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%1$ Comments308

    I cant believe this. Im still 1500 after 25 years. I wasnt trying to get better, but i still love playing. I think that tylor jist started chess, makes it much easier for him to get good. I dont think i can still achieve anything like that after decades of beeing bad. This is just outstanding, i wont ever believe fking tylorone got better then me

    I can smell the jealousy all the way to the nether..

    So what are the chances of tyler getting to a rank that a titled player unironically consider playing him within a year ?

    Why are 1787 mmr players facing 2100s?

    jeez, thank god he did not start earlier.

    Ah, yes, but would you rather be a GM or have a life? 🤔💭

    Tyler : becomes father
    Kramnik : interesting

    Tyler at 1900, isnt that the same elo this angy botez girl is at?

    magnus shiting himself in the cornerr😂

    I am a Tyler sub but never in a million years would I recommend him your scammy clickbait nonsensical idiotic loser channel where all you do is cry about not being a GM and milk Magnus

    I was waiting for this! I wanted to see his reaction and his coverage of this

    I had to look right away. I actually played against him without knowing it was him. I won, he hung the queen… 👸

    Levi: Tyler’s a GM
    Also Levi: yeah I’ll play him…. When he gets good.

    Well, I got to 1600 from 800 in 2 months, playing 1 hour a day, I don't get appreciated enough 😭

    & BM Samay Raina still couldn't reach 1900

    I got like a 5 month headstart before Tyler1 and his puzzle rating is still 300 points higher than mine 😭

    How to win at chess but the final boss is tyler1

    Levy is gonna regret all of these videos once Tyler gets to GM before him

    The message at the end is important and also made me feel better because I am currently 1900 although it took me years

    Tyler is going to be a GM before Levi bec Levi has a poor nervous system. Levi, your nervous system wont improve. You'll never be a GM, you're just gonna zh!t on OTB tournaments.

    Whats impressive, he got good after playing 10k RAPID games in a year.. lot of prodigies would emerge if they had thst kind of time on their hands..

    Of all the openings to make your single opening, he goes with the cow 🤨

    Ladies and gentlemen, A new cow for levy to milk

    I'm now convinced that any Diamond+ gamer can crack 1800 chess elo if they wanted to.

    hmm… prove it. go to an irl tournament

    I beat a 2100 when i was 1500. Tyler is really good and a prodigy for what he has done but some 2100 are not really that strong and everyone can make a mistake or throw a game

    I have the same strategy but every time I break 1000 I drop back to high 800 low 900

    Who paid his opponent to lose? This 2100 probebly just played drunk, while driving car and with headphones on.

    Correct me if I am wrong but Tyler1 doesn't have a better rating than Hikaru…

    Bro somebody teach this man the opening theory, tricks and traps to enjoy and improve in chess more!!!

    I love how Gotham has overcome milking Magnus and now moved on to milk Tyler 🤣

    Fascinating how it's not suspicious – top engine moves while losing and in end games but never when starting

    now he can defeat the botez sisters, has more elo tan andrea. It will be fun alexandria vs tyler1

    First though: Gotham is doing whatever to make Content.
    Then I hear Tyler is playing the Cow Opening in all his games!!!

    He's a goddamn unicorn man.

    Tyler1 is the dude that breaks the mold in whatever the hell he does.

    I hate to see that roided out crybaby doing well. "Reformed" my ass

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