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Gotham: calculates a string of 4-5 moves and finds what he believes to be the best move in the position, seeing hope for the future and a possible win
Also Gotham: blunders mate in 1
Alternative Title: Man gets beaten up a furry
When i saw the video i think oh this video 1year ago THAN I CHWCK THE TIME WHEN IT WAS MADE THAN 1H OH NO
When is Levi going to rematch the treadmill
I can’t even beat CEO Anish
The deadliest cat
Mittens qouting Dune like he is the Kwisatz Haderach
It's so good to get mated before realizing it's 2 turns out. XD
Tough games.
6:00 west
9:36 Two illegal moves in a row. En Passant is forced.
Stockfish vs this hellspawn next?
9:40 to 9:50 no en passant no like, no sub, no share and no ass
After I saw this bot I knew that you post an video on it
i was hoping it would be like the actual mittens, im quite disappointed its not
Hm… Frank would beat him.
Play the other anish boys that would be great to see
I guess we should call him “Mittens 2.0”
Is mittens Anish just Mittens bot playing the most aggressive moves that result in a draw?
"I must not fear, fear is the mind killer" – Dune.
Mittens Anish is cultured.
mittens has posessed anish, mittens is a force of evil. the first line is just mittens trying to convince you that he's not being possessed, dont fall for it. mittens is pure evil
Im very happy this happened, please eat me daddy.
Mittens suddenly went from being extremely cute to being extremely terrifying to being extremely handsome in a matter of one year.
Guys, maybe it's just me, but I think Levy's opponent is not a cat. I maybe wrong, but I am quite sure.
Anish x Mittens is not a pairing I want to see, ever, not in fanfiction, fanart, radio, music, or anything
Especially not smut
Today's stare was that of absolute panic. Reminds me of the time that a bee I thought I killed in my room was, in fact, alive and ready for revenge.
Levy – I invented karokan
Then get obliterated 😂
Since Anish became CEO, all draws count as wins for both sides
ChatGPT Gotham has almost got it down: "Hey everyone, it's GothamChess, and I am beyond thrilled to talk about this chess match I just witnessed. It was a real nail-biter!
I mean, who doesn't love watching two people sit quietly and move little pieces around a board? It's like watching paint dry, but with a bunch of fancy terms thrown in for good measure.
But seriously, this match had it all. There were "pins" and "forks" and "skewers" galore! It was like a cutlery convention up in there.
One player started off with the good old-fashioned Queen's Gambit, which is about as exciting as it sounds. But the other player responded with a move that can only be described as…wait for it…a pawn push. Yes, a pawn push. I'm on the edge of my seat just thinking about it.
As the game progressed, both players took turns making "double attacks" and "discovered checks", which sounds impressive until you realize they're basically just moving two pieces at once or revealing a check that was already there.
But then, out of nowhere, one player busted out a "knight fork", which sounds like something you'd order at a fancy restaurant, but is actually just a move where you threaten two pieces at once with your knight. I know, I'm sweating just thinking about it.
As the game neared its climax, both players were scrambling to avoid a "stalemate", which is like a chess version of a tie. It's like, "Congratulations, you both managed to not win. Bravo."
And finally, after what felt like an eternity, one player made a move that led to a "back-rank mate", which is just a fancy way of saying they checkmated their opponent. And let me tell you, the crowd went absolutely wild. Well, as wild as you can get when you're all quietly watching a game of chess.
So there you have it, folks. A thrilling game of chess filled with sarcasm and a bunch of terms that make it sound way more exciting than it actually is. Until next time, keep playing and keep pretending to know what you're talking about."
Mittens pulled a Metro Man
nice american psycho impressions
Wth i am scared
Frank lost 😢😢
mittens left the call
Mittens Anish came to call
If Mittens was so popular I don't understand why they got rid of it, how does that make sense from a business perspective?
I have been doomed, again
Also, anyone want to make a mittens chatbot, I wanna beat mittens at something
9.5 thousandth like
Bro resisted the urge to en passent. Make this Guy a gm
Ha it's April 3 for me
we all knew mittens would rise again
Nah, this is not the Mittens i know…this guy is soft…the Mittens i know will make anyone fall in despair, crushing your soul and tear you apart…this is just a wannabe "Mittens"….but oh boy, how i miss my time with Mittens…BRING THE REAL CAT BACK !!!!
He lost for the stockfish match tomorrow 😅
Mittens-Anish may have stolen Levi's soul in this one…
oh christ…. not the menace to society.