The Best Chess Players Over Time (Estimated By Accuracy)

Take a journey through the history of chess and see the best chess players over time. The X-axis represents the year and Y-axis represents Elo estimated by accuracy as calculated by

This visual representation allows you to see when players like Bobby Fisher, Garry Kasparov, Magnus Carlsen, and Jose Capablanca performed across history.

Data and Methodology:

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#chess #bestchessplayers #bobbyfischer

%1$ Comments220

    IMO Morphy is the most impressive. It's always tough to judge players (in any game/sport) from different eras, but for Morphy to separate himself so much from his peers is really impressive.

    We never know where bobby Fischer flew off to till this day

    Has any player reached 2900 through the history???

    I'll bet that everyone was waiting for Bobby Fischer to appear

    Lasker is active from 1889 to 1936, great Emanuel Lasker

    To think that Capablanca was almost a 2700 super GM without studying much theory…

    imagine how good th elikes of stein, Ficsher, Morphy and Capanlanca would of been with modern day engines to study etc

    elbad etc wrong, no such thing as depressing or for or bad x or not, cepuxuax, do things not depresx about things, otherx, idts

    Now again but without the y axis expanding and contracting the whole time please?

    Odd such poorly conceived and executed video gets so many comments.

    I just imagine this vid with nyancat music

    Judith única mujer, contra viento y marea.

    Why was i feel sad when suddenly someone is stopped😭

    if anyone later on had to play against Morphy in his time period, using only the resources available at the time for their study and nothing else: he would crush them.

    Bobby fisher enters

    Leaves everyone In the dust


    Refuses to elaborate further

    This is the silliest comparison I have ever seen. How do you compare players of the stocktish era where 90% of the moves are prepared by computers with their ancestors ? This is absurd.

    Could you make the graph a little smaller so we cant see it at all?

    I like how Fischer just went to heaven all of the sudden😢

    Players who comfortably held/broke records
    Paul Morphy- First 2500~1851
    Capablanca- Beat it ~1907- Peak ~2795
    Fisher- Beat it ~1961- Peak ~2900
    Gary, Vishy and Vlad and Magnus broke it and sustained

    Just a way to separate gods from greats

    One notable entry here, which people are not talking about is Tal. Many chess halfwits pretend that Tal was all about scaring his opponent with unsound sacrifices but despite that style of play his accuracy is extremely impressive.

    I took almost 50 years for someone to match Morphys accuracy + openings were a lot better devolopt at the time were someone else got over 2500

    Any chance of seeing the dataset used to make this graph? This is really cool IMO. Great way to show the relative dominance of certain players and (IMO) reflects how far ahead of their time certain players like Morphy, Capablanca, and Fischer were (not to mention Pilsbury!)

    But none of them can beat the magician Mikhail tal 😁😏

    Historic Playing Peaks:
    1. Paul Morphy: 2563 (1855)
    2. Harry Pillsbury: 2596 (1900)
    3. José Raul Capablanca: 2786 (1918)
    4. Bobby Fischer: 2916 (1969)
    5. Vladimir Kramnik: 2931 (1999)
    6. Garry Kasparov: 2973 (2003)
    7. Vladimir Kramnik: 2982 (2009)
    8. Magnus Carlsen: 2988 (2015)

    This visualization is designed to conceal Anatoly Karpov, who won 160 international tournaments . He was so strong that Fisher attempted to play with advantage to avoid fighting him, he rejected three times to play a match with Karpov, and , when he returned, he prefered the old Spassky. Besides Karpov won three times to the disident Korchnoi. In 1984 match against Kasparov, two points were stolen to Karpov in a infamous political decision. He was close to Kasparov during 10 years more, very higher that the other players, and, finally, Kasparov splitted Chess asociation to prevente him to getting stressed in a new match against him. I think you have made an ass of yourself.

    I didn't realise Vasily Smyslov was actually second to Fischer for most of the late 20th century.

    EXCUSE ME? Why am I NOT at the top of that list. Someone please explain this to me.

    Great vid mate.

    Regards, Jas.



    Rocky Qld

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