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Carlsen, Magnus (2853) – Saric, Ivan (2670)
Aimchess Rapid Play-In | Champions Chess Tour ( [10] 2023.06.12
B51 Sicilian, Canal-Sokolsky (Nimzovich-Rossolimo, Moscow) attack

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+ Nd7 4.a4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.a5 Bg7 7.O-O O-O 8.Re1 a6 9.Bf1 b5 10.axb6 e.p. Bb7 11.Ra2 Qxb6 12.b3 Ng4 13.h3 Nge5 14.Nd5 Nxf3+ 15.Qxf3 Qd8 16.Bb2 Bxb2 17.Rxb2 a5 18.Ra2 e6 19.Nc3 Ne5 20.Qg3 Nc6 21.Nb5 e5 22.Bc4 Nd4 23.Nxd4 cxd4 24.d3 Kh8 25.Rea1 f5 26.f3 fxe4 27.dxe4 Bc6 28.Qe1 Qg5 29.h4 Qf4 30.Rxa5 Rxa5 31.Rxa5 g5 32.hxg5 Qxg5 33.Ra6 Rc8 34.Rb6 h5 35.Kh2 h4 36.Be6 Rc7 37.Kh3 Qd8 38.Bf5 Bd7 39.Qxh4+ Qxh4+ 40.Kxh4 Bxf5 41.exf5 Rxc2 42.g4 Rc3 43.Kg5 Rxf3 44.Kg6

00:00 Hello Everyone!

Magnus Carlsen and Hikaru Nakamura are set to compete in the Play-In for the Aimchess Rapid, the 4th event on the $2 million+ 2023 Champions Chess Tour. It takes place on on June 12 and will decide who joins Fabiano Caruana, Nodirbek Abdusattorov, Jorden van Foreest and Vladimir Fedoseev in the main event that runs July 10-14.

It begins with a 9-round Swiss tournament before the top finishers advance to Match Play, where a 2-game match, with possible Armageddon, decides who qualifies and to which of three Divisions. The time control is rapid chess, with 10 minutes per player for all moves, plus a 2-second increment per move from move 1. For the Armageddon decider, players bid the lowest amount of time they are willing to play to get to choose colour. The opponent gets 10 minutes, with no increment, with Black winning the match in case of a draw. Official website:

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%1$ Comments83

    Nic (J Bruce Feynman Niccolo P. Bentulan) says:

    3rd: Why would anyone like Hikaru when Hikaru BASELESSLY sided w/ Magnus over Hans re Magnus' BASELESS accusation that Hans cheated OVER THE BOARD?! How would Hans cheat OTB (i mean for real) w/o help from Chris Bird or Rex Sinquefield ?!?!!

    Is magnus accusing St Louis Chess Club of an American conspiracy to cheat Magnus? LOL!!!! I was told by oprocyona in 2022 Oct:

    'Many decisions in tournament chess are made to favor the player that brings in the most sponsorship dollars and views, which is undoubtedly Magnus. There's also no doubt that Magnus generally dislikes americans- he said so on one of the Magnus effect podcast episodes.'

    Some Iranians say Alireza (and Mohammadreza?) Firouzja is a traitor to Iran. (Source: xbw4kx ) I have no idea if that's true (anyone have ideas?), but:

    Bobby Fischer would agree with me.
    Bobby Fischer would agree with me.
    Bobby Fischer would agree with me.

    What do Daniil & Hikaru have in common? Both betray their country for Magnus.

    Hikaru Nakamura is almost as evil as the Hikaru in Oshi no Ko. Magnus Carlsen is almost as evil as Light Yagami.

    T0 – Now, Daniil & Hikaru are traitors for Magnus but not Norway, which was never the villain. Magnus is the villain (but not a supervillain like Hans Niemann. cf Megamind).

    T1 – Hikaru Nakamura is a traitor to the US for BASELESSLY siding with Magnus Carlsen over fellow American Hans Niemann.

    There's an episode of American Dragon Jake Long where Jake is accidentally sold by h friends. Here, Hans is intentionally sold by h compatriot. (Hans is Jake. Rotwood is Magnus.)

    American Dragon Jake Long
    American Traitor Hikaru Nakamura.
    They're both Americans of East Asian descent. Lol.

    T2 – Daniil Dubov is a traitor to Jews & Russians for siding with Magnus over fellow Jewish Russians Ian Nepomniachtchi & Sergey Karjakin in the 2021 WCC.

    T3 – Will you be surprised if Daniil & Hikaru change federations to Norway?

    T4 – Garry Kasparov cheated fellow Jew Judit Polgar in the 1994 Linares.

    This makes Garry

    T4.1 – a traitor to Jews since Judit is Jewish
    T4.2 – necessarily not GOAT / MTOAT because you can't be valedictorian if you cheated
    T4.3 – a mentor of Magnus Carlsen who similarly cheated Alireza Firouzja, Daniel Danya Naroditsky & Ian Nepo Nepomniachtchi.


