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%1$ Comments120

    I am selling pirated chess courses extremely cheaply

    He puts magnus carlsen even thought there is no magnus in his video bruh. Typical Levy stuff

    16:40 "Your day is not exciting unless your favourite football club wins, or, you know, you spill your drink over your keyboard."
    Levy Rozman, 2024

    Gotham watching Canada MNT
    lets goo 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

    Levy today: What would Magnus play?
    Levy tomorrow: What would Faustino play?

    Bro how you are able to put magnus in every title of your video ☠️

    bro magnus could sue this channel at his own accord sometime later

    I love how Levy says ‘You’re going to have a giga super omega sigma mega protected pawn' at 19:04

    How do you get International Master?

    In polish we use oro in colloquially speech when one team/person is winning in a game by a lot for example „Ale oro było w meczu Niemcy Brazylia w 2014 roku” (what a stomp was in match Germany Brazil in 2014”

    Yo nerd! Make a playlist for AI/bot content, still found the video with an easy search, butttttttt do it nerd. Sincerely Fereshkan. the Buffer Nerd


    Bro why u have a napkin near the computer

    stratospheric level of self confidence
    Faustino "I don't even know who you are"

    giga super omega sigma mega level of self confidence
    Faustino "I don't even know who I am"

    beyond level of confidence
    Faustino "I don't even have a nervous system"

    Please keep posting updates on Faustino from time to time. His development seems like a very interesting arc to follow

    Humbling to realize I'll never be close to as good as a 10 year old at a mental task.

    Why the flag of hikaru ,hikaru ,iha,iha is moroco?

    Bro why is hikaru's flag Moroccan😂

    Dang Gotham – Magnus will never leave your titles

    you like chess. you hate chess. over and over. but you always ride magnus. hard.

    If he from argentina we need listen to levy

    does anybody know what happened to that young boy osipov? he played against karpov on a tv show and the disappeared

    It's true. You don't get Anxiety until you're 12. There's a recent documentary about it called Inside Out 2

    Not even watching these magnus and Hikaru aren't in

    You should change your shirt.
    Just saying

    Just for the cliclbait i will report this video

    Gotham never fails to explain what a passed pawn is

    Anyone else intensely anxious from kindergarten on?

    🍉🍉🙈🙉🙊 🍉🍉

    If you have time with everything that’s going on, I’d love to see another recap of the Romania tournament. That last round was wild.

    The handball was not called because VAR found an offside right before the handball occurred therefore null

    Levy do be milking Magnus and I'm all for it

    Magnus is soo good he can see 2 generations ahead

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