Why The Botez Sisters Split Up

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%1$ Comments84

    Levy you have some beautiful eyes, please pin me😩

    Esoteric would work in that circumstance ?

    2:41 I didn’t know that bro played overwatch, I learn new things about Levy every day

    Thank god for the vid.
    Its been almost 20 minutee since ive got my feed spammed with the Botez'.

    Perhaps… ephemeral, sublime, minuscule… instead of mercurial in that particular context, sir?

    "consuming content". Yeah. I'm consuming the content of this glass right now. Also I'm watching your video.

    Gotham do a chess event with Tyler1 pls

    Every video of gothem starts as if it is an apology video


    The word you were looking for is enigmatic not mercurial 😊

    I usually don't like drama, but this isn't within my relationship so I'm all for it this time.

    I’m pretty sure you meant “dubious” gofam.

    I have a suspicion that bishop D5 was a huge blunder…..

    I only know how to play Tracer ever since I got Overwatch in the first week of release 2016. IDK how playing anything else doesn't get boring. I can't play any other unit for the life of me. Tracer is the only reason I even started to play FPS more. I never really played much shooter games before. I play RPG and RTS.

    Also the most common linguistic issue I see in come videos is butchering/abuse of "literally". Which is a failsafe word. But I don't recall seeing it from this channel.

    Andrea played very well for so long, but at the end she had little time in a complex position. But if she keeps this up her sister needs to up her game as well to remain unbeaten!

    If magnus struggles 1 every 50 then im 50 every 1

    Bro, I've been watching your content for several years now and realised you're actually a funny mf bro. Thanks for the great advice, chess lessons and laughs bro for real.

    Maybe the word you were looking for is "esoteric"

    levy, what about handsome chess players who have absolutely poop elo, like 800-1000 level… but like, socially apt and definitely handsome!?!?!??

    Hey Gotham,I am 344 elo,but i beat the 1000 bot does this make me strong like a 1000 elo player or is the bot stupid,btw I didn't use any help from the computer

    Unsubscribing… I can no longer support such shameless clickbaiting, the Botez sisters did not split up!

    Please do the boys version of this but also invite all the ladies 😉

    Calling the Paul brothers gentlemen is a little too nice

    The game of Alexandra Botez and Anna Cramling was realy good to.

    Levy saying we need a hobby, our hobby is Chess!

    Thanks Levy, I really needed the mental image of Hikaru, Magnus, Kramnick, and Nieman in booty shorts fighting each other over a garden hose first thing in the morning. 🤣😂🤣

    levy on his homelander arc milking the botez sisters

    Coach once used his lack of advancement past the 3rd rank and now he sees it everywhere. Coach GM Arturs is owed so much

    Dude insta corrected himself to football when he said soccer, how can you not love him

    chess the most majestic female commentator

    What’s the odds of someone starting chess mid 30’s and becoming a gm? Has anyone

    Why would I care about some sisters "breaking up" and from Gotham. Who the FCK cares. Don't milk for content. Be better.

    " A tournament with handsome, young, muscular chess players? So you're saying this is yet another tournament you won't be playing in?

    Maybe Levy meant murky instead of me mercurial?

    What are these Overwatch references???!!!?!?!?!!

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