TOP 5 Fastest Checkmates in the King’s Gambit

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you the top 5 fastest checkmates in the King’s Gambit chess opening, which happens after the first moves: 1.e4 e5 2.f4. These are the 5 most brutal and aggressive opening traps in the King’s Gambit.

What’s interesting is that GM Igor Smirnov shows you the games played by masters and grandmasters in this video. And that goes to show that even top-rated players suffer in these aggressive variations and fall victim to these deadly traps.

► Chapters

00:00 Top 5 Fastest Checkmates in the King’s Gambit
00:34 Trap-1: Evil trap in 4th move
04:20 Trap-2: Checkmating the underdeveloped army
06:50 Trap-3: King’s Gambit Declined, 2…Nc6
08:26 Trap-4: Zukertort’s blindfolded game
11:51 Trap-5: Brutal checkmate
14:32 Can you find the winning move?

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%1$ Comments290

    For the puzzle, does rook f8 also work? Black is forced to take, after which knight c7 is checkmate

    Dude, I haven't played chess in at least 3 decades. I am a 70 year old retired engineer who stubled by chance on one of your videos and watched it. I have been watching them regularly now and I love them This puzzle is terribly obvious. Of course move the white rock next to the king, then take the pawn with the knight mates in 2.

    For the puzzle, the straightforward win is:
    Qh5+, Kd8 (forced)
    Rf8+, Rxf8
    Rxf8+, Qe8

    If Qh5+, Qg6 then
    Rxg6 winning

    I love this opening! Morphy is my all time favorite player of chess. You studied morphy pretty well.

    With the kings gambit I've had only one game out of 50, that went well from the beginning.

    There are at least three different ways to checkmate black in two to three moves.

    what if the rook will eat the queen?

    Well it actually works even I'm 9 y/o.😊😊

    I love the kitty sleeping in the background 🙂

    Puzzle: White wins with Qh5+ Kd8 , Rf8+ Rxf8 , Rxf8+ Qe8 , Qxe8# ah no, black can block with … Qg6 , and after Qe5+ with Ne6.. Queen sac doesnt work out as well.. ahh, so the rook sacrifice wins after Rf8+ Rxf8 with Nxc7# . pretty nice little checkmate, didnt see it at once in the first place…

    Awesome video! Thanks!! My guess for the answer: Nxc7+ Black King would be forced into the d8 e7 diagonal which would lead to a discover check and loss of the black Q with Rf6f4+ ! Wait – not the best discover check. Here is the best: the discover check queen attack combo can also be achieved with Re6+ which I think is actually better since the check cannot be blocked by Black's Queen – whereas with Rf6f4+ the Black Q can block after Kd8 escape!.

    Solution on the 5th example:

    Scenario 1: Nxc7 Kd8 Rc6#
    Scenario 2: Nxc7 Ke7 Re6#

    What happens in the second trap if e4, e5, f4, xf4, Nf3, g5, Bc4, G4, Nc3, xf3, castle, bc5?

    It doesn't look like you can block the bishop without losing the rook, and if you move the king you get forked by the pawn, have to take, and then Qg5 is pretty devastating. Any advice on this line?

    Lovely when you have to plays moves that seem super-counterintuitive even for GM players. I mean all of these attacks rely on thinking at least 3 steps ahead….sometimes impossible even on higher levels of play. Nevertheless, excellent upload, really nice moves.

    they never do pawn g5 lmao its always knight f6

    Only just found you. Solution in descriptive notation: R-KB8! Check RxR (Forced); KtxP Checkmate. I like the sacrifice, and prefer forcing moves just in case I missed something.

    In the first trap, if Qh5 Nh6 d4 d6, and Bxh6 then pawn x Ne5 u don't hv a checkmate. I think u ignore the counters or assume that the opponent will act in the way you think. I mean yes even if they remove your knight u hv a fork on the rook and king… but because i am a noob rated 700, that was confusing. Of course it's great cuz white has a big advantage but black still has their queen.

    For the 14:35, as white I would play Nc7 check.

    If Black King goes to d8, then Rc6 to defend the Knight and a discovered checkmate.

    If Black King goes to e7, then Re6 as a checkmate as well.

    tried the first trap, my opponent didn’t even move his queen

    I’ve been playing the king’s gambit a lot these days and I’ve got a win rate of about 90% with it! Great tips, thanks!

    before I see the comments, I end it up for solution at the last game, moving queen to f4 and then in varius scenarios I made in my mind I again ended killing the king. But for sure, the rook e6 is the correct no doubt.

    Night takes c7 with check. Black has two squares available e7 and d8 if black plays e7 you deliver check with rock on e6 it is actually double check by the queen and black has no square available. And can't take rook by the way cause it is defended by night. And if black plays d8 you deliver check by queen defending night with rook it is actually mate in 2.

    In trap 1st if black play rouk to e8 and catch queen then how mate

    You don't always play the best moves which tells me that you're about a 1900 rated player instead of a master.

    Rook to Bishop 8 check; Rook take Rook; Knight takes pawn check

    Best opening to get out of boring chess positions where u and ur opponent both don't know what to do except pawn storm.

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