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%1$ Comments692

    I was watching it live and as a Ding fan, I got so pissed when he missed Bc6… i am not gonna recover from it

    My man you are gorgeous male let me tell you, but your graphic is doing a terrible job at editing your face for the thumbnails, u 90% look so artificial or genuinely ugly / deformed a lot, while in reality your face is way more appealing and good looking

    I'm confused, can someone explain: why is it a big deal if Ding's prep was leaked during the match? Nepo wouldn't know until after the game, so the game was still fair, right? Seems like not a huge deal?

    The crazy thing is Ive been studying this line for the past 3 days

    Hey gotham love our vids just throwing it out there with all the crazy names in chess when you are describing moves and your swapping between like ian and nepo and stuff it gets confusing sometimes for my smooth reptile brain

    I don't understand, what is bad about him prepping with someone else about his potential position? someone ples explain.

    The position at 12:00 feels absurd. Ding is down a pawn, his king is completely exposed on the E-file, and yet he has a huge advantage

    I never throught that a World Championship game could have a game review that looks like mine. Maybe I am getting better at chess…

    am I dumb now i m only 800 elo so maybe I am but does white not have mate at 13:33 like he takes the black pawn with hhis queen check then he either moves the king to the one square he can move to or he blocks with the queen. If he blocks with the queen white can just take the queen cus the white pawn will protect the queen and it will also be anther check. black king moves back and white queen moves all the way to the top right corner checkmate.

    The stare today was beautiful, 10/10. It made me rethink my entire life and gave me a whole new perspective of the universe. It made me laugh and cry at the same time. Great vid 💪

    Wait, there has been a Chess world championship?
    Oh well, I guess honoring the worlds second best player makes sense.

    I dont know if i can take anymore of this also levy going crazy every video now to much to handle 😔

    I don’t see Magnus missing so many opportunities, and because of that I can’t get excited over these “championship” matches

    embarrassing finals, I wonder how Magnus really feels after watching these games.

    Ding dong be choking every game. I close this game out!

    this video is #11 trending in the video games category! insane

    See guys even in a World Championship the Eval Bar can go ping pong. That means there's hope for all of us !

    Greatest Chess Game of this Century! Proof: Levy did not shamelessly shill his products even ONCE in 20+ minutes of recap. 😳 The chess itself? Meh. Two Great players…who both lack the nerve to play in a WC match. Magnus getting weary of beating players who pee all over themselves under the global microscope becomes more understandable with each game. Sigh.

    Commentators trying to hype up this WCC, but the reality is this is the most competitive WCC in a long time because both of the players are sh!t. There, I said it.

    lets appreciate Levy as the goat chess MC. No one can deliver a recap like that! No one.

    Your commentary energizes the chess world to an entirely new level, love it

    Anish explained Ding's oppening so nicely in the broadcast, pointing out his queen side pawn structure (doubled pawns on c file) and that he hasn't even castled and his king was safe for entire game. Truly a d4 oppening masterclass from Ding.

    Also a big storyline in this game was Ding playing 40th move with 4 seconds left despite having more than 5 minutes after 39th. Goes to show you how deep these GMs calculate every line.

    I love how passionately you talk about chess

    this is what happens when one of the players is not the goat. still think nepo will take it.

    Is it too much to ask to know what the video is about from the title alone? What's up with all this garbage clickbait, garbage video title stuff?

    Ding didn't win? He had a completely winning position when I went to work about 10 hours ago…like mate in two winning position… Ok now I have to watch this and find out what happened

    A Wise man once said: "Chess speaks for itself"

    Magnus could have played both in the same time :))

    love you levy thanks for the best chess coverage <3

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