Levy Finds A Brilliant Move!!

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#chess #levyrozman #gothamchess

%1$ Comments140

    “I beat kids” – Levy Rozman 💪💪🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥♟️♟️♟️

    Why didnt he just take the queen with the black knight. Have i missed something?

    Me when opponent has time of 10 sec

    What is the music name of this video? I really like it.

    Ciężko rozumieć ową pozycję, skoro zamaskowano obecność białej wieży poprzez ucięcie kawałka planszy.

    I got bad ears. The music makes it hard to hear what words theyre saying

    What should the kid do before the brilliant move ?

    There a reason the kid couldn’t take the queen with his knight?

    It almost seemed like levy thought the knight was free at first and didn’t even see the other knight 😂 accidental brilliancy 😂

    Question is, whats the line after Kg2?

    This make me think of that one edit where it’s like so he plays knight somewhere to stop rook h5 so he plays rook h5

    For those who dont know why the queen was a brilliant move and why didnt he take the queen, well its because of that rook in the upper left corner that would checkmate him by going to h8

    queen was won by kid but he make mistake

    Im a beginner. But why not black knight take queen when queen checked?

    I would've never seen that OTB or online.. wow.

    The black kid playing for black is pretty funny

    Why did the black did not play rook to c1 instead of c2 ??(at start of this shorts video)

    Its blunder by king but he takes the pawn by using the knight it ends

    Why is the bar so high for white? After the trades it's equal material.

    He miss Queen takes rook on f6. Then if pawn takes f6 then bishop takes knight on f7. Then rook h8 is unstoppable mate.

    People he is a gm, not great one but gm nevertheless this is basic.

    India react hmm nice , good gg bro
    But in America aur western country ohhh mmyyy gggodddd , ohhhh , howww youu doo ittt😂

    I don't get it….g5 was the correct move and had a guaranteed mate. Nex4 after this would have been a mate in 5.nxe4, bg3 or nd6 doesn't matter, nxg3, kxg3, qd2 , ng2, rxg2+, kf3, qe2###

    Im confused why didnt he take the queen with knight that put him in check?

    If knight takes queen then Rh8 checkmate

    Why didn't he take the queen with his horse near the end ?

    Me after pausing the brilliant for 45 min. :🤯🤯

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