Levy Tournament Round 1 | !sale !tournament !delay

Levy is playing in a chess tournament in Italy.

%1$ Comments25

    You could probably translate bye bye with "e arrivederci" or even more sarcastically "e ciao ciao"

    I really hate how broken YT's chat replay is

    Is this live, or on 15 minute delay?

    35:00 ! Mark literally means you found the only non-losing move. That’s all.

    “Levy’s gonna win this in the next 15 minutes” 14 minutes and 30 seconds remaining in the video

    At 29:40 when he said "You have to make a sacrifice". I could Levy hear saying "You have to sacrifice THE ROOK"

    i love coach Neiksans. Such a cool dude. Keep pushing Levy!!!

    GM Neiksans was amazing. Even the delay was fine. I loved his breakdown of the opening even if it lasted only 2-5 moves of theory. It helped explain the Reti to me.

    gm arturs never fails to commentate phenomenally

    Artur is some kind of hidden commentator talent … we love him!

    This is my first time ever watching a classical match in real time! I though it would be a little too boring for my ADD brain, but Arturs provided great commentary, and the game was fantastic 😀

    If Levy becomes a GM this stream must go down in Chess history

    Great stream! You should keep streaming on YouTube

    It can be better if the delay happens between levy’s game and GM Neiksans.

    Hi folks! Did you enjoy the 1st ever stream on YouTube?

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