My 5 Most Brilliant Chess Moves

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My 5 Most Brilliant Moves

0:00 Intro
0:53 Brilliant Move 1
6:30 Brilliant Moves 2
10:15 Brilliant Move 3
16:46 Brilliant Move 4

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%1$ Comments552

    5:15 You should explain that after Kxe4 there is a mating sequence Qf5+ Kd4 c5+ dxc6 Fc5#

    If you can’t last longer than 3 minutes that is a skill you must develop not just for chess . Naughty Levi at 4:10

    In game 5 when you started showing Bd4 and so on for a while i was so confused why Qxf8 wasnt checkmate

    Day 217 of translating Levy’s titles into Italian: “Le mie cinque mosse più brillante di sempre”

    27:29 I believe it is mate in 7 (14 moves total) if you sack the rook and then queen. Probably wouldn't have found that in a game though

    I leapt out of my chair when I got Qxe8 correct

    when you find mate in 1 you must look for a better move

    Blunder Video sounds fun. like in your self analysis videos where you explain your thought process and then you go "and here I played XY because I thought blahblah and I'm fine, right? I'm totally fine, except XY loses the game. On the spot". Please do that for every analysed blunder I'd love it.

    last game was a beautiful minature. brilliant stuff!
    your game reminded me of my best sequence I had ever played otb in a tournament. Check it out if you want, here is the PGN, it is short:
    1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 g6 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. Bd3 O-O 6. e5 dxe5 7. dxe5 Ng4 8. h3 Nxe5 9. Nxe5 Bxe5 10. O-O c6 11. Bh6 Re8 12. Re1 Bf6 13. Qf3 Nd7 14. Rad1 Qc7 15. Ne4 Bh8 16. Qxf7+ Kxf7 17. Ng5+ Kg8 18. Bc4+ e6 19. Rxe6 1-0 (here my opponent resigned, preventing mate is impossible)

    Really wish we could search analyzed games for brilliant moves

    14:41 what about sacking your queen on f8 for the rook? Cuz if king takes you can push your took and promote for the bishop. I feel that's definitely wrong but don't get why if anyone wants to explain.

    Also levy I agree that watching you not play perfect games is fun too 🙂

    Levy; I don't get the "Why I Retired From Chess" video when you are like a dark knight smashing opponents

    I would like to see if there is any mad Austrian for him putting schnitzel as the 'stereotypical German food' hahaha

    I'm 900, my brilliant moves usually involve taking the hanging piece. Although I've had actual brilliant moves with sacrifices and stuff. Never a queen sac though, apart from the classic backrank M2 puzzle.

    i'm not trying to brag or something but if you do puzzles quite frequently, the last sequence should actually not be that hard to spot. In the middle of a game maybe but as soon as you said "You're welcome to pause" i pretty much saw this instantly.

    That last sequence was magical. I love that the knight has just been chilling in defence and in the last minutes of the game races up the field and sets up the winning goal.

    I've only had 2, and I didnt know I was being brilliant

    I actually saw the whole sequence at the last game

    All the moves are obvious we all have this in our games stupid content maker!!

    Not sure I’d spot all/any of these under time pressure. But I’m happy to say I paused after Qxf2 and when you showed Bd4 I was all like “isn’t Qxf8 mate?”

    On the last one I thought I was so smart for finding the immediate queen sac idea after they took the rook, but then I was like "aw crap"at 28:10 when he went Bd4 attacking the queen since I figured there was a problem I missed with the queen sac which is why he didn't play it Then I felt really great about myself again at 30:20 when it turned out that my combination not only was right but a move faster than Levy's most brilliant combo 😎

    I was actually really confused about Bd4 on the fifth game bc of ba3 first. I assumed i misscalculated something lol

    I think your instructive charisma with all of us about Chess is really admirable. I’ve been working on my positive communication skills and still have much to learn. Happy February, Gotham community; let’s make it a good one!

    With most of your brilliant moves coming while playing white, I wonder if confidence and aggression factor into it.

    With black a draw is considered acceptable so we don't try for brilliance.

    Maybe the lesson is to be aware of opportunities with black too.

    These were all great but believe it or not… Game 1 was my fav

    I’m 1100 and I played bongcloud against a 1200. I won in 22 moves by checkmating him with a pawn. The ultimate “go cry in a corner” moment

    Levy you are the most active, consistent, and entertaining public personality around. Thank you for always providing informative and comical content. I cannot imagine the stress and turmoil that accompany running such a large platform, but know that you make it seem effortless!

    I usually open with e4. That's usually my best move. Not sure why the engine doesn't think it's brilliant 😕

    Why chess people think that red and blue dont fit together. "Blue is brilliant, red is a blunder. " Me be like but my favorite color is red, and I'm a chess player

    I just make random moves and like 8% of the time I win. Literally just click any peice and any square. It's pretty strong around 700. Button mashing in chess didn't used to be a thing but I can own with my strat online. The best part is that you can't consider me to be bastardising the game because if you lose to that strat than you should probably be rated lower than someone doing it.

    In the first game I would make every move like you and I also hadn't found mate in one😂

    I actually saw the entire last combination before you said it! kinda proud of myself lol

    "If you can't last more than 3 minutes, that's a skill you should develop in life, not just in chess." This is the wisdom we come here for.

    What the fuck is “pashka bread”? Put borscht on the picture for God’s sake

    Please take me as your Queen my King!!! Sincerely your biggest fan, Edward (btw I’m a fan all the way from England 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈)

    Well, I do want a video about your best blunders, because you know 😉.

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