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%1$ Comments468

    I dont usually say this about anyone learning or playing chess, but imma be honest. if you get backranked like that… you kind of suck yo

    why do i never play these guys. im around 300 and everyone is playing like they are elo 1000

    I remember when people were celebrating 3M subs now Levi almost has 4M congrats well deserved!

    White's self-preservation instinct failed. He had enemy pawn on the penultimate rank and still went for a checkmate. I much prefer to eat all enemy pawns and then get a draw.

    I can see that the kidnapper has a sense of style, that painting looks pretty fancy.

    levy saying "f5" on 7:05 is him turning into a horrer movie antagonist and talking about they're backstory being held hostage forced to review horrible or goated chess games.

    You know it's bad when even I can see the missed mates

    That's got to be the funniest game I've ever seen omg

    Guys im 15 Minute in to the video and I don't think there's plot twist

    6:18 as a dumbass I think his logic is to take up the square b6 so that he can capture the knight instead of using the queen…

    every time i see these games I know mine might show up😭😭

    That hurt me emotionally, I NEED therapy.

    Hi levy are you gonna cover the women’s championship?

    This game sent me idioticly laughing all around the room

    Great video, somehow Levi always finds games that is a good example of how not to play chess. Good stuff))

    Yup I was right! I knew you were in Italy cuz i saw the bottle of water in the kitchen (that bottle is def from Italy)

    Damn, Levy is still making videos, while being held hostage? Well done man. Just hang in there.

    In our “Day” we video games in our pcs play stations or x boxes depending on preference. Sadly I can’t play 90% of popular games so I main minecraft. 🤷‍♂️

    Did the kidnappers get tired of how you talk and tell you to talk good?

    I love how he asks us things like we can talk to him😂

    A video on how to memorize the chess openings

    I saw the end coming and it was still hilarious.

    why are you showing is this?! i don't understand. i want my 3 minutes of life back!!!

    i'm gonna diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie

    Saying seriously not lying but I guessed b5 since I thought it as the most dumbest blunder.

    If black want to be very disrespetfull he would promote to a rook becaouse he can

    how can I send my game to the GTE(guess the ELO)?

    Literally the saddest chess game ever 😂

    Gotham, can you please chill with the NON SKIPPABLE 20 seconds ads, please and thank you.

    This game makes me angry in ways that shouldn’t be possible.

    Hero should change his name to villain like WTF

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