The Super Bishop Move

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Warmerdam, Max (2614) – Badelka, Olga (2428)
European Championship ( [2] 2023.03.04
E21 Nimzo-Indian, three knights variation

1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 e6 3.d4 Bb4 4.Nf3 O-O 5.Bg5 h6 6.Bh4 c5 7.e3 cxd4 8.exd4 d5 9.Rc1 Nc6 10.a3 Be7 11.c5 Ne4 12.Bxe7 Qxe7 13.Be2 Rd8 14.b4 e5 15.Nxe5 Nxe5 16.dxe5 a5 17.O-O axb4 18.axb4 Nxc3 19.Rxc3 Qxe5 20.Re3 Qf4 21.Qd2 Be6 22.g3 Qf6 23.Rf3 Qe5 24.Re1 Ra1 25.Re3 Rxe1+ 26.Qxe1 Qb2 27.Bd3 Kf8 28.Re2 Qd4 29.Qd2 Ra8 30.Bb5 Ra1+ 31.Kg2 Qg4 32.Re1 Rxe1 33.Qxe1 Ke7 34.Kg1 Qd4 35.Bf1 Kd7 36.Qb1 h5 37.Qb3 h4 38.Qa4+ Kc7 39.Qa5+ Kc8 40.Qb6 h3 41.b5 Qe5 42.c6 Qc7 43.Qc5 Kb8 44.b6 Qxc6 45.Qf8+ Bc8 46.Bxh3 d4 47.Bf5 Qc1+ 48.Kg2 Qc6+ 49.f3 d3 50.Bxd3 Qxb6 51.Qxg7 Qe3 52.Qc3 b5 53.Qc2 b4 54.h4 Be6 55.Qe2 Qd4 56.h5 b3 57.h6 b2 58.h7 Kc7 59.Bb1 Qg7 60.Qe3 Kd7 61.Qa7+ Kd8 62.Qb8+ Bc8 63.Bf5

00:00 Hello Everyone!
00:30 Game Starts!
01:25 Completely New Game!
06:50 Pause the Video!
10:00 It was in this position!
11:00 Contributions!


The European Championship is an 11-round Swiss tournament that runs 3-13 March, 2023 in Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia. The prize fund is €100,000, with €20,000 for 1st place, while the top 23 players also qualify to the 2023 FIDE World Cup.

Players receive 90 minutes for 40 moves, followed by 30 minutes to the end of the game, plus a 30-second increment starting from move one. Official website:

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%1$ Comments143

    6:59 a simple win is BxB, QxB (else just down a piece) Qd6+, Ka8, Qa3+ Kb8 Qa7#

    at 7:09 why not bishop takes bishop at C8 ? after white take you force the black queen to recapture . Then we go back into the line you showed us at 6:21 . White queen checks at D6 , only move ( unless you want to give up your queen ) is King to A8 , then white queen checks at A3 , King back to B3 only move , then checkmate with white queen at A7 . No ? or am i missing something ?¿
    EDIT : ok , black can achieve perpetual draw if you take with the bishop.

    While the player with initiative has the right to attack, the defending player has an obligation to counterattack.

    Why does Antonio's voice sound oddly richer than before?

    Question when you stopped for the quiz why do you have to go to d7 if you take the bishop on c8 the Q can't take back due to the mating pattern on at Q d6+ ka8 Q a3 K b8 Qa7++
    Don't get me wrong yours is better.

    Max of course had this game won when he played b4, everything after that was just technique.

    7:01 Can't White play B×Bc8 Q×Bc8 Qd6+ Ka8 Qa3+ Kb8 Qa7# ??

    Edit: I guess Black would have to respond with a Draw attempt by perpetual checks, ie BxBc8 Qc1+ Kg2 Qc6+ f3 Qc2+ Kh3 Qh7+ Kg2 Qc2+ etc

    Note: Black would have a similar Draw by checks after the video's suggested move of Bd7, so I don't think it was a forced win for White unless Black made the blunder of Q×Bd7 which she doesn't have to do.

