MASSIVE Chess Cheating Update!
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Cracking up at the lack of editing out the mic dying, also my jaw actually dropped when I felt what was coming for the 1v1 announcement. Gonna be great 😂
From a viewer's perpective, what it really looks like is that Kramnik's cheating accusations to someone like Jospem, solid player, looks nothing else than elitism and discrimination. Ahhh, a latino player is stronger than me? he must be cheating. Disgusting. Todo mi apoyo a Jospem, y ojalá le des una muenda en los OTB.
Bravo!!!! Excellent idea! Getting them together for a game!!! I support Jospem (because I'm Mexican), but I totally respect Kramnik (he's a legend). I am glad that once and for all the accuser has the opportunity to prove his words and to confirm what we already know, that Jospem is a legitimate player.
Oh bars. Levy got bars.
TBH, he could be cheating. He has a some-what consistent accuracy of 92% with ± 1.7 deviation in the last 100 games, that means he has not got a single less than 90% in the last 50 games, which is pretty sus.
Gotham needs Linux.
Yes he is.
Cheating scandal is heating up!
Can they xray players before playing a big live tournament??
I played your bot i always i mean always… I stink and lose
Are you planning on making a video on Faustino Oro soon?
Beat Magnus in a game, and you, if I remember correctly. Only ten years old. Seems to have a bright future ahead.
Thought i went deaf for a sec there
I'm calling it now Vladimir is not going to go.
Putting clash of claims in my calendar because I’m over Vlad’s whining. My money’s on Jose.
I hope Kramnik gets adopted OTB. I want to see him get absolutely crushed into obvlivion. #TeamJospem
7:43 – 7:59 microphone issue (sound lost).
15:37 – 15:43 microphone issue again.
1:41 Levy got too Hollywood to follow back Pentala and Raunak Sadhwani (among others)
Bro when is new chess major update 😢😢😢
Pepe Cuenca and you …together …in Madrid? Omg ..Lucky me..I previously watched Pepe and Divis commentating the project and it is going to be Insane…C U in Madrid
Vladimir is not Vlad
when i play a very good game:
hope i do not get accused of cheating
nah bro click the analyze button and feel bad
At first I wanted to believe Kramnik. I'm sure some of the people he's accusing are cheating, but Jesus he just comes off like an entitled whiner who looks 60 but has the maturity of a 14-year-old. I genuinely feel kind of bad for him because chess seems to be the only thing that gives his life meaning and the chess world is just moving beyond him.
15:43 micccc
Hard disagreement on the age excuse. A healthy person will see slight speed decline and gain notable improvement in comprehension of data sets which could improve their overall playing well into their 60s. Assuming Kramnik isn’t generally unhealthy or drowning his sorrows after every other game, he’s just getting in his own way and blaming others.
Biggest thing in chess right now! Hope Kramnik wins!
rip microphone 7:40
Can you make your intro's shorter?
Awesome that you will be putting on this event and awesome Vlad and Jose are willing to play in it
Hablo español, y se sintio rarisimo cuando gotham empezo a hablar en español lol
Ultimate Fighting Chess
Jospem will lose offline
defnitely cant go its overseas :’) but cant wait to see the results from this irl game, please cover that when it happens levy!
Seems like your pc didnt like what you said about that opening being stupid 🙁
Very concerning.
How about implementing these clashes as a measure to counteract the harmful widespread accusations, and the cheating at the same time: You can accuse anyone you want, but that person can then challenge you to a clash. Think of it as an old-fashioned duel. Whoever loses the clash, is probably either crying wolf, or cheating! (I know I'm oversimplifying, but you get the idea) Less claims, less cheating, more fun for everyone!
Off topic, can we expect a chessly mobile app anytime soon? May have missed it if there was an announcement for it, but I’d greatly appreciate having an app for your courses
As the wise Japanese saying goes: “When everyone is cheating, noone is cheating”
That is how we end this.
Fun fact: when a pawn promotes to a queen it actually becomes a shemale
Frankly if someone regularly accused me of cheating I'd tell him to go eff himself to his face and it would be me refusing to play with such a bad sport. I would also expect others to refuse to play with him, not out of some kind of solidarity but simply because anyone continually making such unfounded allegations is bringing the game in to disrepute.
Of course cheaters need to to be rooted out, but there are such a things as 'benefit of the doubt' and compelling evidence.
I will always like your videos, but i cant subscribe if you keep your hair like that.. you look head on goofy!
5:14 ohhh someone hasn't practiced his Spanish😏 Duo is watching
Heart-rate monitors and confession booths please?
How can you cheat and gain time lime he was lol. I can't even get set up and I'm flagging on time with 3 min
I suggest you to make a history deep dive of Sultan Khan. In an international career of less than 5 years, he won the British Championship 3 times and even beat Capablanca.
Levy, maybe whilst you are in Spain you could play a rematch with Rey Enigma – as the warm up bout?
I am not sober….but this is milking. Give me chess at the end of the day please!