    T5 – Also some Americans or Philippine people / Filipinos / Filipinas are traitors if they don't consider Wesley So the REAL world champion for the period 2019Nov – 2023Mar. (Kidding…sort of.)

    – T5.1 – Or worse, they consider Wesley So a traitor for moving to the US when Eugene Torre supports the decision which was practically forced due to the corruption of Philippine chess president Prospero Pichay Jr who was somehow re-elected in 2022 July despite being convicted of graft in 2022 June. Probably the same reason Arianne Caoili (Levon Aronian's dead spouse) left the Philippines for Australia. Try telling Levon that Arianne was a traitor.

    – T5.2 – Oh also 1 person did tell me e didn't like Wesley So because of what Wesley So said to h bio mom Leny So. Leny So & Prospero Pichay are HUGE traitors to Philippine chess. F()K LENY SO. F()K PICHAY. Also Leny So said to Wesley So 'putang ina mo.' Wesley So's response: 'Kinda funny that.' LOL.

    – T5.3 – Which is the greater number?

    A – Filipinos / Filipinas who became interested in 9LX soon after Wesley So won 2019 classical WFRCC?

    B – Japanese who became interested in 9LX soon after Hikaru Nakamura, who NEVER WON CLASSICAL 9LX, won 2022 rapid WFRCC?

    Last I checked 1 > 0





    P.S. Please help get Wesley So on Lex Fridman's podcast. See


    Nic (J Bruce Feynman Niccolo P. Bentulan) says:

    2nd: TIMESTAMPS PLEASE #SUGGESTION or why not let viewers make timestamps in comments then you can pin the best timestamp comment and copy the timestamps to the video description?

    magnus cheats anish in round 7 superbet blitz –> 3:22:36 in 8gw7XDq87C4 #suggestion

    Agad, what's your opinion of FIDE's use of the terms 'slow rapid' & 'fast rapid' please? This has implications for Wesley So.


    (0,10) is blitz.

    [10,60) is rapid.

    [60,120) is unrated classical.

    [120,infinity) is rated classical.

    So what's 'slow rapid'?

    Try to check out the maths here – they said both 32.5min & 60min are 'slow rapid'. Does this strike you as odd?

    I see only 2 possible definitions for slow & fast rapid.

    Def 1 – slow rapid means unrated classical [60,120) and fast rapid is rapid [10,60).

    –> this means Wesley So is not classical WFRCC but slow rapid WFRCC while Hikaru is fast rapid WFRCC.

    Def 2 – slow rapid & fast rapid cut up rapid [10,60) into resp [35,60) and [10,35).

    –> 2 issues here. 60min is not in either of these. Also, 32.5 is in [10,35). So neither 60 nor 32.5 are slow rapid. Lol. Wesley So is again classical WFRCC while Hikaru is (fast) rapid WFRCC.

    Def3 –> Since 15+2=17 is fast rapid, [10,X) is fast rapid & [X,120) is slow rapid for some 17 < X < 32.5. like say X is some arbitrary number like X=20 or X=30. Lol yeah right!!

    Other suggestions related to women in chess:

    A – Anna Cramling's dad beats Mikhail Tal. #suggestion

    B – Philippine women's chess #suggestion – WGM Janelle Frayna, the 1st and only Philippine WGM, upset Georgian GM (really GM not just WGM) Bela Khotenashvili at the 2022 world blitz.

    There's a 13-move UNDERPROMOTION puzzle here.

    [Variant "From Position"]

    [FEN "6k1/6b1/1p1P3p/6pP/3pPpP1/p2NqP2/6K1/5Q2"]

    1. Qd1 a2 2. Qb3+ Kf8 3. d7 Qe2+ 4. Nf2 Ke7 5. Qd5 Kd8 6. Qe6 Bf6 7. Qe8+ Kc7 8. Qc8+ Kd6 9. e5+ Qxe5 10. d8=R+ Bxd8 11. Qxd8+ Kc6 12. Qa8+ Kb5 13. Qxa2

    For some reason none of the Philippine channels except Kelvinllovejr even cover this game. LOL. But Janelle did cover the game where e drew against Nemo, so maybe Janelle will cover this game later on.

    2016 WCC – This is relevant to the 2023 WCC.

    Please agad cover the other decisive game of the Sergey Karjakin vs Magnus Carlsen 2016 WCC #suggestion

    What happened is that Magnus lost to Sergey AS WHITE in Game 8 but then compensated for a white loss with A WHITE WIN in Game 10. This is what happened to Liren Ding & Nepo for Games 2 & 4 of 2023 WCC.

    Why doesn't a drawn match go to the player w/ more black wins (if any) s.t. Sergey Karjakin not Magnus Carlsen is 2016 WCC & Ian Nepomniachtchi not Liren Ding is 2023 WCC?

