Vishy Anand vs Magnus Carlsen | Tata Steel Chess India Blitz 2019

Vishy Anand and Magnus Carlsen faced off against each other in round 8 of the Tata Steel Chess India Blitz 2019. The game between two world champions is always exciting! Check out what happened!


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%1$ Comments568

    2 घर स्ट्रीटेजी मे होगा अरे भोकाल game है जो बोले वही है

    From 7:17 to 7:18 , Carlsen took the white pawn with his black pawn in the wrong square.

    What is that move in 7:17. Pawn was in different houses. How the black pawn took white pawn?

    Best thing about almost every chess end who tf won ??

    Masu Marano
    Daeifu thara
    Athuku avatha
    Porathu varanu

    Can anyone explain me how that was check mate h8 square was empty

    Can someone explain 7:17 move by carlsen to remove vishy's pawn

    Imagine suddenly kaccha badam music starts in the middle 😳

    I challenge Carlson for Snake And Ladders, enough of this guy.

    How can Vishy be defeated? Where did he go wrong?

    Anand and carslen game to get watch super thiriling

    how did a 8 min match end up for 13 min video

    I see this is the first time they both were not discussing after the game…

    Whoo wins the match🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

    I don’t know this game pls tell me who won finally ☹️🤭

    How did Carlsen's pawn eat Vishy's pawn at 7:17 when he wasn't in front of him but rather beside him… Like literally on his right side… Carlsen took him out with his pawn and moved in front right like you would normaly move with pawn… I don't get it.

    सनातन संस्कृति🚩 says:

    India inventor of chess

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