The Chess Cheating Scandal, Explained | WSJ

A report from alleging that grandmaster Hans Moke Niemann likely cheated in over 100 online games upended the chess world in October. WSJ explains how a player might bypass security measures to win a game.

Illustration: Adele Morgan

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#Chess #HansNiemann #WSJ

%1$ Comments40

    That man use cheat !
    Why ? How ?
    Trust me bro…
    What kind of explanation is that ?

    If you ain’t cheating you ain’t trying that’s what I say

    Like always theres no proof he cheated

    These chess sites themselves are corrupt. They try to con you into signing up for a membership by letting you play in a free section against low-rated bots, in the hopes that after some time you will sign up to play stronger players. One could argue that it is their domain, therefore it is their right to run their site as they see fit. But it is the controlling mechanism that I as well as others dislike. Further, many are using chess engines to build repertoires at these sites. While they view this as cheating, some will insist that this is not their intent, but rather to use these sites as a tool. Many of these players are poor and cannot afford membership costs, something of which they don't seem to consider. This in turn, does not help to incentivize people to want to pursue chess and does a disservice to the growth of the game. Sooner or later, they will have to change their policies regarding the use of engines, or face loss. I once heard it said, that a weaker player does not become stronger by playing weaker players. And so, one can only grow stronger by playing against engines, which is another thing they seemingly have not considered. I know that many of you will disagree with my assessment, and that's fine. But that is how I see it overall.

    TLDR world chanpion loses one game to a guy who cheated as a child. His coach his parents paid good money too was a known cheater to multiple chess associations that did nothing to stop him from poisoning minds. Weird creepy romurs emerge, mans got to live with that the rest of his life, the catalyst of which will also probably be hia greatest achievement in chess ever.

    The young lad Neeman did not cheat on that particular game against Carlsen. When he was around 16,17 he cheated on an online tournaments i think, something trivial.
    Carlsen was just a bad loser imo.

    I mean, he kind of comes off as sleazy, doesn't he? Like his next move is going to be selling you crypto.

    It's simple plan a surprise match between hans nieman and Magnus carlsen.. maybe more surprises 😊😊😊

    That family name sure ain't helping his case 😂😂

    Didnt FIDE release a report concluding Niemann cheated in at least 29 games? This says all imo. I never had the impression Magnus Carlsen complains, he just seems to display intregity for the game..

    $5000 worth of camera and lighting to showcase a 10 dollar chess set. What was it Linus used to say ???

    Winning that match made Hans's hole weak

    La Era de los Ajedrecistas oliendo a heces y orina. Niemann, Judit y otros

    I'd have to venture a guess that chess players aren't cheating to pick up women..

    As a grandmaster, I also think that Carlsen is one of those who played against bots the most so they can get inspiration for their game. He's probably played against bots so many times, he can instinctively differentiate how humans and computers play chess.

    "In order to cheat you have to do so without anyone noticing"

    Yeah bruh,using an unfair advantage that nobody sees is cheating!

    Fraudsters should be analyzed according to their resembles to Sam Bankman

    As far as I know Carlsen has never made these allegations against anyone else in all his years atop the chess world. Further, he has lost many games so it isn't like he is a sore loser. I believe Magnus!

    It's funny, the castling in the clip has been done by moving the rook first – illegal.
    And yes, Niemann is a cheater.

    Simple chear prevention: supervised bathroom breaks, and magnetometer (or searches) for hidden device detection. They submit to searches to get to the match, so they should submit at the match.

    I’m just one of many voices but here’s my opinion and it may be just obvious to many.

    In world and life perception plays a huge part. How others perceive you, your public persona vs private. And reputation goes hand in hand with success, sometimes.

    I think Niemann’s case is one where his dubious reputation and track record before this situation certainly didn’t help his case, even if the final conclusion was there was no definite evidence of him cheating.

    I'm curious, does anybody know if there's ever been an instance similar to this where a player has gotten incredibly good out of nowhere, has been accused of cheating, and then it's later been proven that they were actually 100% innocent?
    If that's never happened before, I'd be skeptical that this dude is the first.

    From this content I learnt that the analysis leading to accusations shows a strong connection with the patterns in which a computer plays, indicating that a computer is informing the player. It makes more sense, and the key is how that's done, and the extra participants explanation covers this. Thank you for this content 😊

    When you lose, make accusations of cheating

    First time magnus ever find excuses. I probably couldn't understand why but if he knows, he knows.

    Hans cannot even win Candidates classical game in Tata Steel….not even close
    Magnus would win MASTERS section of the Tata Steel tournament….it is not likely cheating….IT IS DEFINITELY CHEATING

    Why the heck is a professional player allowed to walk around and go to the bathroom with their cell phone DURING a match they are playing in? That is just asking for trouble.

    Neiman performed much better while toggling between screens during games.
    This is pretty bad but could be explained by 'flow versus distraction'. Zoning out in the zone instead of overreading the situation. Could be. Most likely isnt the explanation.

    Most likely is not the same as calling out specifically cheated 100+times…not the same

    plumbers crack security cam required for all chess players

    Once a cheater always a cheater.

    Basic psychology

    The Donald J. Trump of chess. Infantile in all respects!

    Lol first 5 seconds he said “up ended” 😂

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