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this dude and his rook XD
3500. Ok
Far be it for me to intimate other than the contrary!
Levy is his own hype man
The analysis was super instructive. Thank you! 😎
You played a great game Levy!
shes faster with the editing 🥲
help levy what do i do when my rook is lifting
“The roook” 🧔🏿♂️
Who else was in Paris, Levy?
fake giveaway time???
The energy Levy has in his YouTube channel vs IRL is quite different. It's like he is depressed or something.
Who else remembers Nemo from mr beast video?
4 millionn
“what am i famous for” sounds like SAY MY NAME
I can't believe you showed your legs and feet for free, missed opportunity.
Who would play hexagon chess https://youtu.be/bgR3yESAEVE
Bro really has a type huh?!
He placed his rook in Nemo's open file?
This sounds like a hub title
Wait. The knight takes his rook to avoid checkmate. He cheated.
Out of context, that title just straight up sounds like a porno
Levy, you're rich; hire a trainer and lift a few times a week.
Thank you Levy for destroying a woman with your rook.
@GothamChess there's something in your hair bro
GGs Levy! It was an honour getting rook'd 🫡
GothamRIZZZZZZ 800 elo
What is that yellow crap on the top of your head?
Goated performance
whos he playing
Hey levy I'm 9 years old and I'm 900 rating is that Gm paste
hi (responding to the intro) Good Video today
Nemo is hot asf
Levy said at the start we would be seeing his feet and now I’m disappointed
oh no, I'm getting THE ROOK'd
Nemo didn't know until it was to late to know why Levy is famous.
N in paris
" The One true most important fan "
Me : calm down calm down it's too cute but calm down
I love these collabs with other streamers
I was promised legs and feet. I saw no legs or feet. I am sad.
Us Americans seem to forget that, yeah you could be pickpocketed, but at least you won't be shot.
you did what????
I guess she couldn't buy a win this time
Nemo is so fucking fine
That last move from her was a mouse slip, shoulda went easy on her 😂
Was your wife the one fan you were waving to also?