Why did Magnus Carlsen SMILE? #shorts

Pragg’s first draw against Magnus Carlsen in Classical Chess! 😍

Video: ChessBase India

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%1$ Comments196

    prag would have won if he had moved queen to H1 but on the digital one, the board,s king placement of magnus is not same on the digital, theres a mistake on digital,,

    why not h1 check and took the queen isn't it a win?

    Pragg has the chance to checkmate after eating the MANTRI

    The online screen showed that Magnus's king went to the white square. But that is wrong, as it would be a skewer

    Why praggananda don't give his queen on h1 and give the king check and when the king move then pragg can takes magnus queen

    Prag was winning 😢 he could skewer the king and queen and win it !

    pragg should take his queen to h1 ,its winning game.

    When the white king went to E4 couldn't black give a check on H1 and win the queen ?

    The position at board is different and on the analysis is different🧐

    But Qh1 black can simply win😅
    Does anyone also seen?

    Qh1 and win the game why draw at last

    Why pragg not played h1 and grab the queen at end????

    The "goat" couldnt win a wc

    Why didn't Pragg play Qh1+ he could've had the queen and won…

    After magnus puts king to e4 why didn't pragg go for queen to h1?

    what if pragg stepped his king aside by saving his pawn which to be promoted to queen

    Magnus carlsen smile because pragg missed the opportunity to ate his queen and offers him a draw

    Pragg could win by putting the queen at the corner. Bro wtf 😂

    That last move by magnus was a blunder

    The digital board had shown wrong😅

    After Magnus e4 if pragg had did queen to h1 pragg had won the match

    Why pragg did not place his king on g8, then moved his pawn to f1 then he can easily take his queen and be possible to win the game

    Magnus was loosing by ther skewer but legend prag offered a draw

    I don't understand this because why its a draw when black queen can go to h1

    why prag offer draw? he can take his queen?z

    Next video: Why did magnus breathe?

    After draw , kings put on opposite color boxs.
    But magnus put prag's king ko white which indicates whites win but actually its draw.😊

    Bro he can simply take wold champions Queen 😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😮😮😮❤❤❤❤

    Bruh pragg is winning and that king move is a blunder bcs he can bring the queen to h1 and that's a win

    Well isnt it wrong in digital board because magnus made blunder by that move as queen is taken,so please correct it

    The Digital board is actually wrong…
    See on the real board magnus moved his king to e3 not e4 so it was a clear draw

    The world is going to remember the little kid from India named 'Pragg' for a long time. 🔥

    Magnus Carlsen breathes
    World : look he breathes, he is like us

    That's because he placed the kings on the white square while the game was a draw🤝🏼, so the kings had to be placed face to face. Kings on white square means white won the game.😅😅😅

    Queen h8 when the king moves in the e4 square?

    Prag didn't find out that at last before draw if prag. Put the queen on h1 check then he can take the queen and win the game

    i didnt understand why Prug didnt moved his queen to H1 it was a winning match for him.

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