Undercover Grandmaster vs The Strongest Chess Hustler in NYC

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%1$ Comments89

    Why not play bishop takes rook on a3? It was just staring at it for so many turns. Bishop takes back on a3 then Qxa4.

    I’m obviously missing something but what??

    WIth little time left, i wouldn't have seen that rook "blunder" trap on e2🤣 I would have taken the rook happily, and then cry when my queen was dead 2 moves later.

    I liked that the GM kept giving him subtle compliments to calm him down, haha. "If I have a good opponent I need to try hard."

    Wow. A grandmaster pretending to be a weak player beat a lower rated opponent.

    Alessia, could you ever date a guy with lower chess ELO than you? lol

    New sub here & i am a chess player too✌✌✌🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭

    This hustler is a Russian guy named Paul right?

    Hustler gets to cocky giving the rook to a GM? Yeah

    Eugene paulgozhin is alive and in USA 😂

    I hope this is not average mental state there

    Maybe the hustler is also an undercover grandmaster 😅

    I hate these sorts of videos. Why not be a man and just say you're a GM upfront.

    I usually like Noel's blog posts on Lichess. Nice to put a face to the name and see some of his play. Just very solid stuff. Very nice. Love the trick at the end. And I also thought it was Aronian on the thumbnail!

    Before the Internet made chess easily accessible, we sparred in the parks and clubs, at tournaments and schools, in hospitals and jails, back rooms and cafes, and all varieties of venues.
    Face to face, often with quippish smack talk, usually good natured. Life long friendships formed, a cast of characters fill one's memory bank, important life lessons digested, this is why chess is a live sport. Just like making the beast with two backs is better live than from a feed.

    Got scared by the weird lady suddenly 😮😢

    What a marvelous boyfriend. Many blessings.

    Horse tail bro back there almost lost his eyes when Alessia stood up 🙃

    Ask him to play Praggnanandha R, after a couple of matches your bf will stop playing chess 😂

    Hes not 2600 though or am i missing something

    A good game of chess. Hustler also quite impressive, decent master strength I would say.

    Very annoying guy, stop talking and resign already

    The old man's tactics of a psycho attack can scare only a novice but not a strong player… White didn't play well (not the theoretical continuations) from the get go…

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