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%1$ Comments692

    I don’t know what to say. I have nothing, this is insane

    Ian is on some pristine crack to randomly bluff a rook sac in a world championship game😭

    Ian said in the interview that queen h4 wasnt a bluff but he thought it was a brilliant sacrifice to save the game

    I can't believe we are living in a world where a chess game recap gets 650k views in 10 hours. Unreal.

    That will go down as the craziest draw in WCC history

    I was worried that Levy was going to orgasm during this review. 🤓

    Incredible content! So crazy someone found that coincidental same training game!

    Ok, I watched this in total absolute fascination. My wife was working at her desk, doesn’t know anything about chess, but was laughing uproariously at Levy’s histrionics. What a character!

    19:30 levy thinking of what to say, all this one take is impressive tho

    Gotham, I have been looking for a chess trainer, do you think you can help me become good at chess

    Oh man, they get into such a great position only not to play moves even i would play.

    man, this whole matchup is exciting but it doesn't feel like the Championship. Magnus would've just crushed these guys with the way they're playing

    Please correct Ding Liren's name. It reads "Ding, Liren" but it should read "Liren, Ding".

    I thought Ding was going to completely fall apart after freezing in a winning position last game.

    Imagine Levy commentating our 900 Elo games with this Euphoria

    I thought the boxing reference wasn’t going to be in the video after none in the first 5 minutes. And then right around 14 minutes, there it is.
    Come on, Levy.
    We need a GothamFistiCuffs channel/ series… you know you want/need it.

    The thing though is that he makes chess more exciting than sports…His power in commentating is just insane.🔥

    Ding and traning partner or ding and nepo ??
    ??????? Its rigged

    has 3.6 million subs, does his video from the spare room with a heater and shit ass black out shades, also has an ugly asian wife.

    how tf is a chess game the 12th most trending video for gaming? congrats!

    when a commentary on a chess game is more energetic and enthusiastic than most of the boxing match commentaries I've seen…

    No matter who wins, they aren't the best in the world, and everyone knows it.

    Профессор Инкогнито says:

    You know what they say: "A perfect chess game always ends in a draw"

    here comes the database with the influx of Ra2 opening shenanigans

    This game put me at 699. Do I deserve to break 700?
    1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 f6 4. f4 Bf5 5. Nf3 Nh6 6. h3 g5 7. g4 Qa5+ 8. Bd2 Qb6
    9. gxf5 g4 10. hxg4 Nxg4 11. a3 Bh6 12. Ng1 Rg8 13. c3 Qxb2 14. Rxh6 Qxa1 15.
    Rxh7 Nxe5 16. fxe5 Rxg1 17. Qh5+ Kd7 18. Rh8 Qxb1+ 19. Kf2 Qxf1+ 20. Ke3 Rg3+ 0-1

    These titles and thumbnails are so creative 👎

    1D chess: Ding and Rapport got careless and all their prep is publicly available now

    2D chess: Ding and Rapport did this on purpose, knowing it’d be discovered, so team Nepo would prepare for the wrong things

    3D chess: Team Nepo figured this out days ago and is more upset that it became public because now team Ding is aware, causing Nepo to tilt… just as team Ding planned

    4D chess: these were friendly games between Nepo and Ding themselves as a good will “mutual prep” session

    5D chess: The actual Pentagon released this to cause chaos as Russia and China are US adversaries

    6D chess: Hans Niemann is the redditor who discovered and leaked this because he just wants to watch the world burn

    7D chess: These were two actual 1500 players playing for fun and randomly trying out openings, still blissfully unaware of the worldwide furor their games have caused

    8D Chess: some time travelers went back in the timeline after a match they found particularly interesting and decided to cause mayhem for no reason

    9D Chess:666D Chess: That is not a Chess game, but a complex ritual to summon Azathoth from the Deep space. Alien, Who only knows the universal lenguage of maths, communicate with Chess moves and the avatar of Nyarlatothep (Hans Niemann) started the ritual. The online matches where not games, but the instructions for starting the ritual.
    Chtulhu Fhtagn

    10D Chess: This is a copied comment

    i really wish ding managed to win this game, but still insane draw. ding had such a cool opening. congrats to nepo with that bluff. that takes some guts in a wcc. literally one of the most dramatic wcc matches. lookin forward to game 9

    Great vid. Watched the whole thing! Draaaaamaaaaa

    Magnus would have absolutely mopped the floor with either of these guys.

    Sportstastic Productions!!! #subtoCrazyJosue says:

    Levy = 🔥

    Good day! I would like to submit a pretty intense game. It would make a great content, I promise. The keywords are: "Epic" and "Comeback".

    Oh and yea, it' from a 800+ ELO.

    I'm trying to get one of the drills correct and I have to stop to watch this. You should offer 75% off discount for those of us that just super suck

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