Kramnik’s Legacy Is The Destruction of Chess

Hikaru covers a twitter opinion on Kramnik and the perception of chess.
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#gmhikaru #chess #vladimirkramnik

%1$ Comments56

    There's a big difference between the highest level and low-level chess. The highest level requires quirky abilities that may not have widespread practical application. Low-level chess depends mostly on generic calculation, and is both a good exercise for, and a good measure of, certain mental ability.

    I hate to point this out, but most of us in these comments play. Doesn't it seem like people are just getting craftier about how they cheat so it's harder to detect? Over the past few years, it really feels like at least half the people I'm playing against are using some kind of help… or if they aren't, they SHOULD be 500 ELO higher, and they were dropped by cheaters. None of the ratings feel valid anymore, at least to me.

    Three problem is, there is a cheating undercurrent in chess. It's currently immeasurable and denying it is more likely to hurt the game.

    give me a billion i’ll be a gm quick

    There are three levels of “The Process”
    1. “The Preprocess”
    2. “The Process”
    3. “The Post Process”

    you don’t have to make money to take a shower👀

    Coming to the end of this conversation for the true answer is the high level chess player and or grandmaster are more perception than anything you could possibly say.

    You have to excuse Kramnik, he's only a russian

    "if anal beads become the public perception of chess" shout out our boy hans

    The person who said bronny sucks in the chat didn't understand what Hikaru was saying. He's saying bronny is better than you and your son's 😂

    One positive side effect of Kramniks interventions (truthfully or not) is that it shifted the focus on cheating, specially online and thats a good thing, because this IS a problem and always will be.

    Kramnik is digging his career into an early grave. No one likes sore losers lol and the audience that watches him now are just waiting to be part of the next twitch clip.

    Genetics in sports lineage isn't relevant. It's about being immersed in the game from a young age. They grow up playing and playing and playing and playing.

    Is the idea that chess is a popular fad that might pop as a bubble more an American perspective where chess is 'becoming popular' in America (in a 'culture' that may view everything as a cynical trend-fashion) whereas globally chess, iGo and shogi etc, are more deeply rooted in centuries or millenia of cultures and traditions, where saying chess might be 'destoryed' might be like saying families eating dinner together would be destroyed because celebrity chef has issues.

    Elon is a narcissistic conman who throws tantrums when people publicly disagree with him. He boasted to Kasparov about how he put his company at risk of cyber attacks by Russia, asking what Kasparov had done other than tweet? Kasparov openly opposed Putin's presidency whilst living in Russia and formed the United Civil Front movement, he's been arrested and beaten more than once… He literally put his life on the line… Elon should stick to selling snake oil and stay out of politics at home and abroad.

    Oh, it will survive Kramnik for sure.
    People will just start thinking the same thing they did when Fischer went nuts, but since Kramnik is the 2nd GM to come out with idiotic accusations, pretending he knows how to do statistics when he doesn't even know the basics and how to apply them correctly (which you learn in your 1st year in any decent mathematical course in college, mind you), it'll just be set in stone, which is the fact that yes, being a GM probably means your smarter BUT it might also mean you might be a little… special. As in, in the wrong side of a certain spectrum, if you catch my drift.

    I wonder what % of GMs that believed Hans cheated in that infamous game vs Magnus, still think he did so😕

    I do agree that not all GMs are geniuses and that Kramnik is on the lower end of the IQ spectrum when it comes to GMs but it's not because we can find a handful of GMs with lower IQ that GMs are not smart. All it means is that some people will have to work harder to become GMs. In all of chess history, only Nigel Short was identified as a lower IQ at 110 and the other example is Hikaru doing an IQ test on stream and got 103 IQ, which is obviously not his real IQ.

    Well he proved one thing. You don't have to be a genius to write articles. Who knew?

    How would you explain the score of the recent match between Magnus Carlsen and Tuan Minh Le, particularly considering Le's performance in Titled Tuesdays?

    Kind of getting tired of this. Just settle it in the chess boxing ring already. Nakamura vs Karmnik on DAZN PPV

    Ok your right but they all have talent and they have to find what it is first and try to connect the reason of chess😮

    I agree that no one in the general public, even those who play chess recreationally, has an idea of who Kramnik is. Everyone from a certain age on heard of Kasparov, and I don't think even Magnus is nearly as much of a household name among younger people today as Kasparov was in the 1980s and 1990s.

    Aspect of chess.and you are showing some but all aspects seen or unseen known or unknown as long as it's true should be no way left out because your not one of the top 15 in the world and or not as a everyday chess player with a rating or not for if you do you represent yourself as?😮

    The biggest benefit a child gets from training chess is to become a better chess player. I doubt it does a lot more

    11:57 Hikaru literally demonstrating good chess players don’t have to be smart in other ways…

    From what I'm getting from this is the reasoning of and or action towards the principal of the situation it's self.

