Me learning a new chess opening

Made by @HarrisAlterman

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#chess #shorts #chessvideos

%1$ Comments140

    When the opponent decides to play Giucco Piano instead Two Knights Defense😂😂

    My friend playing the fried liver him thinking I fell into his trap Me playing traxler counter attack he git destroyed

    She someone crushes you even though you played the English opening

    last time i went to a store. they played the credit card opening, i played the credit card declined: shoplifting variation, but sadly it got countered by the police gambit and now im surrounded. Had to resign sadly 🙁


    -azelea 2024

    Improvise, adapt, overcome

    Me: dont know your opponent know the fried liver opening
    Opponent:I know what are you gonna do

    just wait until he learned Queen’s Wayward Scholars Mate

    I kinda like it better because it’s boring playing prepared and memorized lines if rather get out of prep so I can play actual chess.

    That's why you learn London and King's indian: Because you are too lazy to learn multiple openings. 😎

    Me trying to learn queens gambit,
    Me going back to ruy lopez.
    Me trying to learn Caro Kann Defense,
    Be going back to just randomly place pieces.

    bro want him to play knight f6 . to do fried liver atack

    That’s why when learning a opening learn the most common variations and if your a nerd learn all of them have fjn

    Not for me I am english and scisillian player and I am an AFM

    I learned the tennison gambit just incase blacks plays d5 after my e4, it has happened 3 times since I’ve learned it and has helped me win twice. I do recommend practice games against 500elo bots before playing against a real person( I am 450 in bullet so I usually do 400 bots)

    Guy who taught me chess is furious when I wise up to his opening… I wonder why😮😮

    I only play d4 because there so many easy ways to play against whatever your opponent plays

    Me after playing queens opening for the 248376th time

    this is what keeps me from learning some openings because some people don't know them or won't play them.

    >Learns Caro-Kann
    >Opponent plays hillbilly attack

    i keep doing the same kings gambit four knights variation💀

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