Why I’m done with chess

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%1$ Comments220

    22:00 im flabbergasted .My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined

    In a billion years i couldn't have imagined that it would end that way🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

    It was beautiful, really, it's painful, but absolutely amazing. Something that you couldn't see on your high rank. So sometimes you need to dive deep straight to the bottom to find such gems)

    You are sacrificing the bishop not only for the 2 pawns and the knight but also for the element of surprise! We are playing this on an emotional lvl as well.No one expects the spanish inquisition!!!

    the end was so unexpected that i needed surgery done to fix my detached jaw.

    Leavy never fales to do talk about chess and memes and clickbait

    Be happy, think not what chess can do for you but rather what you can do for chess.
    We love your videos.

    Levy inspired me to start my own Chess Journey, I'm at like 300 ELO but even I can tell these moves are ridiculous.

    Levy never fails to not be done with chess after being done with chess

    to be honest im not a fan of clickbait and even he tryed to sell it even further in the begining Levy is done or is quiting chess is nothing more then a meme by now… still it was a fun match and he could have pointed out more that the takeing the queen was even forced and only by promote the pawn to knight or bishop he would not have won so basicly he forced him to checkmate him. reminds me of a game from someone i cant recall the name.. playing against a bot that always did the worst move according to stockfish and he managed to lose.

    Bros about to delete his chess account💀

    I was waiting for black to lose. Then I just couldn’t see how at all.

    But then…

    WTF WTF WTF is this I am leaving this Planet I am Done

    the probability for black to lose there was literally 1/infinity XDDD

    Clickbait title is as expected just 💩 the game though, the game was golden

    Fartin Luther King. Martins smellier descendent

    The actual worst possible move – having mate in 1 but forcing the opponent to play mate in 1 instead

    22:02 you definitely could have held this look for about 30s while we all appreciated the magnificence of what just happened!

    21:47 What pawn is that? 😭 fgh are just standing at home squares 💀

    I bet these two players have never figured out that white won and black lost it!
    They simply expected a mating move for black and it suddenly happened! So they are living their life thinking that Cactus lost a game to FLK😂😂

    I clicked, I paused, I read comments. Because I knew it's just a clickbait

    Request: Please also cover more intermediate ELO games. Like the one you covered about a 1600 playing 5 brilliant moves in a row.

    Bro low elo chess is like 1 move puzzle rush and it is so fun! Because you do 1 move and that's it! In your next turn you'll assume that this is a new puzzle!

    Honestly, I would add this variation in chess game modes if I could to give anyone experience as a 400elo player. For example, by adding some uncertainty on the moves. Like if you move a piece to a certain square with some chance it lands on the squares in its vicinity! Then players cannot plan for future moves and are forced to play chess like a 400 elo😅

    DUDE! I was watching the whole video with the mindset of "they are new", "they are learning", "they are 10 years old, we shouldn't judge" but when i watched the ending, i literally chocked with my coffee!

    I find his video more funny than intresting 😂

    ngl that ending was not what expected literally

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