It is Impossible For This Man To Play Boring Chess || Hans vs Levon || US Championship (2023)

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Photos by Lennart Ootes

Niemann, Hans Moke (2667) – Aronian, Levon (2742)
U.S. Championship ( [5] 2023.10.10
B40 Sicilian defence, Alapin Variation

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.c3 d5 4.e5 d4 5.d3 Ne7 6.g3 dxc3 7.bxc3 Bd7 8.Bg2 Bb5 9.c4 Bc6 10.O-O Nf5 11.Bb2 Be7 12.Qe2 h5 13.Nbd2 h4 14.Ne4 hxg3 15.fxg3 Bxe4 16.Qxe4 Nc6 17.g4 Nfd4 18.Bxd4 cxd4 19.Rab1 Qc7 20.g5 g6 21.h4 Bb4 22.Nh2 O-O-O 23.Rb3 Bd2 24.Rfb1 Be3+ 25.Kf1 b6 26.Qxc6 Qxc6 27.Bxc6 Rxh4 28.Nf3 Rg4 29.Re1 Rh8 30.Rxe3 dxe3 31.Ke2 Rh3 32.Be4 Rg2+ 33.Kxe3 Rxg5 34.Kf2 Rg4 35.Ra3 Kb8 36.Ra6 g5 37.Nd4 Rf4+ 38.Ke2 Rh2+ 39.Ke3 Rh3+ 40.Kd2 Rh2+ 41.Kc3 Rxe4 42.dxe4 g4 43.Kd3 Rf2 44.Ke3 Rf1 45.Ke2 Rf4 46.Ra3 Rxe4+ 47.Kd3 Re1 48.Ne2 Kb7 49.Kd2 Ra1 50.Nc1 Rb1 51.Rg3 Rb2+ 52.Kc3 Rf2 53.Rxg4 a5 54.a4 Rf1 55.Nd3 Ra1 56.Rf4 Ra3+ 57.Kd4 Rxa4 58.Rxf7+ Kc8 59.Nf4 b5 60.Nxe6 Rxc4+ 61.Kd5 a4 62.Ra7 Rc1 63.Nd4

00:00 Hello Everyone!

The 2023 U.S. Championship is a 12-player round-robin featuring some of the strongest players in the USA, who compete for $250,000 in prize money as well as the coveted title of U.S. Champion. If two or more players tie for first place a playoff will be held.

Players receive 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game, with a 30-second increment from move one. Draw offers are not allowed before move 30. Official website:

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%1$ Comments254

    Hans said he plays with good players and plays bad with bad players.


    Request you to please show Leonid Stein vs Lajos Portisch, Stockholm Interzonal 1962, where Leonid Stein unleashes a brutal knight sacrifice to strip the enemy king's defenses. Stein, even offers his queen for a devastating attack on the king, after which Portisch gives up

    He copy levy with those MMA thing ? Ok if it work for one.. Don't know this guy much but i don't blame him to copy people who make views..

    BUT does chess speak for itself only when he's winning?
    it was a nice game

    I would love to see the 2nd fight, Islam will need to work hard to win the 2nd fight

    My brother once said you like chess and MMA like I might be the only one on earth=>

    As for the MMA question, fortune favors the prepared: I would believe Makachev has better chances because of the advantage of a full training camp.

    But who knows?

    Nic (J Bruce Feynman Niccolo P. Bentulan) says:

    What'd Bobby Fischer say if resurrected to talk about Hans, Magnus, Hikaru, Wesley So, Garry, Sergey Karjakin, Alireza, et al?

    Based on a 2001 interview (p1w4Rr-Vd), I think of:

    8 parts

    This'd be on 2022Oct21 at 08:30am GMT+8 (80% of Bobby's radio interviews were in the Philippines), 6 hours after 'My lawsuit speaks for itself.'



    We have for today one of our friends we used to interview every now and then but was dead for the last 14 and a half years. We have 1972 WCC & honourary 0th WFRCC Bobby Fischer. E’s here right now and would like to give some thoughts on Hans Niemann's lawsuit against Magnus Carlsen, ches***m and I think Hikaru Nakamura too, right? In fact, right now, Bobby, good evening. It’s morning right here.


    'Yeah, how are you doing – sure Pablo. Yes, well, this is all wonderful news. It’s time for' f Magnus Carlsen to get h head kicked in. 'It’s time to finish off' Magnus Carlsen once and for all. 'This just shows you that what goes around comes around, even for' Magnus Carlsen. 'That is what has happened' this morning.

    I watch Agadmator's not for chess but for when he says, "and now, as of move XX we have a completely new game."

    Great game from Hans and Levon , I followed mma since 2004 but I really dont care about it at all compared to Chess as the UFC in particular does not operate a legitimate sport, I still watch it but its not in the same league as a real sport its still controlled by gambling and short term hype strategies , favourites get rematches and title shots based on what they say rather than what they do. What I will say is this, if you want to enjoy mixed martial arts turn the TV off after the contest and before the judges decision.

