When Chess Cheaters Get Caught

Chess cheaters have been an ongoing issue for a while, so in this video we’ll be showing moments where these chess cheaters get caught during the act.


Note: Richard Rapport in thumbnail is not a cheater, just needed a thumbnail that was over the board
(Sorry in advance)

%1$ Comments144

    Well magnus win he play defensive.. xD while moving fast.. because player that cheat need wait to their engine to play next move or finding move so wasting alot of time there.. lol

    How can you know if they are cheating and are not actually good, or if they are just in the process of climbing from elo hell

    Wait what if the 900 rated account was just an alt account of some grand master

    "He plays better than I think he should, so he is cheating."

    Me not knowing anything about chess: Yes.. I seeπŸ€”

    Is it considered cheating if you're a +2000 rated player, passing yourself off as a beginner for money? Basically like hustling pool, but for chess. Cuz i know in pool, although its frowned upon its not really against the rules. You just might get tuned up in the parking lot.

    To calculate how much money per person there is in the world, we can divide the total amount of money (approximately $37.474 trillion USD) by the total global population (7.888 billion): Total money / Total population = Money per person $37.474 trillion / 7.888 billion = approximately $4,747.16 USD per person.

    Greats beat cheating. If you cant beat the best ai youre not great. You are just good relatively which doesnt matter cosmically.

    Anyone looking at a 2nd screen is cheating. It's the same in video games.

    Can't really get why a player is called cheater if he plays good

    So just because someone out smarted you their a cheater lol

    Imagine working your whole life and achieving the near impossoble of becoming a billionaire only to be famous and known for cheating at chess during a charity event…

    Stockfish can beat Magnus. SF with human latency, not so much.

    He might be there to just promote zerodha, the online stock broker site.

    "When you cheat others, you're really cheating yourself." -Guybrush Threepwood

    Can someone explain to me how can you cheat in this game? I dont get it

    How are u cheating if u win a fair played game lol

    But chest master diddent really win tho ! He won on time not the game ! A lusers way of winning ! πŸ˜…

    I don’t think he was cheating, the champion just can’t take losing. Looking at the play there is no evidence but a ranking.

    Pls be vegan animals also have lifes Radhe Radhe

    Wow, a billionaire using fraudulent methods to win in life, never happened before.

    why would a cheater's time run out though?

    I didn't get the first one why is the unnamed guy a cheater he just made a fake account that's all right or is he using hacks ?

    Just because u better that make it cheating what ??

    i know most billionaires are sociopaths

    but how is nikhil that stupid

    bro we can obviously see you looking

    The guy using stockfish to try and beat magnus didn't lose because stockfish is worse than magnus. He lost because it was taking him too much time to look up the next move and play it. Magnus already had those moves in his head so he doesn't need to consult a bot to make his moves. His moves were much faster so he won on time

    Understand that this definition of "cheating" does not mean illegal moves. It means a player claims a lower raking when in fact that person has a much better standing.

    Bro if alexander was cheating why didnt he have enough time….. I see cheaters have more time

    Ajju bhai should be in this list πŸ˜‚

    The best cheater so far was the vibro-butt guy.

    Didn’t know you could cheat your way to becoming a billionaire in India. πŸ˜…

    Thumbnail is missleading dont put real life chess on your thumbnail if youre gonna show online chess.

    Bros probably a grandmaster that decided to troll people by lowering his rating or playing on an alt that has low ratingπŸ˜‚

    Magnus is the real deal. He can defeat any hackers to ever exist.

    Anand really did the best thing …. If he had won the game, it wouldnt have made headlines, it'd be just another win for the GM…. But the fact that a 400 rated player defeated a 5 time world champion is what made the site look into it more carefully, exposing thr cheater!!! Which was important since it was a billionaire in a charity event!

    I love watching chess matches while displaying various faces and making it look like I know what the hell is going on.

    the only way to win against a GM being a poor player is cheating. It will be an honor to play a 3 minutes with a GM master, even if they destroy your games in few moves.


    I played chess, 12 times.
    I did not win.

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