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Road To GM, Episode 35

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%1$ Comments47

    At what point will you play for a draw or at least the endgame? I get he was lower rating, and it's probably hindsight to be fair

    Levy, you're an inspiration to so many of us, not just because of your skills, but because of your heart, passion, and dedication. Every setback is just another step on the path to greatness. You’ve taught us that chess, like life, is about resilience, learning, and never giving up. The GM title is just around the corner, but whether you have it or not, you’re already a Grandmaster in our hearts. Keep fighting, keep inspiring, and know that you've got a whole army of supporters behind you. Greetings from Slovakia, and thank you for being the incredible person you are!

    Chess is hard Levy. Don't worry, you will get there!

    Spend 14 minutes to make a bad move. The Gotham Gambit. 😂

    Hey Levy I’m not sure if you will be reading this but I just wanted to say that we as the fans will support you during your impressive wins and heartbreaking losses. Love all the content man. Thanks for evertything you do for your community and the chess community as a whole. At this point A GM norm most likely won’t be possible, but we encourage you to keep working hard and play your best in these final few rounds in the Spilimbergo Open. Thanks Levy and I know that you will achieve the Grandmaster title. My support is with you.

    These mistakes should've been done 5 years ago so you'd be a better player now. That's the price for not competing for some time right. It's just part of the process that you gonna have to go through.

    This felt like a game where if you somehow found bishop h4, you'd almost feel bad for your opponent as you know they deserved the win, but got a draw due to a technicality that you didn't find until the last second out of desperation.

    Who loved that new intro like me, that head gesture , cinematic kind of intro 😎

    You’re not on track to become a GM. When you pursue wealth, all you get is money. You’re too busy selling things and monetizing your journey. My advice is to cancel your patrion and give out all that content for free. You have to give to get, nothing worthwhile occurs without sacrifice. Use your strengths to make the world better while God helps you convert weakness into strength. I believe you have what it takes to make the necessary adjustments and achieve your goal. God Bless.

    Got the whole way to an endgame just take me a 500 play feelsbadman

    Min 1:30 Levy, in this tournament, is indeed Ralph from the simpson

    When I seem more upset about a loss than Levy, you can tell the mental growth he's had.
    Go Levy!

    Proud see Nikhil competing in open tournments. He's from my state of Vizag, AP, India.

    Just keep cooking but also don’t cook it too much

    One biased subjective opinion based tip for your consideration – practice a short mindfulness for 2 mins before the game it will help you to get in the zone!

    Day 23 of commenting on GothamChess videos

    Be civil and respectful and wash your stinky fingers

    This nikhil guy is actually insane…200 points in a month and 300 in 2 is RIDICULOUS

    “Gah I’m in danger” was hilarious 😂😂

    Owning the loss is actually so commendable.

    Seeing this gives me more confidence you’ll be gm.

    Bro you don't know how to play the game, you disappoint me so much,u over complicate things, look fo simple and improving move no much tactics, you are not a grand master stop trying to play like way, you over complicate things for your own self, focus on a tax.. king or queen side, you keep trying to stop his plan, you should think first if the plan favors you or not or if there's something he miscalculated and use that for your advantage, this game is total rubbish and I hate you for it, booo to you 😒😒

    That was a very instructive game. For me, moving the Knight away from c5 was unnessary since it was in a comfortable position applying good pressure to centre squares like e4 and d3. f5 to f4 was the play because if captured, Bishop to h4 would have stopped Black's other kingside pawns from advancing. Stay positive Levy. Your openings are very solid and you will find some nice lines in the middlegame. As your coach says, when you're not happy with a position don't dwell on the past. Refocus and play with a fresh mindset with the position you have. Your position is never as bad as you think and your opponent's position is never as great as you think.

    These road to grandmaster series has been so helpful to me. I don't play chess at your level but I do play a tcg at around your level. I've been dealing with a lot of this issues you've talked about. It's been really nice to see its not just me and I'm trying to adjust like you are to get my head straight and such. Thanks for your honesty

    Great, healthy attitude after a tough game. A valuable lesson in life as much as in chess.

    This was a terrific recap. Thanks for posting

    the bit that stuck out to me was the queen move to the side of the board. it's basically offside. you did at one point have all the best squares for your pieces, but in that situation, I'd you could have placed your queen anywhere on the board, I guarantee it wouldn't have been on A3 or whatever that square was.

    You look Sick, are You all right Levy?

    This was a nerve wracking loss. Levy has taught us the drawing concept on move 52 before. With the entitlement of Stockfish, I was screaming at him to sac the Bee and get to the corner. He was will pick it up in the next rounds. Vamos!!

    if u have one chance, one opportunity, to seize everything u ever wanted in one moment, would u capture it…

    Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it’s the courage to continue which counts

    Even Magnus makes mistakes and loses games. I like your new mental approach.

    Whaaatt? Levy, you are 28??? I'm older than you??? Man, why people from usa looks like they are 25 when 17 and 34 when 20ish, like am I too childish? Is something cultural? Im so cofused with ages😅😅

    Whenever I feel down or anything uncomfortable, I come to GothamChess, you never fail to make me feel better, Levy, I truly hope the best for your future, and that you gain the grandmaster title, as you deserve it.

    Damn you 28 ?
    I thought you are 40 or something

    You got this Levy! THE PEOPLE'S GM WILL BOUNCE BACK 🫡

    I am glad that you can see the posititves in your loss that you can see the position you once held in the game to make improvements because it will be what would take you to the next step. It was a great game with very few chances and those are the margins in chess. Just a little bit better and you woulda got this one but go again.

    Title: No.
    Meaning: No. I won't give up! Losing is part of the process!

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