Ridiculous chess bot

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%1$ Comments592

    Levy:"I'm smarter than you"
    Einstien watching this video: "Excuse meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

    If Magnus Carlsen watched "I'm smarter than u" 😂😂😂

    I played a 1400 bot and after the game review the bots estimated rating was 2500 💀

    Makes me feel better losing 2 million times to the 1600 bot.

    Rare footage of levy sacrificing his career and not DAAA RUKKH

    AND MAGNUS JOİNİNİNG THE CHAT 'yes you smarter than me yes yes'

    I'm rated around 700 rapid and beat a 1900 bot

    Magnus watching: levi saying hes smarter than you. Magnus: 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿

    Show of is not good but what are you doing 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    POV magnes seas dis vid And tink I’m better lil bro

    I already beated that bot and I am 1900 chess race

    I'm 923 elo and beat every bot until the 2300 rated one, 3 star no help and here you are losing to 1800😂

    "i am better chess player"

    Imagine if magnus or someone like him was watching

    Levy with eyes open: loses to 1800 bot
    Levy blindfolded: beats hikaru

    His intro: atleast a better chess player.

    Grandmaster chess player watching this: I am 4 parrelel universes ahead of you.

    Levy : I'm smarter than you or at least better at chess player

    Hikaru :🗿🗿🗿

    (Magnus watching the beginning 9f the vid) r u sure about that

    hikaru watching this video
    "I'm am smarter than u, at least in chess"

    there is a new bot called Ponchik, when are you doing a vid on him

    It's not the intelligence that gets you far, it's the ability to think ahead.

    haa haa i defeated this bot once and I m 1200 and I don't even play chess regularly.. imagine dedicating ur life to chess and then lose to a bot who has 1000 less rating than u.

    I can't imagine myself to lose to a bot who is 200 rated

    magnus Carlson watching this: better than me at chess?🤨

    Levy: I am a better chess player than you.
    Hikaru watching this video: Are you sure about that?

    levy looks like hes about to take all your organs

    I’m a 600 and i won against that bot 💀

    he says hes better than you at chess pov magnus carlsen: 😂😂😂😂😂

    Since I'm new to chess I played 600 elo and won but lost to 300 elo 💀

    Hold up, I beat the 1800 bot and you lost to it. Are you sure that your better than me 😂

    Imagine Magnus Charlson watching the first second

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