    This has happened BEFORE!


    2022 Accentus Chess960

    Vincent Keymer and Nodirbek Abdusattorov both finished with 5.0/7 and tied first. However, as Keymer won more games with Black, he won the tournament on tiebreak.


    1980 – 1981 candidates tournament

    'When the quarterfinal between Portisch and Spassky was tied after 14 games, Portisch was declared the winner because he had won more games with Black.'

    Actually maybe cover the only 2 decisive games here if not already? #suggestion


    1983-1984 candidates tournament

    It wasn't repeated! The premise was the same! Hübner had more black wins than Smyslov before tiebreaks. After tiebreaks were tied, a ROULETTE determined Symslov won!!

    Actually maybe cover the only 2 decisive games here if not already? #suggestion






    P.S. Please help get Wesley So on Lex Fridman's podcast. See





    Someone take one for the team and get Marcus laid!

    We need him back in the game to create history

    لايزال الوقت مبكر للحديث عن منافس ل كارلسن

    end game was really complicated and Saric succumbed with style!

    Angel number 2882 is a sign that big changes are coming your way. The angels are urging you to be open to new possibilities and to embrace change. This number can also indicate a time of personal growth and transformation.

    Haha technically only the top 3 choose the opponent. The 4th doesnt really have a choice 😂

    4:40 he is basically exchanging the pawn on a5 for the pawn on f3, as the g pawn is pinned. Kicking the queen off the g file is necessary or else the rook takes on f3.

    edit: oh wait, it weakens the back rank and white will be faster, so rook can still capture on a5

    [Event "AI Factory's Chess"]

    [Site "Android Device"]

    [Date "2023.05.16"]

    [Round "1"]

    [White "You"]

    [Black "Cpu (12)"]

    [PlyCount "35"]

    [Result "1-0"]

    1. Nf3 Nf6 2. Nc3 e6 3. e4 Nc6 4. d4 d5 5. e5 Ne4

    6. Bd3 Bb4 7. Bd2 Nxc3 8. bxc3 Be7 9. a4 O-O 10. h4 b6

    11. Bxh7+ Kxh7 12. Ng5+ Bxg5 13. hxg5+ Kg8 14. Qh5 f5 15. g6 Qh4

    16. Rxh4 Na5 17. Qh8+ 1-0

    I like your channel the best…with balance between keeping the game moving to completing with only brief asides to the other lines.. excellent.

    4:45 – I don't "think" it was an unnecessary queen kick? You move the pin from the king, stopping the F rank rook taking the pawn on F3? (unable to recapture as the queen pins the king)

    He was always in form in short time control, but not in classical anymore

    I don't know about anyone else, but i feel the flow of this video, the way he presented this with alternate lines, and without an eval bar like most, this was Agadmators best video. The accent makes it sublime.

    At 5:40 how would the idea of pawn to d5 followed by rook to g8 threatening mate workout?

    Iturrizaga, not itzurraga. First GM from Venezuela. Our national pride

    Show the armageddon between Iturrizaga and Maghsoodloo. Both players with less than a second in the end #suggestion

    Agadmator, back in 2018 you were a big reason I started playing chess! You've shown many lines by bobby fischer, mikhail tal, magnus vs hikaru, I fell in love with the beauty of the chess board! Thank you for all your chess content! I feel like you've really been a huge part in why chess content is even popular, so much consistency, knowledge, stories and much more, you're amazing

    4:45 I think pawn to H4 is absolutely necessary otherwise rook takes f3 …

    Clearly, everyone now knows that Magnus is terrible at chess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😂😂😂

    Magnus another day in the office 🙂

    We'd love to see more of your chess videos ❤

    7:48 Stockfish points out that 37.Kh3 was a blunder, actually. Much better was 37.Rb8+ followed by a king move and then 38.Kh3 (not 38.Rg8), with many more attacking chances from the rook on the 8th.

    Normal result is Magnus murders everybody except Wesley

    Is that a pic of David Beckham? Is Saric related to Beckham?

    4:30 How is this giving up a pawn? It looks like after the rook trade the f3 pawn hangs, and black also gets Re3 to save the rook with an in-between if needed. h4 kicks away the queen and prevents Rxf3, even if it also allows g5.

    Comes to the endgame there wasn’t much doubt Magnus was going to come through Nice Game well played Thanks Agadmator

    At 6:10 you don't have to defend with your queen. Bishop h3 is also an option.

    magnus played that ending so beautifuly 🙂 what a great game

    no sir. nonono
    youre supposed to give us a few moments to pause the video and find the winning move. thats why im here

    This is not division II…This is the Play-In

    Why the hell is Magnus playing so much Rapid & Blitz if his stated objective in chess is to reach 2900 in Classical?!

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