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%1$ Comments308

    This is just proof that you don't really need to be a genius to be a chess GM/IM. If you like the game and if you are passionate about it , spend time and you will get better. It is a different matter altogether not many people take interest in it or is not that passionate. Nothing to celebrate here. Chess players aren't special.

    Take,take,take and make believe yes not a problem but when you say and avoid the true and twist it around about something that is already been done and is doing and saying which means nothing to you well now no problem but this place you play chess at is leading me to the target that will be addressed when the right time comes you are not going to take away my first chess game I ever won with❤thank for this video😊

    the intro when he said " he is so special " 😅😅

    The most amazing thing about all of this is Tyler said on stream that he has no clue who Anna Cramling is. Now, if that is true, it means one of two things:

    1) Like Hikaru, he knew about this opening from an obscure historical source before Anna popularized it in modern times.
    2) He came up with this opening himself.

    So, his brain is functioning at a 2000+ level well before he ever crossed 1000 and it’s just a matter of time before his rating catches up.

    I have a negative reaction to tyler1's success sometiems, as if he has taken something or made a mockery of something i love. I think i have some issues to work out.

    Just played this opening and I won😂😂😂

    He's going to hit GM before you at this rate.

    Congrats on your new deadlift pr. Always happy to see new people getting into the gym. Remember: Socrates was a bodybuilder

    What does he play when hes black though?

    I know Tyler is vastly smarter than people credit him for but the dedication to chess is so insane that it makes you wonder what else would be feasible if we just put that same amount of investment in ANYTHING. Literal definition of doing the impossible.

    Kendrick just opened his mouth, someone go get him a grammy right now

    Now, let's see if you can get to Masters (in league) in 1 year. Good luck!

    Now, let's see if you can get to Masters (in league) in 1 year. Good luck!

    Tyler1 just figured getting to 1900 was the savest bet to not having to play in Pogchamps vs plebs like XQC ever again and just went for it. Guy's a genius.

    Tyler1 just figured getting to 1900 was the savest bet to not having to play in Pogchamps vs plebs like XQC ever again and just went for it. Guy's a genius.

    Watched video, got motivated, lost 4 games in row. Buying rope haha

    Watched video, got motivated, lost 4 games in row. Buying rope haha

    You can't stop making videos about him cause you're clout chasing.

    imagine if tyler learn second opening

    tyler1 is really a dif breed dude is the def of a giga chad monster

    seems he is one-trick-ponying chess now 🙂

    if this guy wanted, he could make his own roman empire.

    I mean he said it long ago but he built different

    Wow you got me to click – congratulations. Fell for it again… not even close to GM

    jesus whatch the clock on game 3, he spends 12 seconds and white spends 70 HUH?

    Tyler1 is that one friend that is just good at everything he puts his mind too.

    how did tyler choose the cow as his opening to master?

    forcing your opponent to make practically difficult choices is coincidentally a great way to climb in league of legends as well. Overwhelm them with choices and odds are they won't pick the right one. and even if they do they may take too long to make it.

    Tyler1 makes mistakes, but they have a level requirement to exploit.

    with his cheating history on LOL, lets see him play a match in real life, AI is open, go beat a GM in Person, you guys are a joke, eyes and why you sniffing rubbing your nose, bet you like snow, dude is high, red eyes nose rubbin, go get me a shot of actual board game…. both you and him

    having a trusty good opening is such a league player move

    League of Legends is basically built around winning 51% to climb. As someone with some chess knowledge but enormous League knowledge, he's basically just applied League macro to Chess. Ironic since people have been saying "League is like chess" referring to it's strategical elements for so many years.

    This strategy is conceptually, meta-game wise, very similar to playing just one champion solo mid every game in League of Legends. You minimize the number of strategy combinations you have to learn about because you are never playing any strategy but one. (Knowing every combination of matchups for 100 champions is 100 times 100. But knowing every matchup for just one champion is just 100.) Then once you can hold your defense with that champion/opening even against strategies that would typically counter you early game, you can push other advantages, like your proficiency with that champion in the late game, or your time saved in chess gained from familiarity with the opening.

    But has a chess player ever gone from 0 experience to top 0.1% in a complex eSport in less than a year?

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