Magnus Carlsen vs Daniil Dubov || FIDE World Rapid Team Chess Championship (2024)

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Carlsen, Magnus (2887) – Dubov, Daniil (2763)
FIDE World Rapid Team Chess Championship ( [05] 2024.08.02
C77 Ruy Lopez, Anderssen variation

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.d3 b5 6.Bb3 Bc5 7.c3 d6 8.O-O Rb8 9.Nbd2 O-O 10.Re1 Ne7 11.Nf1 Ng6 12.h3 Bb6 13.a4 h6 14.a5 Ba7 15.d4 c5 16.Ng3 c4 17.Bc2 b4 18.Ra4 b3 19.Bb1 Qc7 20.Qe2 Be6 21.d5 Bd7 22.Rxc4 Qxa5 23.Nf5 Bxf5 24.exf5 Nf4 25.Bxf4 exf4 26.Rf1 Rfe8 27.Qd2 Qxd5 28.Qxd5 Nxd5 29.Rd1 Re2 30.Rxd5 Bxf2+ 31.Kh1 Rxb2 32.Rd1 Be3 33.Rc6 a5 34.Rcxd6 Rc2 35.Ne5 Rf8 36.c4 Re2 37.Nf3 Bc5 38.Ra6 Bb4 39.c5 Rc8 40.c6 Kf8 41.Kh2 Re7 42.Rd3 Rec7 43.Ne5 b2 44.Rb6 Ke7 45.Rd7+ Kf6 46.Ng4+ Kg5 47.Rb5 Be1 48.f6+ Kh4 49.Ne5 Bg3+ 50.Kg1 g5 51.Rxc7 Rxc7 52.Rb7 Rc8 53.Rxf7 a4 54.Rh7 g4 55.Rxh6+ Kg5 56.Nf7#


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%1$ Comments52

    unfazed or just woke up.
    Gathering of the geeks.

    5:34 knight to f4 is a nice trick to take away magnus' amazing attack from the double bishops.

    12:03 couldnt he just play bishop g6 and knight f3 for checkmate

    Without checking with engine, I believe that simple rook to H7 would do the trick. King has no escape, right? And I should write comment only after the video ends😅😅

    Dubov is always challenging. His calculations are so brilliant that he allures the opponent into his booby trap but not the Magnus.

    he was not excited because he knew he had to lost that game so that Magnus could score, since he is in magnus training team.

    Dubov honors the old ways, always beautiful ideas

    First time i spotted the correct move, a testament to my 1300 elo rating 😂

    Please do Kiril Georgiev vs Garry Kasparov. Georgiev passed away.

    I personally want to have a. Drink at the bar or library before I die with agadmator

    As an Uncle who often play his Nephew in Chess I am kind of insulted 😂 about your opening commentv

    Dubov was on Carlsen's team, right? Lots of time together.

    i love how the intro said exactly what i was thinking. these two = banger

    This is for sure way above my pay grade so to speak – and Magnus certainly won, so what he did absolutely worked – but after the discovered check from the F file pawn around minute 11, what was the reason Magnus didn't capture en pasant? Is that like a rapid rule or something? I freely admit to my chess inexperience here, but taking that G pawn en pasant seems like a great positional maneuver to me. It more or less locks the back rank rook into defending the queening square, at least for the next handful of moves, while also blunting any king side momentum on Danil's part.

    Why dubov refused to push his A pawn will simply haunt my dreams forever. I mean this dude is A GM? Pfft whatever

    Again, if Dubov ever starts beating Magnus, it only seems fair Magnus should help him with his championship preparation.

    Magnus is stunning . The coordination of pieces sometimes is unreal.

    Each team requires a 'recreational' player on their team in this tournament. Something to strive for!

    Great analysis thanks for the video Antonio!

    Its settled. I want a random uncle joke in every video.

    Another fun commentary! A question, after watching a bunch of your videos. How comprehensive is "the database" of games, that you always refer to? Surely it can't contain every game ever played, presumably many are not notated anywhere. Does it go back to the early/mid/late 1800s? How many games are in it? If not already done, a video on the database would be very enjoyable!

    I think BG6 first was better because there’s no defense against NF3 checkmate. It was mate in 2

    Steinitz Saga can't wait ❤…some legend has it that he's the master of end games

    Finally we are getting the steinitz saga!!! Praise the lord!!!

    Wild game.
    Daniil, when you read this, my sister cannot play chess, but she has a crush on you 🙂

    Been waiting for Steinitz's saga since ages

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