    Advanced to the elite division in my league today, your videos are ALWAYS helpful <3

    Why are all the Dutch GMs stunningly handsome?

    At move 47, why can't White just play Bxc8? After … Qxc8 48. Qd6+ should lead to the same mate Agadmator pointed out a couple of moves earlier.

    I found Bd7 it in about 30 min….. means i saw d7 in the first 20 seconds or less, but I had to calculate the lines to proof it right for about 30 minutes ^^

    bro anyone playing Wamsterdam fr has to face that lightskin stare

    How did Max miss the bishop move. I spotted it in seconds

    Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)

    When are you going to cover Bibisara? Or just keep ignoring the youngest female world champion.

    As soon as Max played Pawn to b4 on move 13 I knew he had won the game.

    Can someone explain at the stop the video moment why capturing the black bishop with the white bishop does not result in the same check mate? cause only the queen can capture then it’s the same mate.

    This was a solid game by Max. I wish to see more of his games in the future.

    I thought it was the next move…much love…

    Can't wait to see Jones / Stipe. Hopefully Francis comes back at some point as well. Jones finished off Gane pretty quick lol.

    6:53 why not just take bishop with bishop on c8? Black queen has to take back, then White's queen checks blacks king on d6, king has to move to a8 because blacks queen is on c8 and can't block on c7 because of whites pawn on b6. White queen then slides to a3 to check the king again and then slides to a7 to deliver checkmate. Forced mate in 4.

    I may watch too much Agadmator because I got that bishop move instantly, not because of my calculating skills (they stink), but because I knew the only move that would impress Agadmator in that position. 😂

    I got the position as a puzzle in WhatsApp and found it immediately.

    in the pause the video, black does not have to take the Bishop. he can defend with Qc3, no?

    At 10:26 black moves queen to c3 protects bishop
    If white bishop capture black bishop then black queen captures white bishop white queen takes black queen black king takes white queen
    And black is absolutely winning after all the trades no matter what white does pawn to b2 getting back black queen
    Black cannot lose why did she resign
    Also even if you did black queen to c3 let's say they try white queen to b6 or d6 check King moves over still black can defend this and don't forget about the black pawn on b2 initiate a queen trade then promote getting queen back

    honestly when people resign when they in fact are actually winning it kinda pisses me off in a way idk why but it does maybe cause if you couldn't see the obvious line that saves you you don't belong playing chess with fuck ups like that cause that's just lazy playing not scanning the board
    Does anyone else relate to what I'm saying or understand my pov
    Please tell me I'm not the only one here who feels that way sometimes

    I didn't know chess had such good looking players, in both men and women. Both players look like actors.

    Even better than bishop to d7 was bishop takes on c8 with the same idea with mate with queen on a7 or loosing a black bishop.

    I was expecting a slomotion moment, and Agad didn't disappoint! Haha

    Big watcher of most of your videos Agadmator and enjoying the Way you bring Chess to the viewers both educational and entertaining!

    Also a watcher of MMA and specifically UFC What a fight card and upcoming cards the next 30 days !! 🙂

    And it appears that Jon Jones can simply so what he wants and still end up victories. Never imgaibed it would go that easy though!!

    Thanks for all your great content I love it! And have a spectacular time ahead!

    Great battle — well played by both — and a good win for Max!

    Would have been nice if Agad showed some of the variations of why Bd7 is winning.
    At first glance the queen can just move on the c file, and still protect the bishop, however the intermediate Qd6 wins the bishop after Ka8, B*c8. Since the black queen cant take back the bishop due to mate in 2, Qa3 and the queen blocks the escape route now of the king instead of the bishop.
    I assume Max saw Bd7, since he tweeted about it, but missed Qd6

    Does Bxc8 in that situation works? If Qxc8 then Qd6+ wins (Ka8, Qa3+ and Qa7#).

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