition vastly undershoots the correction.
But instead of accepting the difference between intuition and statistics as a fault in human intuition, Kramnik sees it as a fault in statistics, and as a conspiracy against him personally. It really doesn’t matter if some of his arguments were worth discussing as long as this fundamental misunderstanding is central in his argumentations.
Trending in United States – Divorce lol
Cancel culture makes its chess debut!
I feel like levy is cheating but he sucks at it.
This whole scandal can be summed up easily like this;
Former world champion, wanting to stay relevant is letting the fact that he is a GM get to his head bc he’s an arrogant “know it all” and thinks he’s right and everyone else is wrong. No matter how much you prove he is wrong with stats, math, etc he will always act like a victim who is right. Bc simply he’s a “chess master” and he knows everything more than statisticians, mathematicians, etc etc. He is trying so hard to be “a good guy just fighting cheating” but instead he is accusing people blindly and then not accepting the fact he is wrong.
Merry Christmas levy 🎉
his arguments are clearly all based around misconceptions about mathematics so if you were to bring him on to try to make his case it should be a joint discussion between him and a mathematician.
LEVY I just got your book for Christmas and it’s amazing great informative easy to read. I’m so excited your my favourite YouTuber, funny and always pumping out great content.
Thanks levy your the best
Hikaru is not cheating but those young talents are a bit suspicious 😅😅
I genuinely hope everything that's been happening with Kramnik recently is not a sign of an onset of a mental illness.
I think theres a lot of right to Kramniks other claims, but like Levy, anyone whose watched hundreds of Hikarus streams knows he cant possibly be cheating. Its on fking stream lol.
Hey guys i'm new here, i just wanted to know why don't levy and hikaru play together anymore?
Kramnik going down the fischer path
8:26 what??
I always find it hard to take an argument online seriously when, included in that thesis, is that "anyone with basic intelligence/critical thinking/etc can see that I'm right". Stating your stance like immutable fact and that anyone who disagrees is ignorant or subhuman…ugh. It's a tired trope.
i met kaan erdogmus (not sure if i spelled right) irl, he’s a really humble guy, he’ll make it far, I hope he isnt getting accused of cheating because his dad is a gm and i sven played against him and he destroyed me lol
Kramnik is probably dealing with a midlife crisis and Ian is just a narcissist who loves drama.
kramnik : emotional damage
Levy said "No one doubts Kramnik's achievements" – well, I do…
Kramnik got his WC when the only qualifying tournament was held in a country that refused to allow Boris Gelfand (as with every Israeli) in
Kramnik is right to bring this problem to light.
He loses all credibility when he starts name dropping people he believes are cheating. Accusations are a problem because you are ruining someone's reputation and potential future in other people's eyes without knowing for a fact they are guilty.
If anyone doesn't believe Hans Neimann is going to hear about the accusations from the Sinquefield Cup for the rest of his career, they're lying. Accusations follow people and forever make people more suspicious of those players.
Kramnik needs to provide actual proof that Hikaru is cheating – it doesn't seem he's done that.
He also doesn't seem to be offering any real changes that could be implemented.
Bro Kramnik actually believes Hikaru has ceiling stockfish LMFAOOO
using kramniks football example:
if i were to try to steal the ball from ronaldo 46 times, he would be able to keep the ball away from me with his eyes closed all 46 times and maybe with a bit of luck ill brush the ball once. its simply a difference in skill, theres absolutely nothing suspicious about that interaction at all. i feel like this is his way of coping with the fall from the top…
OTB, Kramnick vs 12 year old. Would be fun.
Dunning-Kruger at its best again ^^
I'm waiting for your review from the faustino oro/gotham match
Got your book foot Christmas love it
total anarchy… boahhhh
get kramnik to jail…
i wish we got a Christmas gte
Kramnik was moving like the joker, about to kill one civillian a day until Batman took of his mask.
"Vladimir is crazy, he is totally insane!" How is he insane? "Well he might be right, but he is going about it the wrong way". -.- Can we just shorten this to "He might be right"?
Milk me levy milk me dry