Pragg is Officially OP

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Photos by Lennart Ootes

Praggnanandhaa R (2690) – Maghsoodloo, Parham (2719)
V. Geza Hetenyi Memorial | GM ( [2] 2023.07.12
A29 English, four knights, kingside fianchetto

1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.g3 d5 5.cxd5 Nxd5 6.Bg2 Nb6 7.O-O Be7 8.a3 O-O 9.b4 Be6 10.d3 f6 11.Ne4 Qd7 12.Rb1 Rab8 13.Bb2 a6 14.Qc2 Ba2 15.Rbc1 Qe6 16.Ned2 a5 17.bxa5 Nxa5 18.Bc3 Ra8 19.Bh3 Qf7 20.Bxa5 Rxa5 21.Qxc7 Bd8 22.Qc3 Ra6 23.d4 exd4 24.Nxd4 Be7 25.Ra1 Na4 26.Qc2 Bc5 27.N4b3 Bxb3 28.Nxb3 Ba7 29.Bg2 f5 30.e3 g5 31.Rad1 Kh8 32.Rd5 Rc6 33.Qd2 Rf6 34.Rb5 f4 35.Rxb7 fxe3 36.Rxf7

00:00 Hello Everyone!
00:38 Game Starts!
03:45 Completely New Game!
13:00 It Wa In This Position!
17:05 FUN STORY!

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%1$ Comments190

    Black’s position might still hold if instead of dxd2, black plays exf2+. White would have a queen for a rook and a knight.

    𝔹𝕣𝕠 𝕁𝕖𝕀𝕦𝕀 says:

    thank you for bringing back the time control robot! πŸ€–

    White Bishop E6 is the winning After Pawn xD4. Skewers the queen to the king.

    πŸ™‚ I was waiting for the explaination of why he resigned… thank you for video!

    Agad's suggestion of Black's dark square Bishop to B6 will be countered by White's light square Bishop at D5 to chase away the Black's queen that will dismantle Black's dangerous Alekhine's Gun. Then White's QB4 will trap the black's night.

    #Suggestion in my opinion, the new layout will show for the present game but the old layout show for the game in the past whatever it is … such as Alekhine's era, etc… P.S. Good to follow you, Agad. Keep going and show us more brilliant game

    Isn't that pigs quote from Nimzowitsch's praxis?

    Congrats. Boss. ↗️↗️↗️

    I think Prag has potential to be a world champion someday

    The layout looks nice. The skinny font, however, is very hard to read. Not illegible, but it makes me have to squint.

    Great story. The history of chess is fascinating, and a bonus plus for following agadmator.

    India exist with a rabid, partially literate horde of people who somehow get internet access/youtube

    Agadmator: "this completely average indian grandmaster is god incarnate."

    India being given internet was the WORST thing to have ever happened, by far.

    In chess at least, two blind pigs usually beat three blind mice.

    At 11:28, during a possible line of play, it is true that the White's queen cannot capture Black's knight on a4, but can White's d4 rook not do the job nicely?

    …Aaaaaanndd… on second look, I see now that if Rxa4, then …Qa1 check, and White is lost. So — never mind then.

    I could be mis-hearing, but did agadmator attribute the "pigs" quote to Abe Yanofsky? If so, then it's a Canadian who came up with the term (yay us!)

    By the way, the term "blind pig" was originally attributed to a 19th-century slang referring to a low-class establishment that sold alcohol during a period of prohibition. The term may have started with a Maine resident who operated a place where people could pay good money to come in and see his actual blind pig. Drinks were served free with the price of admission, thus finding a loophole around the prohibition to sell alcoholic beverages.

    A "blind pig" can also be (per Southern U.S. slang) a police officer who is bribed to ignore illegal activity.

    Wow I marvel at these players and their calculating ability what is funny though is how pieces end up on not so optimal squares I’ve encountered that problem myself recently I’m Glad it worked out for Pragg out calculating his opponent tight game both players a lot of offensive possibilities Thanks Agadmator

    Amazing, the way Praggu steer the game, steely nack. Congrats

    You fixed the zoom dude you the bestπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘βœŒοΈ

    Love the new UX design for the board.

    The other layout bro we are used to it😊

    No! Play the English because the Sicilian wins for black, and certainly for white.

    I met Josh Waitzkin when he was a kid, he would come to CT tournaments with Kamran Shirazi (dude always bobbing when he played, kind of weird). One tournament I finished my game early, I was in the skittles room, Josh came in, I didn't know who he was at the time, I asked him if he wanted to play a quick game, he says what are you rated, I told him, he said sorry, walked away.

    I was thinking what a freaking brat. Then the movies, I didn't know it was about him, I knew you don't drive around with IM's if you suck, I didn't know. They are making him out to be some nice, cool, kid, and he was a snob.

    Granted, the group that came from NYC, it was easy rating points for them. The competition in the area was no where near as good in Manhattan, etc. Having pro's at a minor league event.

    The left side looks fine but not a fan of the colors on the right.

    Whos is the Param guy. Also seems young and good

    I think tht new layout is fine, I just don't like the colors

    Yes it looks nice but the original layout is much nicer. Please bring it back.

    really i think the term 'pigs' for rooks on the 7th goes back a bit further than Josh Waitzskin

    I was wondering the same thing. Why pawn to c4?

    Much as I enjoy the β€œclassic” layout, this one is very slick, and perhaps more legible. D4 vs E4, you can’t go wrong on the first move! Love your channel, agad

    Yasser always says that pig on the 7th

    The layout is very nice. Much better than the old one.

    I don't like the placement of the little robot! It is covered up if you move the mouse. That's a bummer.

    "…me rambling about chess history…"
    Keep doing that!

    I like the new interface, but the board style is too old school to it! Don't you consider also refreshing the board style?

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