You Can Win 90% Games With This Opening Against 1.d4

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares a powerful chess opening for Black against 1.d4: the Dutch Defense, which arises after 1.d4 f5.

This video is a continuation of an earlier lesson, and GM Smirnov will show you the most common ideas for Black, attacking patterns, and middlegame plans, so that you’re fully equipped with the knowledge to defeat 1.d4.

The main advantage of this variation is that it’s an opening system; it does not depend on specific moves by White. Instead, Black can play a system of moves regardless of White’s responses and still achieve a strong attacking position.

► Chapters

00:00 Dutch Defense Chess Opening For Black Against 1.d4
01:08 1) Exchange the White Knight after they castle
02:05 2) Strong Knight on e4
02:25 3) Rook Lift – common attacking idea
03:20 4) Developing the Queenside Knight to d7
03:49 5) Most common mistake by White
05:50 6) Brilliant Queen Sacrifice Checkmate
08:29 Puzzle of the day
09:55 7) Dealing with White’s Queenside attack
12:04 8) Double Knightmare Attack
13:03 Final step of the attack – BREAK OPEN
14:20 Kasparov’s tip to evaluate your attack
17:54 9) Do NOT accept White’s pawn sacrifice
20:27 10) Eliminating White’s f3-Knight

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%1$ Comments44

    There are many different moves from white and this system will not work. White can play Staunton gambit (2. e4) or immediatelly 2. Bg5 or 2. g3 with fianchetto of bishop to g2 etc. or solid system against Dutch with 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. Bg5.

    e5 dxe5 dxe5 wins one way or another either Bf4, Bd3 of Nf3 for a pwan: If the Bishop retreats: e4, only way to stop that would have been Nxe5 Nxe5 and again a Bishop for a pawn

    Please tell how to play this system when white does not play Nc3❤❤❤❤

    Im 1600 on lichess and opponents like never play those moves as white after d4. And it seems like always very easy game for white, but black always have problem what to do with black bishop and second knight.

    I would play Bxf3 in the POD, because I think it’s a high chance white will recapture with the g-pawn, doubling the pawns in the f-file (only option I see if white doesn’t wants to loose a knight for free) and then throw in Qg6 and the only “reasonable” moves for white is either Kh1 or Bg3. Nh5 traps the dark squared bishop in both lines.

    Whenever i play D4 and someone plays f5. I can usually fast enough play Nc3 and pawn e4 and play that position out with good results. Why is white d4 and e4 being the only line explored? Is it the best course of action for white? I can even see a fiachetto on king side for white taking people out of prep

    at 22:40 you can take the pawn empassont and sac the queen. if bishop capture the queen, then pawn h2 check forcing the king to take as the bishop covers the escape squares. Then rook take bishop h5, kg1, then rook h1 is mate. The queen cant be taken if pawn takes pawn empassont!

    I was getting beat bad by d4 this morning this is perfect

    NO IGOR! Everyytime, my opponent plays 9. a3. Every time and blows this concept!
    Please explain. Tabby 7-15-2024.

    What tô do IF White plays d5, closing the diagonal?

    Please show how to beat the London with the Dutch❤️

    I love to play the Stonewall as white, and this is quite similar in structure with the aggressive f-pawn move, so thumbs up on this video.

    Diagonal is correctly pronounced D-eye-agonal not Deeagonal

    Could you please do a video on dutch sidelines, such as Raphael variation, hopton attack, staunton gambit etc. 🙏I would greatly appreciate it!🙏

    Queen h5 is not a bad move since after pawn h4 and en passant it would be a force checkmate

    This opening has many problems and it is bad to not show them, some examples:
    a) 4. a3 before your bishop-pin forces you to a passive structure…
    b) 2.Nc3 followed by 3.Bg5 with e4 in mind is very strong…
    c) 3.g3 playing like a Catalan gets you in disconfort…

    Nice, informative! I used it a lot, as a nice surprise opening esp. at lower level. I liked esp. to play the Leningrad variation (1 ….f5, 2 …Nf6, 3 …g6). But only thing: 1. …f5, 2. e4 and 1 …f5, 2. Bg5. Then the surprise suddenly is with white,. So best is 1 …e6, bu then you mest have a good answer to the French defense.

    Is daily puzzle …Nc5 and if takes then e5 Bg3 e4? And if not then we plant on e4 and enjoy the outpost?

    At 22:29 , I think that black can still sacrifice the queen by en passant capture of the pawn. So after the bishop captures the queen on h5 , black will play h2 check , then king captures h2 (forced) , then Rxh5 check , then Kg1 forced , then finally Rh1# (checkmate)

    Remote Chess Academy Respect Button ✅

    Thank you so much for your videos igor, I have a question, can you make a video on the grunfeld?

    So what do we do if white plays the london system or anything that doesnt put the knight out for us to pin?

    Could you also make a video about the same system where white second move is fianchetto the light square bishop on g2
    I struggle when they do it

    Master igor could you make a video about this dutch system but the opponent plays the london system

    Hey Igor! Question, do you have any suggestions when i get hit with their dark bishop out to G5 early pinning my dutch knight on F6 to my queen..i get hit with this pin almost every dutch game i play and i dont wanna push the kingside pawns cus i feel that weakens me in the long run , so im not sure best approach for that pin when playing Dutch.. anyone have any tips for this?

    2.g3 prevents Black from fianchettoing the queen's bishop ánd from developing the king's bishop to b4.

    Hopton Attack and Rafael variation: Imma end this whole man’s career

    This is the extended version of the video that you have posted last month which I loved it but not has all the variation.This video completes the last month video

    This doesn't have that winrate white has better position scince he would be lead in devolpment

    What if your opponent attacks the bishop really early to nullify the pin?

    I never understood those comments about the bots but now that im early, i Can see why people were complaining

    Nimzo Indian with different move order

    Igor….You need to make a chessable course.

    basically the nimzo indian with ne4 but a different move order

    ► Chapters

    00:00 Dutch Defense Chess Opening For Black Against 1.d4

    01:08 1) Exchange the White Knight after they castle

    02:05 2) Strong Knight on e4

    02:25 3) Rook Lift – common attacking idea

    03:20 4) Developing the Queenside Knight to d7

    03:49 5) Most common mistake by White

    05:50 6) Brilliant Queen Sacrifice Checkmate

    08:29 Puzzle of the day

    09:55 7) Dealing with White's Queenside attack

    12:04 8) Double Knightmare Attack

    13:03 Final step of the attack – BREAK OPEN

    14:20 Kasparov's tip to evaluate your attack

    17:54 9) Do NOT accept White's pawn sacrifice

    20:27 10) Eliminating White's f3-Knight

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