Round 10 FIDE Grand Swiss and Women’s Grand Swiss 2023

Commentators: GM David Howell & IM Jovanka Houska.

The FIDE Grand Swiss and Women’s Grand Swiss 2023 are being held at Isle of Man from 25th October to 5th November.
Both tournaments are part of the qualifications for the World Championship cycle, with the top 2 players in the open event qualifying for the 2024 Candidates Tournament and the top two players in the Women’s Grand Swiss qualifying for the 2024 Women’s Candidates. #FIDEGrandSwiss

Official website:

%1$ Comments11

    give Hans candidate spot already for participating

    Why repeatedly interject that one is a pawn-grabber ? Yasser does the same elsewhere, which has been for a long time now beyond irritating. No one is interested in that. Why is a file repeatedly called a line and even a square called a spot ? This is terminology no-one else uses. DH as always listens with good grace, but he might perhaps have a quiet word off-air.

    Fabi's in the candidates anyway, he knows Naka also deserves to be in it

    Watching the end of the Giri/Niemann without any commentary was very satisfying. Oh, I just realized that may come across as negative. All the commentary was excellent. Interviews with round winners were excellent. But I really enjoyed the experience of watching the endgame conversion live as it happened. And turning the mics on at the end? Well done!! Perfect!!

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