TOP 5 Fastest Checkmates in the King’s Gambit

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you the top 5 fastest checkmates in the King’s Gambit chess opening, which happens after the first moves: 1.e4 e5 2.f4. These are the 5 most brutal and aggressive opening traps in the King’s Gambit.

What’s interesting is that GM Igor Smirnov shows you the games played by masters and grandmasters in this video. And that goes to show that even top-rated players suffer in these aggressive variations and fall victim to these deadly traps.

► Chapters

00:00 Top 5 Fastest Checkmates in the King’s Gambit
00:34 Trap-1: Evil trap in 4th move
04:20 Trap-2: Checkmating the underdeveloped army
06:50 Trap-3: King’s Gambit Declined, 2…Nc6
08:26 Trap-4: Zukertort’s blindfolded game
11:51 Trap-5: Brutal checkmate
14:32 Can you find the winning move?

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#GMSmirnov #KingsGambit #ChessTraps #OpeningTraps #CheckmateTraps

%1$ Comments290

    Solution for ending postion:rook e6 check if black captures it with pawn or with knight there will be queen e7 checkmate but if he captures it with queen then knight:c7 checkmate

    Firat game, why open check, just eat white queen and black queen is back

    If black doesn't take queen with knight though, what would happen?

    One move you haven’t covered, what if in the 5th move the black moves instead the night to f6? That kind of breaks the pattern for me.. 🙂

    2:56 white plays d4 attacking the knight, but what if black responds with d6 attacking white knight?

    puzzle :
    the main key is Re6
    if Qe4xRe6, Nd5xPc7
    if Pd7xRe6, or Nd4xRe6,,, Qe7 Checkmate..

    I dont go in with a plan. I plan and constantly adjust the plan as the board evolves. "Be formless, shapeless, like water…"

    Wait, so what did the white knight at c3 do (1:17)? Seems to never have achieved anything, just a wasted move?

    I was thinking, if black didn't accept the gambit and plays queen early to check Wight king, then what we should do to advance the game in our favour?

    For the last puzzle: Rf8+, Rxf8, Qh5+, Kd8, RxF8#
    Yes? idk

    What if the black responds with qg4 and takes the pawn?

    2:35 black moves Nh6 to defend f7. White pushes d4. Black pushes d6. So he loses the knight on h6. he's still in the game. Odd you didn't mention that its a nice smothered mate NOT in the corner.

    I think the continuation is to play Rf8 check Rxf8

    But I am a crap player

    Rf8 Rxf8 Nc7#
    but even more brutal is Re6+! 3 ways to capture – all mate next move

    Hi Igor, hi all! First things first: Thank you for producing all these videos, I really enjoy them a lot. That being said, I have a problem. Lately I stumbled upon a video of yours about Caro Kann Breyer with 3.Nf3, dxe4 4.Ng5 and can't find it anymore! Can anyone help? Thanks!

    @14:36 i could play
    Nxc7+ . Kd8
    Rf7(discovered check from Qg5) . Kxc7
    Qc5+ . Kd8
    Rf8+ . Rxf8

    After Nxc7
    If Ke7 . Rf7+
    Ke6 . Qf6#

    for the puzzle is it rook f8 because after rook takes rook takes king takes there is Qf6 with mate in 1

    At 4:53 you get a position where GM Igor Smirnov says the most played move by black is PxP. But Stockfish indicates white is actually losing to other moves – a dangerous line!

    Is the 2 variation of King gambite Muzio????

    First, congratulations for the video. 👏👏👏
    The puzzle:
    Qh5+ Kd8
    Rf8+ RxRf8
    RxRf8+ Qe8


    Frankly speaking, I don't like these animations on the chessboard – explosions, … Chess is not an ego shooter.


    I swear! Every time I try your‘gambits’, my opponent plays moves that completely disrupt the gambit!! I just got destroyed playing this one.

    You never know the answer to the puzzle, I always leave with questions.

    Don't really know chess short hand but knight to c7 forces their king to d8 or e7, then rook to c6 discovered check from the queen and mate I believe..

    Ian Nepomniachtchi likes this video.

    The declined trap is quite useful as that situation is very common in many kg lines . I very rarely get people playing into the McDonnell gambit or muzio sadly. It's hard to lose in blitz if you get that position for white. But what does happen a lot at lower levels is that black plays f6 defending g5. You have to be careful as tempo matters here, but in many lines Nxg5 leads to either forced checkmate or a big material advantages

    What if he doesn’t take the bishop on the last trap?

    I love how you make every opening seem brilliant & how hyped they get me lol. I'm going to play King's Gambit all day tomorrow & try these traps 🙂

    Another great video! Can you please make a traps & tactics in Catalan Opening. 🙏🏼😊

    Puzzle: Rook to e6 check. If queen takes the rook then knight c7 checkmate. If pawn takes the rook then queen e7 checkmate.
    Edit: forgot knight takes rook. The same idea to queen e7 checkmate.

    Qh7+ Kd8, Rf8+ Rxf8, Rf8#. I think that works?

    Lovely video.
    I'd say there is a lot of fun lines that open up after knight c7 thanks to the discovered check after the rook moves (the black king has to move to either e7 or d8) after which a rook to e6 wins the queen for at worst a knight. But taking the rook in the corner and keeping the threats on the board is also playable even for an amateur like me.
    I think of all the fun alternatives, knight c7 starts most of it.

    Excellent – as usual.
    By the way the "u" in Zukertort = Zuckertort = sugar pie should be pronounced like the "oo" in rook. I have no idea how his fathers name Jankiel Ezechiel Cukiertort was pronounced.
    It was not uncommon for Jews to adopt an artificial German name especially when they converted to the Christian religion as Zukertort's father did.

    This isnt the fastest but Qh5+ Kd8. Rf8+ Rxf8. Rf8+ Qe8. Then either Rxe8 or Qxe8#. I later saw the M2 with Rxf8+ Rxf8. Nxc7# thanks to the queens line of sight being cleared of the rook covering the runaway squares

    Very enjoyable – especially with a glass of white wine on a warm summer evening – not sure all those moves will stick in my head though!

    also Rf7 must win. maybe Knight c7 or if black knight like to block it with Knight e6 than Queen e7 mate. or if knight goes to b5 to stop it, than Re7 with folloing mate.

    There are about a dozen ways to checkmate in this position but the quickest (M2) is rf8, rxf8, nxc7#. You remove the rook from the queen's line of sight on the d8 square by moving the rook in for a check, then ending the game with the knight.

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