    What you said about a certain one with the pattern and being a genius this opening and system is in conception since 2005 and no I'm not a genius just more of the intellect.😮

    while not a respectable time professionally i get the genius comments from normies on a 30 sec rubics cube solve.

    T1 Shade Thrown. How are you gonna respond T1?

    Kramnik exposed you, this pathetic attempt to retaliate just solidifies his point

    i think that elite chess players are geniuses in areas that matter in the game of chess, but it may not necessarily translate well into other areas

    Great content love chess also enjoy the commentary and insight from your perspective

    Fischer and Magnus both have IQ’s in the top 99.99 percentile but people will still insist IQ doesn’t play an important factor in chess. I agree that with enough time, practice, & perseverance most people could become titled players but to compete at the top it’s no coincidence all the best have had extremely high IQs

    this schwarz guy is an idiot, firstly this is not restricted to chess, all geniuses do weird things in some other areas, infact forget about geniuses even normal people who are not geniuses in certain areas do weird things in certain areas like some believe outlandish religious things, literally everyone in this world do great things in certain areas and are awful in other, this is not only true about chess player but all of humanity, chess players are geniuses but only in their field just like rest of humanity nothing special or different about them, what is the point of this schwarz guy anyways, terrence howard is utter idiot in math but he made a career as actor, elon musk is a successful businessman but talks lot of nonsense about things he doesn't know anything about. Kramnik is great chess player but he is a terrible statistician who thinks he knows it but in truth knows nothing about statistics, only reason for his obsession for stats is that he cannot handle being defeated by unknown people on the internet.

    Purely a meritocracy, unless you're a woman…

    14:50 HANS CHEATED OVER THE BOARD??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Hikaru has always been a shameful person and anyone paying attention to chess before COVID knows this. Disgusting baseless accusations from a coward as Hikaru continues to refuse to accept Hans challenges because he knows Hans would wipe the floor with wish washed up disgraceful self.

    There's two things I kinda disagree with. First being that chess players are considered as being intellectual geniuses, because if that myth ever existed, Bobby Fisher singlehandedly destroyed it all by himself back in the 70's. What is generally assumed by the main public is that chess, like Math or old Latin can be a valuable tool in teaching you how to approach problems logically, and that is of course correct, so chess won't go anywhere just because of how certain top players behave.
    The second thing I disagree with is that Chess is a pure meritocracy (especially compared to other sports). The Russians weren't the best players in the world because they were better than anyone but because they were trained better and had their government behind it. Of course you still have to have the talent, but that isn't the only factor deciding about your career, not in chess and not in any other sport. And if we want to talk about genetics, I'd say that it isn't really a coincidence that Carlsen's sister was a pretty good chess player, as there is no lack of examples of sibling pairs being pretty good at chess (the Polgar sisters probably being the most famous example). See also Pia and Anna Cramling. So it isn't as if that didn't exist in chess as well.

    IQ is first off a very old way of measuring intelligence, the human brain is very complex, you get genius footballers that can’t string a sentence together for example and this is the same with chess, especially when you see Kramnik acting like a child.

    The idea of genius has always been explicitly tied to being extremely talented, inspired, and creative/innovative in a single area (or a few at most). No one who uses the word 'genius' means 'all-around smart person' and if they do, they're misusing it.

    I think it's not that deep, likely when you measure a top players IQ it tends to be above average more often than not, just not always.

    Spatial awareness, problem solving, creativity and pattern recognition are part of ones intelligence so that boosts a chess players IQ but the rest might be shit and you still can have a poor psyche and crap personality even if you maxed out IQ on all frobts, therefore acting like an idiot regardless.

    I havent ever heard a chess player that sounded especially smart (after Kasparov time). Anand and Kasparov sounded the smartest but far from genius.

    So no. It was indeed a myth

    Just wanted to say your argument about the kids being better at a sport because of certain genetics, therefore other sports are not a meritocracy, makes no logical sense and you can't argue like that. Its equivalent to saying someone born with certain chess talent will automatically be better at chess which may be true, but it completely defeats your point. Because there is no conclusion from that argument. What were you trying to say? You were arguing that chess is performance based and other sports are not but then you bring the argument that is to say that if you were born with more sports talent, you will be better… But that is also true for chess! based on your own argument you contradicted yourself and brough up an irrelevant point. And more-over it supports what you are trying to argue against, if you are claiming other sports are not performance based then what's the point of bring up genetics, because that is part of high performance. Its equivalent of me saying "common chess is nothing to do with how hard you work but rather the skills you were born with" and then I would use your statement "rich people hire coaches and then they still cant get above a certain rating" – how is this any different than people being born with genetics that let them perform higher in regular sports vs people being born with genetics that perform better in chess?

    Your argument can be used both ways, but you intend on choosing to say it only for support of your point, which makes it biased and null.

    Fischer isn't mad for saying jews caused 9/11. he was speaking the truth, or something which seems like a viable theory in my mind. What makes him "mad" is his other mental health struggles of paranoia which filled his life in other ways

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