It is Impossible For This Man To Play Boring Chess || Hans vs Levon || US Championship (2023)

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Photos by Lennart Ootes

Niemann, Hans Moke (2667) – Aronian, Levon (2742)
U.S. Championship ( [5] 2023.10.10
B40 Sicilian defence, Alapin Variation

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.c3 d5 4.e5 d4 5.d3 Ne7 6.g3 dxc3 7.bxc3 Bd7 8.Bg2 Bb5 9.c4 Bc6 10.O-O Nf5 11.Bb2 Be7 12.Qe2 h5 13.Nbd2 h4 14.Ne4 hxg3 15.fxg3 Bxe4 16.Qxe4 Nc6 17.g4 Nfd4 18.Bxd4 cxd4 19.Rab1 Qc7 20.g5 g6 21.h4 Bb4 22.Nh2 O-O-O 23.Rb3 Bd2 24.Rfb1 Be3+ 25.Kf1 b6 26.Qxc6 Qxc6 27.Bxc6 Rxh4 28.Nf3 Rg4 29.Re1 Rh8 30.Rxe3 dxe3 31.Ke2 Rh3 32.Be4 Rg2+ 33.Kxe3 Rxg5 34.Kf2 Rg4 35.Ra3 Kb8 36.Ra6 g5 37.Nd4 Rf4+ 38.Ke2 Rh2+ 39.Ke3 Rh3+ 40.Kd2 Rh2+ 41.Kc3 Rxe4 42.dxe4 g4 43.Kd3 Rf2 44.Ke3 Rf1 45.Ke2 Rf4 46.Ra3 Rxe4+ 47.Kd3 Re1 48.Ne2 Kb7 49.Kd2 Ra1 50.Nc1 Rb1 51.Rg3 Rb2+ 52.Kc3 Rf2 53.Rxg4 a5 54.a4 Rf1 55.Nd3 Ra1 56.Rf4 Ra3+ 57.Kd4 Rxa4 58.Rxf7+ Kc8 59.Nf4 b5 60.Nxe6 Rxc4+ 61.Kd5 a4 62.Ra7 Rc1 63.Nd4

00:00 Hello Everyone!

The 2023 U.S. Championship is a 12-player round-robin featuring some of the strongest players in the USA, who compete for $250,000 in prize money as well as the coveted title of U.S. Champion. If two or more players tie for first place a playoff will be held.

Players receive 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game, with a 30-second increment from move one. Draw offers are not allowed before move 30. Official website:

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%1$ Comments254

    What an absolute masterpiece by Hans, Chess speaks for itself.

    Volk gonna win. Betting a few k easy gains

    I recognize many names in chess. I have never seen mma in my life so I don't recognize any of those names. I pretty much only watch Starcraft 2 so I know about everybody who plays that.

    Volk and Islam seem both unbeatable on their own weight class. But Islam seems better equipped for this fight. Very excited nonetheless!

    Don't matter who Antonio, even if King Kong can make 155.
    That's what they said😂

    I dont like alex but i think he beat islam in the first fight. I think volk got a taste of his own medicine with that lose bcuz i also dont think he beat max in the first 2 fights either. He clearly dominated the 3rd. But i think volk wins by KO this time.

    I have designed a device that would allow anyone to cheat over-the-board.
    It has no need for a relay or spectator input/output, it would definitely pass a handheld metal detector, it would also work in a Faraday Cage.
    The ONLY THING that could prevent it from being used is an X-Ray Machine.
    However, you would need to practice with it, AND, you'd need to be CLEVER in HOW YOU USE IT.
    People who've been caught cheating in poker make it SO OBVIOUS because they're GREEDY MORONS. If they were CLEVER, and NOT SO OBVIOUS, they'd have never been caught.

    Kramnik and Levon, Hans gets taken to the woodshed on occasion according to Hikaru, but beats top players as well.

    Start learning chess a month ago. Don't know much about chess. But I watch every of your uploaded and never miss even one.
    So, wanna watch your live chess match.

    Don't worry Agad, Islam will smash Volk again

    Agad's love affair with this Hans guy is hilarious.

    Less Hans please. I love your videos and have watched hundreds of your videos. I am not interested in Hans at all.

    volk should go all out on islam with striking because if he allows islam time to settle then the grappling just slowly starts to take over the game.

    Islam Makachev will defend his belt once again…

    Hans plays 1 move per game like a computer anytime he plays a super GM ! What a talent!

    Volk was the back up fighter. People keep saying he took it short notice. He didn’t, he still had to make weight.

    Hans doing well makes me tingle inside with good vibes, too.

    #suggestion Tatev Abrahamyan vs. Carissa Yip, Round 5, US Women's Chess Championship AND/OR Ray Robson vs. Jeffrey Xiong, Round 5, US Championship AND/OR Lenier Dominguez vs. Sam Shankland Round 5, US Championship.

    Islam Makhachev have the white pieces in both match ups and he need only a draw 😀

    I would like to see Volk win and in some time see a finale where they settle everything. With Islam having 2 wins they might not fight again.

    Can't believe madman Volk is taking on Islam in 10 days. And I can't believe madman Agadmator is actually following MMA lol my two favorite hobbies.

    Impressive game by Levon against a very strong opponent

    You really dont like Hans. During the analysis of the whole game, your hero was Levon despite the great play of Hans.

    "fully charged batteries are the best"

    – hans

    It's nice to say that Hans wants to stick to his status as the bogeyman.
    Levon is a former 2800+ player, don't forget.

    I love the first fight and i think islam will win but will be another good fight

    Being an MMA fan, its delightful to see you to talk about it.
    Islam finishes Volk this time with Khabib in his corner.

    Volk is coming out of surgery…Islam is with Khabib… Lets hope the Aussie survives

    I know you are a famous chess streamer and i have't seen all of your videos, but i want politely ask if there is a motivation to does not use the evaluation bar of engines while reviewing… apart this, i enjoy the same a lot your style and work! thanks

    Everyone wondering how Levon would win down a piece because of the title….

    "Monster Knights" can be official! Who knew….? 🙂

    I’m a huge fan of your channel and have always appreciated the down to facts on the board approach – but here you risk your reputation by not giving credit where credit belongs: you spin this as a Levonian game calling a losing move “not boring” which by implication labels Hans winning play boring…. instead of highlighting the nerves of steal and the creativity of a player who faces down one of the strongest and most creative players around – and wins!!!
    Would greatly appreciate a clarification, thank you 🙏

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