TOP 5 Fastest Checkmates in the King’s Gambit

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you the top 5 fastest checkmates in the King’s Gambit chess opening, which happens after the first moves: 1.e4 e5 2.f4. These are the 5 most brutal and aggressive opening traps in the King’s Gambit.

What’s interesting is that GM Igor Smirnov shows you the games played by masters and grandmasters in this video. And that goes to show that even top-rated players suffer in these aggressive variations and fall victim to these deadly traps.

► Chapters

00:00 Top 5 Fastest Checkmates in the King’s Gambit
00:34 Trap-1: Evil trap in 4th move
04:20 Trap-2: Checkmating the underdeveloped army
06:50 Trap-3: King’s Gambit Declined, 2…Nc6
08:26 Trap-4: Zukertort’s blindfolded game
11:51 Trap-5: Brutal checkmate
14:32 Can you find the winning move?

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%1$ Comments290

    Pretty Good Video, as usual for you. Thanks a lot Qh5+

    Chess is a dead god Caissa⚘🌚👍rest in the good news ⚘ Okay bye

    Fischer was right. The King's Gambit is taboo. D6 kills it stone dead.

    I just started studying king's gambit last week then I watched this video today, thanks

    after black takes the knight, and i pretend to not care and play knight c3 as suggested, blacks queen goes to g5, i get lost… the other variations seem to work better

    In the final position there's also Queen to h5 with all forcing moves after

    In the first part, before the end, black just could take whites queen with its rook instead of taking it with the night and have a better position?

    3:02 but what if after we got pawn on d4, black will play pawn to d6?

    Your subtitles/written conversation is blocking the visibility of the board. Please find a solution. Thanks

    These gambits just do not work. Before I play them in a real game i try them in against the bots of all different levels. The bots select far different moves than what you show in the videos. The only way these gambits work is if your opponent makes the moves that you show in the examples. They do not make the same moves. So, in essence, they are worthless. Most good chess players will know how to defend against them. Don't believe me? Try any of these variations of the King's Gambit shown in this video using the White pieces and you will lose to the 1500 bot. Not only will you lose, you will get crushed.

    the answer is very easy to the puzzle : Qh5+ Kd8 Rf8+ Rxf8 Rxf8# 🙂

    I love this video. Thank you for that!!! 🙂
    My winning moves: 1. Qh5+ Qg6 2. Rxg6 Nf3+ 3. Kf2 hxg6 4. Qxh8+ Kf7 5. Qf6+ Kg8 6. Ne7+ Kh7 7. Qxg6+ Kh8 8. Qg8# 1-0

    Bro no one give up the queen this easily

    check the king by rook to f8 then black rook takes white rook on f8 then horse to c7 . checkmate

    I play the chess game on hard they never go for any of these moves

    Zdrasvuitie Mr. Smirnov, What is your Koshka's name?

    Exactly, what I need. Thanks a lot for this good video again! 👍

    f6 to f8 check, black has to take with rook, then d5 to c7 checkmate

    I found k c7 then king either d8 or e7, both get the black queen exposed to rook f4 with discovered check, u end up with 2 rooks and queen against 2 rooks vs knight and bishop which is winning. I guess that's not the solution but also works

    I tried it for the 1st time, it was the 1st Gambit you discussed and Black responded with an opening move Pawn to D5. I'm like he didn't cover that? So I just it took it and still had a fairly easy game. Just not sure if taking it was the best move.

    I can't stop watching this guy's videos. He's helped renew my interest in one of the first board games I ever played.

    That is the solution for the winning move at the end of the video:
    1- Queen to h5 (checkmate and the king has 1 move which is d8)
    2-Rock to f8 ( another checkmate , the black has to take the rock moving the black rock to h8)
    3-move the other rock to h8 (checkmate and u won)

    the move order for the last position is: 1. Rf8 + Rxf8 (forced); Nc7#

    I swear these are the most informative chess videos out there

    after that smothered mate with the pony I was like Aahhwww Lorrddd have mercy on that beautiful move

    14:35 got it Sir Rf8+ Rxf8, Nxc7#
    white Knight, Queen, and Rook
    was helped by black's d7 pawn
    and delivered a stunning mate

    Nxc7 if …Kd8 Rc6# if …Ke7 Re6#

    white Rf8+ then black Rxf8 then white Nc7#

    I thought the King's Gambit was long outdated, kinda like chess' equivalent of the basic T formation in football?

    Qh5x, Kd8, Rf6 – f8, Rh8 x Rf8, Rf1 x Rf8 checkmate.

    I an a newbie to chess but I know that never start your moves with pawn on f lane unless you are master of chess or your opponent is weak. It's too difficult to defend after moving that pawn

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