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%1$ Comments276

    The exchange French is what you play if you eat plain vanilla ice cream

    It's crazy how obvious some of the lines seem when you're shown the solution, but 100% guarantee I'd never find them in my own games

    7:38 its actually funny bc when I watched hikaru's analysis on this game the reason he took time at Rxf5 is because he saw Qd7

    Itz neva like t game that was played, he is playing himself instead of showing what he ought to play on this video t tournament game no12 bt instead lol fook he is not showing t game play no12 fook

    Last game black with that pawn push and then putting that in my knights corner table is showing a little bit of how your to play but I don't like the way the queen side looks❤😊

    I NEED YOUTUBE PREMIUM FOR 1080p 💀💀💀💀 wtf happened to youtube??

    Guys do u think Hikaru is going to spoil his chances just like the last candidates against Ding in the last round

    Game 6 yes yes man now just like the king in lake town said I say unto you welcome,wow black is in my theory lines but there is different variations of it and he used one square knight bird,donnas bird and castled the other way ,he is so close from just looking at it and I don't have the details on this game but he's definitely on the right track❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

    Nahhh, getting sponsored by better help is crazy. If I remember correctly they were the same company a couple years ago where you didn't even have to have any qualification to go one there and become a "therapist"…

    Bro, german/austrian bread and pastries are superior.

    Mythical Fighter Unlocked: Back Against the Wall Hikaru

    Hey Levy, love your Alexander McQueen crew-neck!!!🙌

    BetterHelp is a scam, you deserve better sponsors

    When I hear alireza is a Frenchman, all of the sadness in the world, comes to my heart

    It looks like game 5 black had the right ideal but to scrappy in the opening and to quick to castle the other way😊

    Hikaru said once that Levy had the same possibilities to become a GM as himself becoming the World Champion😂 so we may see Levy becoming GM afterall😊!

    What a set up for the final two days. They are gonna be intense!!! Can't wait

    23 min 33 sec, i kinda find it funny… when Levy have said long time a go at "beginner level" it's 9/10 better to move knight upwards and not backward, and on this position backwards wins the game. I am not saying this is beginner level. But i find it funny. 😀

    Now I so the end of the first game and and now I see the thought process for the whole game❤😊

    STOP SPONSORING BETTERHELP… !!!! They provide UNQUALIFIED therapists and they'll probably be under lot of lawsuits in near future. First crypto and now this…. WHY does levy always gets the shadiest of scammy Sponsors….

    Oh by the way black was better to push the bishop pawn than put bishop on d7 there is a total theory that can go into processing ❤😊

    Update: Hikaru did indeed see this variation.

    Game one with blacks opening pawn push ,there is a greater meaning in how to play chess like this and it was done before chess computers and truly a meaning and a reason to play in a way that a computer does not understand but only the programer could put into this action but like said a computer is a hog and as it keeps looking ,it's learning, but for chess it was always there ready to be found❤

    Levy never fails to take a sponsorship from a morally bankrupt company

    What is very clear about these candidates is that high-level chess is much more than a mental game; it's a game of emotional intelligence. The many ups and downs in numerous matches are demonstrating this. All possess a technical level of excellence, but the ability to manage emotions during crucial moments of the game is proving to be the major competitive differentiator. And this is where we see why Magnus Carlsen is far above all of them… none of these 'dramatic' situations would be capable of destabilizing Carlsen… It serves as a warning that in addition to team preparations, openings, engines, etc., emotional and psychological preparation is necessary for the players…

    I swear i said to myself i will not sit for 30 minutes this time yet still watched all.(except woman no offense).

    worst YouTuber in the world I will tell my brother that loves chess to unsubscribe worst YouTuber

    very good vid but why better help sponsorship man?

    BetterHelp is very expensive. I clicked on the link, made an account and went up to the payment page but when I saw the charges I was flabbergasted. ₹28000 for 4 weeks of therapy is too much. Better to talk to ChatGPT and follow the instructions. It also suggested me some books which I torrent downloaded and seeding. Free stuff is available on the internet but the only problem is accountability. If you've the balls and do what it takes to be done then you are the LEGEND!

    Aside from the promotion stuff, Levy your content is amazing. The way you explain each opening & position with impromptu emotions & feelings, that is something which chess players experience it in their head but can't express it visually like you do. I recently purchased your paperback book also from Amazon India. I have to say it is the most expensive chess book that I ever purchased. Although I have learnt most of the stuff in the book from a number of chess YouTubers over the past 5-6 years but I had nothing in one place which I could go back and recall the concepts. I use your book as a reference guide.

    Keep up the good work you do. I pray that someday you become a Grandmaster. I also have the same goal. My life will be complete the day I achieve that and I believe you will help in the path with your videos.

    Thank you Levy for all that you do. God bless you bro!

    Felt like Gotham didn’t understand hikis position, didn’t explain the themes correct like the a pawn

    Dude, cold water on a hot day is painful. Instant stomach cramps, and it’ll slow you down.

    "Thrilling, edge-of-your-seat final, expected in world chess tournement!"

    Confusing news headlines 5 years ago.

    Levy: no butter, no jam, no preservatives
    me: wait what preservatives!?

    What the fuck did hikaru did after the 6th round??? how's he up at top??

    when 3 players are tied for first place, why is gukesh first, hikaru second etc..? how are the ranks decided?

    hikaru and alireza game was russian roulett

    What happens if multiple players have the same score after round 14?

    Thank you for that random Miles Jury vs. Cowboy Cerrone reference 😆🤘 Such a legendary combo!!

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