Neuralink Patient Plays Chess WITH HIS MIND

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%1$ Comments276

    Just cant believe this wasn't a click bait 😂

    Anything we can observe and record can be replicated

    I don't think getting Neuralink is likely to make you better at chess.

    We can't get ONLY the late-stage capitalism from those cyberpunk dystopias. There have to be some nice things every now and then, too.

    I just wish someone ethical would develop that because you know, once this thing hits the market, you will only be able to get one if you sign an end-user's agreement, that gives Neuralink full ownership of any data collected by the thought-scanner in your brain (and will possibly allow them to patch "both the artificial and the biological component of the cybernetic device" with no confirmation of the user)

    We are fan of Gothamchess ❤❤😊

    Saw your comment on twitter and was waiting for this video to drop. Such insanely cool tech + an ancient game.

    Chess with hand❌ chess without hand✅

    He probably can cheat without anyone noticing

    Petition for gotham to play king of the bridge(it is a chess based game for those who don't know)

    Gotham- 'noooooo land. That was a Bad pun'.
    Indians- 'that was a op pun😂😂😂.'

    It's not a two-way interface in any way.

    Levy – Nooooooo… Land…
    Me and My dirt indian *ss – Nooooooo… Lund… 💀


    Levy : yourself and you "content" are YOU NIC

    bravo !!! 😉 … et merci

    Well I don’t play with my mind so guess I can skip the video 🤷‍♂️

    Levy, electric and magnetic fields do actually affect your brain and mind already. When exposed to a strong enough field, or weaker fields for long periods of time, most common symptoms are tiredness, confusion, etc. and even more "physical" symptoms like heart arrhythmia or skin problems. Physical reality is crazy.

    Video Title: Neuralink patient plays chess WITH HIS MIND

    Me: Well I guess I should stop playing MIND less chess

    Yup i am fan of both….science and chess😊

    Awesome Levy ! Standing ovation for Noland, Elon and his Neuralink team, well done !! However I sincerely hope that able bodied people with neural link can NOT also access Stockfish or other chess engines while playing.. I`m sure the neuralink team have and are considering these kinds things or other implications. But it is indeed safe to say " that's incredible ! "

    There is no way neuralink is actually doing what they claim. Remember that Elon ALWAYS hypes shit up far beyond what something actually is/does, and has no problems exaggerating/lying about it.

    Hey levy I have been following you for sometime. I am from India. I have a 6yr old and would want him to learn chess. So got him to a chess academy near my place and guess what? Your videos was being played for the kids😀… Amazing! Wish I could send you the picture somehow.

    too much to type about. its not telepathetic. telepathetic would be communicating from one mind to another without the use of objects. telekinetic would be having an ability to move objects, or to make them change shape, using only the power of the mind. neuralink at this point is an arduino (a very small, although not very powerful computer) connected to the brain that interprets changes in (i imagine) analog resistance, with a bigger computer (than the arduino) behind it. at least to my mind not really rocket science. the possibilities stagger the imagination.

    Imagine having stockfish in your brain

    Telepatic is when use your brain impulse not device when use device is not telepatic is like phone using just phone is in your head or in your ass

    This is what happened in a Bernard Weber book that came out in the early 2000’s. The story of a guy becoming paraplegic, getting a neural implant and playing chess online with it.

    The transhuman agenda progresses step by step.

    Imagine you get angry with this thing and it automatically starts trash talking ur opponent with ur thoughts 💀

    Bro magnus been using this against everyone for years

    I love that virtual insanity is playing in the background of the neuralink video

    We are getting close to cyberpunk umiverse

    Doesn't everyone play chess with their minds

    Maybe Musk can use this to overcome his malignant narcissism and tendencies towards right wing idiocy. Maybe…

    Its so fast because there is no need for the electrochemical signals to travel to motor neurons. Hope he doesnt play bullet 😅

    Has cremnik twiitted accusing him for onboard chess engine ?

    What shall we call that hair in the front? A poof? Love the poof, Levy!

    Nohandsgamer was playing hearthstone without hands like 10y ago.

    The mouse knows to release in the exact same way your hand knows to release. You can but you don't normally think about releasing your fingers, You just do it.
    Also, Then can radically influence you brain externally already. Well, in some limited ways. Check the research about passing a magnetic fields over someones head in the same way the Earths magnetic fields would when its drifting around. It makes people see your classic big eye aliens. i.e. it triggers your facial recognition mask.

    Kramnik is already accusing this guy of cheating

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