    I can beat these two guys playing in snake and ladders 😎

    Sad to see an unprepared MMA bout between the legend and makachev… but a real upset if volkanovski pulls it off! He is truly the most active champion to date!

    But wtf was Charles doing…?? Sparring like that so close to the fight …?

    Hi folks, how do I donate? I'm looking at all the links in the descriptions, and can't find a simple credit card option 🙂

    As a life long martial artist, I think the result will be more or less the same as last time, unless one of the fighters gets lucky. Volk is a little to small to do the requisite damage imo. If he was just a little bigger, I would give it to Volk. But watching their last fight, he doesn't seem to have the knockout power. So needs a direct hit on the jaw. While Mak can easily win by submission or a decent strike.

    I don't give a shit about mma, boxing or other barbaric bloodsports. So I would be more than happy, if you keep that garbage away from your chess videos.

    Think Volk will take it.
    He gave round 4 away last time. Too busy yelling at Islams corner and didn't defend at all.

    Levon took a beating while Niemann took a beading.

    There's a little bit of buzzing in the video. Is anyone else hearing it?

    You are added to "Nobody praises Hans Niemann" You did not praise him, but you gave all praise to his opponent??! Very strange! let me hear you praise Hans Nieman, just once!💩💩💩

    ray Robson vs Jeffery xiong
    was an absolute beautiful game with many peices sacrificed

    Volk will need to capitalize on striking because i think makachev has been expecting a ground game and volk can neutralize that.could go either way

    "It's impossible to calculate this… for human" –> hahaha, saying this for Nieman is a statement. By-the-way, Aronian is Paul Keres of our days, and Caruana is ever young, inclined-to-draws Spassky from fifties.

    I hate to say it but you don't beat Islam on 6 days notice. Unless Volk has been training intensely in preparation for Oliveira possibly being out then he has very little chance.

    Love the videos as always. Thanks for the content. For the Islam vs Volk fight; personally I still have Islam willing this fight. It is in Middle east which favors Islam, and I still think Islam is too big for Volk. Gutted the Charles fight fell through, but this is an excellent replacement none the less. Good luck to both competitors (I am also really looking forward to the Costa vs Khamzat fight).

    why is us womens championship features 2 men lol

    Hans’s games are a treat to watch! Vassily Ivanchuk and Hans are just incredible engines on their own!

    gutted that Charles is out, but the rematch of Volk and Mahachev should be a banger as well. I expect a much-improved performance by Mahachev this time around. It looked like he was caught off guard a few times during the first fight. On Volk side – perhaps work toward a takedown at the start to eliminate the wrestling aspect. He should be better on the feet between the two. Given the short notice though – might have issues with cardio or making weight so if he does not finish the fight in the first 3 rounds – I expect another Mahachev win. Fighting in the desert would also play a significant role

    I was impressed by Hans' performance in chess. He showed great potential and has a promising future in the game.

    I think volk won the last fight and I hope he wins this next one.

    Great Game by Hans I really liked the way he went about going after that passed pawn that was key to him eventually winning Levon played a nice game unfortunately his tactics and sacrifices fell short thanks for the game Agadmator

    Probably best in the future not to bring the mma, or other topics, discussions into the channel. Almost half of the comments end up being about the mma fight rather than chess. For someone who is uninterested, that makes it a bit tough to read the comments. Btw, your videos provide huge value for me so thanks a million 👍

    I think the VolkvIslam story is becoming even more exciting with this being a short notice fight. If Volk loses a close decision again then he can easily be considered a bit unlucky when it comes to the overall picture of him attempting to switch classes as a champion, seeing as he took this fight on VERY short notice.
    But, on the other hand, if he wins, and especially if he does so without reasonable debate, then we TOTALLY change the perception of him moving weight classes. In this scenario, the recent loss to Islam looks EVEN MORE like a bad decision by the judges.

    i dont believe he cheated but just because of his arrogance i cannot stand him winning, specially when its against levon one of the must humble players there is

    Oh my god you're an mma fan too?! Volk is an absolute badass for taking that fight on short notice. I thought he did exceptionally well in the first fight, but makhachev certainly won that despite Volk's incredible rally in the final minute nobody had messed him up like that since Islam's KO loss in his early days. It's going to be another banger but I fear how Volk is going to fare fighting on such short notice. Hopefully he's been keeping fit outside of camp. Another points win for makhachev for me, but would love to see another when they're both fully fighting fit

    Why do you give this admitted cheater attention?

    Can't wait for the Volk Vs Mak fight, I am Australian and probably too biased or emotionally involved to make any rational prediction. The last fight was close, it may come down to who learns their lessons from the first fight. Volk needs to be a bit more agressive from the start and worry less about the takedowns while obviously being aware that they are coming. Mak needs to have the fight on the ground, he will struggle if he goes toe to toe in a striking match.

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