When Chess Cheaters Get Caught

Chess cheaters have been an ongoing issue for a while, so in this video we’ll be showing moments where these chess cheaters get caught during the act.


Note: Richard Rapport in thumbnail is not a cheater, just needed a thumbnail that was over the board
(Sorry in advance)

%1$ Comments144

    forgot to mention if the cheating picking a 10 minute game wins everytime.. they dot got enough time to go back to there cheat to enter your move and see where it says to move.. lol

    How'd he understood the first guy was cheating??

    If illegal move is not allowed then how can you say the person is cheats 😂

    sometime i think magnus is alien or something

    How are the players cheating? Are they using a seperate computer that plays perfectly and copies its moves?

    There needs to be proof before calling someone a cheat.

    It's cool that we have a way to spot cheaters at least

    Remember kids, if you’re ever losing at anything, then the opponent is cheating.

    so a potential new account could be a cheater, got you…..?

    Ladies and gentleman… I present to you, the precise way almost every million/billionaire ends up making their way to the top. Tells you a lot about their character…. If this guy was willing to cheat in a charity tournament being played for funsies, then what is this guy capable of in a work environment with other competitors around him???

    how can you tell if someone is a cheater or actually just new to the online game and was a professional chess player?

    Just by his picture alone u can tell hes cheating lol

    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." __Mark Twain

    Cheating how ? You only say cheating cheating but you haven’t prove anything .

    “Magnus moves his knight to g3”

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    Anand how do i expose him ..oh I'll let him win ,let him explain himself

    How the hell was it cheating in the first one boo hoo he lied about being an amateur

    How come he branded a cheater if he's getting the right moves against the GM. 😂 GMs are such crybabies if luck is out of their hands

    "as he keeps looking at the side" Don't tell that to twitch streamers they'll lose their mind and call you stupid for thinking something so ridiculous when they are clearly just looking at chat

    I'm sorry I don't exactly understand but how do you cheat in chess?

    Imagine being a billionaire and cheating at online chess, absolutely no life.

    Richard Rapport has some of best and most creative opening repertoires of any GM and he even helped Ding Liren prep for the world championship

    Nikhil probably Nicked the business idea too 😂😂😂

    Maybe he is just good. Wtf lmao bunch of cry babies 😂

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