Want to be 1500 in chess?

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0:00 Intro
1:40 Game 1
18:52 Game 2
39:15 Game 3
56:50 Game 4

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%1$ Comments788

    Hey there Levy! As always, I appreciate your videos…. you explain what’s going on on the chessboard with great , understandable detail. I hope you have an excellent 2023!

    Play 1 second chess. Premove knight moves until your non pre moving opponent DIES easy way to either hand 3 elo or lose 900

    I learned how to shutdown the scholars mate and the Italian opening and I was able to go from 600 to 1000 in 3 days!! Definitely tore it up but now I’m having trouble moving up :/ I need to learn more openings

    One of the more instructional videos from you recently. More, please!

    Weird request, but could you turn off the move notification clicks as my dog hates them and its hard for me to watch your videos because of that. Cheers.

    I stuck on 1600 and no idea how to progress to 1700. I feel like I reached my peak :1

    @levi this is the best video you’ve made.. better yet.. I’ve seen about chess. The way you think in a live game is amazing and I’ve learned so much just the internal talk while playing. Please make more like this!!

    This was such a calm and educating video. Absolutely loved it! Keep it up Levy! <3

    13:36: Levy could've brought his rook to d1 because he gets 2 really good options. Either 1, his opponent knows what they're doing and Rxe2 Rxe1+, Rxe1 happens. This is not a bad position. Not the best, but it's still pretty good.

    If they get scared or don't know what they're doing, then opinion 2, Rxd1 exd1=Q+ and you have checkmate in like 1 move (Rd1 Qxd1#).

    If they ignore the threat (option 3) then a multitude of moves can happen but you'll most likely be winning they can't ignore it, but you'll definitely be winning if … Rxd1+, Kf2 because you have a rook just on the back rank and white can't take that pawn otherwise it results in losing the other rook, and if you play it right you'll be on your way to just checkmating them in a few moves. Just as long as black doesn't push the rook on white's back rank to a1, f1, g1, or h1, you can't go wrong. Worst case scenario is they actually know how to play the position and you don't checkmate them instantly, and you trade a rook, but then after that just promote because you're still up a pawn.

    *TL;DR: Levy could've played Rd1 and the position would be almost perfect not matter what *

    The tactic at the end of game 3 was beautiful.

    53:08 After playing such a move, you are adibe by law to say, out loud, "Oh, no! My Queen!"

    I reached 1000 ELO for the first time in December last year. I'm aiming for 1200 by the end of this year. Videos like this one will help me get there!

    For reference im currently a 702 elo pretty new to chess although I have derped around with it for maybe a few days per year
    This video was quite nice, watched it before school and tried to play a level 11 chess bot on the bus ride to see how I improved, ended up drawing in stalemate XD. Later in the morning I tried twice but failed both attempts. Then came the afternoon were my friends watched me play, it drew out to a rook and king end game where I was able to trade off both rooks yet held more pawns. Of course I was almost at victory untill I blundered and ended it in stalemate -_- The grand finale happened tonight when I tried once more this time calling my friend and showing the match where I easily cleared the level 11 bot and went on to knock out the level 12 bot which is level 1500. Sure It wasn't rapid, blitz or bullet but the video still helped me out a ton
    Edit: planning to use my one day game analysis on the level 12 bot tomorrow cause I wonder if I actually made good moves or just moved on intuition XD, I'll be back tomorrow to shop my results

    is it really a masterclass (a class, especially in music, given by an expert to highly talented students.

    "Pavarotti appeared at a masterclass for young singers")? in today's clickbait internet for me and probably many like me masterclass became synonym with scam. I am not saying you're a scammer, I am just saying that sometimes more is less and less is more. and I hate this trend of naming any class masterclass. Days ago a fitness instructor was selling a fitness masterclass and I asked her the exact same question, is it really a masterclass?

    yo gotham i think right here 13:22 you couldve won right away.
    what i would do is rook->d1 enemy rook takes. pawn takes rook and develop into queen. checking the king. enemy rook must come to save king. queen comes forward and it's mate

    In game 2 why was Qb5 not played? Am I missing something?

    You are playing nothing like a 1500 in this game…you are playing like a 2442 pretending to be a 1500 and it does not work.

    haha "oh this guy has me as his profile picture 🤔" doesn't even take him easy

    I hit 1500 before the new year and was very proud of myself, but I made a resolution to stop playing e4 e5 lines as that was all I'd ever played. I've switched entirely to 1.d4 and c5 lines and while my rating has dropped a little (1400) I feel like it'll make me a more well-rounded chess player in the end.

    1 minute and 30 seconds left vs 5 minutes and he is talking about pawns

    I always wanted to get to 1500 one day but I was scared I would get banned when I just resign after the first move too often.

    I feel like levy sort of mixed up win at chess and the "steps" series here

    I found f6 in game 3 im 800 in rapid but 2300 in puzzles lmao

    Gotham is just a washed up Wannabe-GM who's about as bright as a burnt out lightbulb.

    Levy shocked every time a 1000 elo player makes a nonsensical move as if he's only 1000 elo for funsies

    Levi, you have said that your most popular videos are guess the elo. I see enough of my own bad chess and do not need to see anyone else's! haha. These types of videos are my absolute favorite. To hear your thinking and strategy in real time playing the game is super valuable and informative. Please do more of these. Maybe you might consider doing one against a strong opponent where each of you had a half hour. Anyway keep up the good work. I watch all of them start to finish! Thanks

    Me who just hit 1200 in a year from 300 Rapid: Great, I’m not even intermediate yet….

    1:12:55 I think Qe1 to trade queens is a bad move for white, because of Rxf1+ attracting the queen, and then Rf8 winning free control of the f-file.
    (but what do I know)

    My problem is that I've been stuck at 1500 for 10 years

    I need Brain Cells I guess because I study for five years on and off with lots of playing. Hours and hours of life wasted I’m feeling. Nothing really happens and to be honest I played better a couple years ago and just keep playing worse and worse. So I’m making a resolution to study less and play less and instead enjoy my other hobbies that I put away because of chess. More music now and less chess. Maybe Einstein was right about chess?

    At 1:11 you could have taken the bishop with your queen and then fork his queen.

    I'm so far away from the checkmate tactic in the second game.

    What the heck! I like his videos and i'm watching him like for a month now but today i realise that i haven't subscribed him.
    Note : I've subscribed now though

    And what about the chess players who DON'T walk the earth?! (but sit in front of their computer all day…)

    So funny; 1500 was one of my new years resolutions! Divine intervention!

    I started playing during the pandemic at around 850 level.

    After discovering your channel I managed to hit 1000 in 2020 1100 in 2021 and now 1200 in 2022.

    My goal for 2023 is 1300.

    Thanks for making this video Levy 🙂

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