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%1$ Comments288

    I will not stand for 5Ds slander in this house

    It’s kinda funny to think that the knight that it spawned caused the final checkmate to be possible

    oooh, chatgpt providing chess moves to other bots now 💀🤣

    Levy, you forgot the "Get outta here!"

    I kind of like the idea of respawning pieces, sort of a Doom Nightmare difficulty where every dead piece has a chance each turn to respawn on their starting square if the square is open. Make it so that the stronger the piece is, the less likely it will respawn. Could be a fun gimmick gamemode.

    Agent Point Dexter from Daredevil ✨✨

    That was insane but your talent showed here, Levy.
    Well played!❤

    That Duolingo in the corner 👁️
    Play ChatGPT against this bot

    I love how you realized the meta behind how it was materializing pieces out of the 7th dimension and played accordingly. You will do well when AGI is achieved. =]

    Ok I got it now let me edge to this

    chatgpt : finally a worthy opponent ! 😏

    The moment Levy moves the pieces manually, I have already seen where this vid is going.

    Tbh I’m sick of these videos where the “bot” is permitted to cheat infinitely, there’s no stakes and the whole video is basically the same joke “haha bot stupid doesn’t know how to play/rules” over and over.. first one or two videos based on this concept were tolerable but it’s just gotten super stale and boring

    Another video in Gotham's " AI is taking over the world " Series…

    You were about to be wiped out in a Snap.

    Maybe it's a chatgpt but in early stages of developing

    It ignores the rules of chess when it wants to and follows it when it has to … someone apparently has combined Martin Bot with ChatGPT. That's why we need ethics oversight in Computer Sciences, too.

    as an advise it's better to see you playing with the bot instead of showing how did you play against it… but all over is good thanks ❤

    I am genuinely terrified by pieces coming out of the fourth dimension and sacrificing themselves for no reason

    We need a lore “how levi lost to a treadmill“

    Idea: Play a bot that always plays the second best move.

    Is it just me or his hair is growing?

    Lets call that bot Chewbacca. He can do whatever he wants because if he gets upset, he'd rip your arms off. 🙂 (It's a Star Wars reference, kids. look it up)

    Gotham's videos vary wildly, from interesting to plain dumb.
    This is the latter.

    Did you try jumping your pieces?

    Me I wonder if I can castle my queen; FBI OPEN UP!!

    You'd need to convince me that magnus-the-goat needs further inspiration.

    Snapchat AI look like gpt 3.5 retard cousin

    I feel like i lost elos just watching this

    Haven't watched the video yet but "0 Elo chess bot" sounds terrifying considering that Mittens has 1 Elo.

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