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%1$ Comments308

    That first game was horrible though, bad moves all round

    Has anyone ever told you that you are similar to Daniel Radcliffe's character in Guns Akimbo? 🤣

    Tyler1 is used to having 50% win rate (due to bad teammates), or even below grinding against viewers and streamsnipers and just having the bad time.
    He has been forged in fire.

    I think if Chess didn't conjure up emotions of moth balls on your grand parents clothes in their moldy closet and uninspired Jumanji pieces rubbing together, more people would be a GM.

    genuinely terrifying capability from tyler. infinite potential.

    now some idiot would say “now some idiot would say now some idiot would say Tyler is gonna be GM faster than levy

    Id play king f2, but I'd still do it if there was a black bishop on the board

    Being LoL player myself, I completely see that Tyler converts his LoL strategic vision into useful chess skills. There is a lot of ideas that he got from completely different type of competitive gaming, that he is able to make work in chess. For example, for most of chess players some his moves looks a bit odd because in chess theory this moves looks like out of picture, but it's completely explainable if you extrapolate it onto LoL strategic mind. For exmple, Tyler in many games attacking the king from three directions, which is completely clear why. Not looking for vulnerabilities, but trying to create them, even if it can look mistakes. In LoL you can't just wait for your opponent to make mistakes, you must force him by making his life on the field maximum uncomfortable. Making looking like out of place moves on other side of the board – it's clear extrapolation of the backdoor tacticdiflecttion of attention simultaniously building pressure on opponent by widening the defence line. Attacking while being attacked – it's one of the most beautifull and entartaining skills in LoL, in same time one of the most important, cause this way most of hight skilled players change the situation in game…Even using the only one oppening in game, it's like maining the champion in LoL. And lot more… It's one of the reasons why it's so interesting to watch his progress in chess.
    PS. I'm not sure if Tyler realising himself how much his LoL skills affected his abbility to progress in chess, it can be subconsciously, but it's very fascinating and interesting to watch while you understanding why and how he is doing it.

    I'm sorry but not taking the free pawns is an under 1100 elo thing to do. 2139 is not even close to reflecting his true skill

    Tyler having a higher rating than Andrea Botez after 1 year is crazy

    I freaking love Tyler1! Man's only playing the Cow! 😂

    10:15 The moment he mentioned the number, I knew he was going to nerd about that year lol. What a coincidence and he's also from US.

    League and chess are very similar in the sense that you’re not having fun most of the time.

    at 1754, bishop to d5 to check and put pressure still

    Imagine Tyler playing at a Chess Tournament one day and he suddenly starts to scream on top of his lungs xD

    To me, this is no surprise. I watched Tyler grind to every single lane in League of Legends to challenger. When it comes to competitiveness there really is nobody like him. The only thing that would be more impressive to me than him getting the challenger in every role would be if, he actually became a grandmaster in chess and honestly that would only be slightly more impressive to me.

    "The Cow" is about to be the "The T1"! 😮 Built different!

    Tyler1 is the new Magnus for Levy to leech off of

    Awaiting the day Tyler enters a national tournament and still opens with the cow

    you're trash at chess gotham sorry i destroy you in like 1 move in a match i just move my pawn and your king instantly surrenders you are so trash your queen needs to promote when reaches the oposite rank

    i thought he was 1900 elo? gm is NOT 1900.

    Fun Fact Tyler calls this channel "Got ham" as in levi has ham.

    … I loosely know of T1, and was shocked to see the title, and was ready to congratulate him on such a feat especially late in life, and then realized it’s ANOTHER god damned clickbait title. I stopped watching Gotham a while way back when because of it, and I forgot he was this dishonest.

    I’m glad Gotham is getting mainstream appeal but, like Hikaru, he’s sold out his integrity for it.

    Congrats on the subscriber count. However, I’m just blocking the channel from my feed, at least as best as I can.

    I’m sick of every channel I once liked following this dishonest practice, and attempting to justify it. It’s not good marketing, it’s shitty behavior being rewarded.

    Before pin of shame, or sarcastic replies; I subbed when he was in the tens of thousands of subs, and I liked his channel way back then. Now, imagine listening to his videos because a screen reader reads his titles only to consistently find out you’ve been lied to once more. It’s tiring.

    You don't become an immensely successful internet personality and maintain that success without being a masterful tactician. Tyler1 is in a lot more control of everything than he appears. He's of the Andy Kaufman school of entertainment.

    This meteoric ascendance will be an A24 documentary in the next 10 years

    18:00 made me laugh outloud, thanks man. could have a stroke IRL and still win

    I honestly find this whole thing beautiful and fascinating but most of all impressive. It really makes me think about how there are a million ways to live an amazing life but working really hard is the way to go. Its almost as if he literally never plays chess and just only "learns" it if that makes sense.

    At 9:06 with black to move, couldn't black still lengthen the game for a while and hope white makes a mistake? Someone help me out here

    when youre up a free piece you always look for material trade or queen trade, the fact this "2100" played 10 moves without ever pressuring tylers queen or looking for a queen trade just shows that hes not 2100. I think most 1100-1300 players would have easily won in blacks position

    chess is a better game then league to showcase intellect, skill etc etc because its all 1v1 no randoms

    you checked the guys passport lmao

    Dedication will now be known a Tyler1….this guy is able to be insane and controlled in such an absurd way….. kudos

    I challenge Tyler to get good at aiming in fps he’s done everything but that lol hit up the aimlabs and shooters like valorant

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